Stand up for your 2A rights - BOYCOTT T.G.I. Fridays!!

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I went to a Friday's at Rittenhouse Dr in Midlothain, VA (Outside Richmond) for dinner, as I've done on many occasions. Shortly after being seated I was asked to leave as I was carry an UNconcleaed weapon (VA low prohibits concealed weapons in an establishment that serves alcohol). The manager pointed to the door, which clearly stated "concealed weapons are prohibited".

At this point I asked him for his regional managers’ information. Well, since it was late I waited till today to start shaking things up. I received a call back from an executive at UNITED RESTAURANTS GROUP; his # was 804-747-7102. (His name was possibly William Vaughn (Don't quote me on that)

To some up what he stated (which was very ignorant at best...) is that if people carried guns in to the premesis that there will be a problem eventually if everyone carried. (Evidently we don't have self control or the intellect to know that the use of our handguns is merely a last resort in protecting ourselves).

He was ANTI gun all the way, and very ignorant about them at best. He was very uneducated, and obviously thinks that people who carry guns are quicker to answer problems with their guns than anything else.

I've put a call in to the company which owns the Friday's name, and still haven't received a call, but will keep ya'll posted.

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that makes me wonder about michigan law, are any of the places that are prohibited to CCW carriers also prohibited to open carry? something to look into I guess.
I'm already boycotting it myself, I'm just spreading the word. We all have the capacity to choose what we wish to do. If one establishment after another tramples on our rights, where will we eventualy be able to carry? In the streets?

I'm also in the process as I said with contacting corporate to get this rectified, going above the heads of the franchise. Of course, if the franchise doesn't want to allow guns, I'm sure that's their right. Just should change their signage so I don't waste my time waiting for a table, or even driving over there.
TGIF sells alcohol on site for consumption.

Can't carry there anyways, at least in AZ. Not sure about most other states with restaurant/bar carry.
VA allows carry, just not concealed in places which serve alcohol. Currently there is some political batteling going on that hopes to bring back allowing concealed to places which serve alcohol.
This is what I found for Michigan.

It is unlawful to possess a firearm in a financial institution, church, court, school, hospital, theater, sports arena, restaurant with a liquor or alcohol license or day care center.

Since it states possess, I'd take that as both concealed and unconcealed.
If one establishment after another tramples on our rights,

Does he trample on our rights or do we trample on his?

The Constitution is based on personal freedoms - EVERYONE'S, including the store owner who doesn't want guns in his establishment. Our rights stop where his begin.

Now, before anyone takes me wrong - I firmly believe in my right to carry a handgun. However, I also believe in a person having the right to deny me when I'm on their property. It's my say-so what happens on my property, TGIF has the same right.

Boycotting MIGHT have an effect - IF there are enough gun-toters to affect TGIF's profits. I kinda doubt there are.

What WILL have an effect is to lobby your state legislators to change the law.

I do feel for you and understand you not wanting to patronize TGIF. That is your right. Me? I weigh how much I like/need the goods/services a business offers and make my decision based on that. Some places I won't enter. With some businesses I simply take my gun off and leave it in the car - respecting their rights.

BTW - Do you intend to never go to a physician, hospital or other medical agency if you are sick or injured? Can't carry your gun in those places, either.
+1 to keltyke
they have every right to tell us no, just as we have every right to go to a benigans, or ruby tuesdays or what ever else instead. they all seem the same to me, kind of like a lcp and a p3at (oh I think I just made some enemies:p)
I've always boycotted them.... me likes good food. Besides, this is sunny California... no need for a weapon here... what with all the law-abiding, friendly and peace-lovin' folks.
BTW - Do you intend to never go to a physician, hospital or other medical agency if you are sick or injured? Can't carry your gun in those places, either.
Perhaps where you live but certainly not where I live. Not all states have the same carry restrictions.
Keltyke is right. Any owner of private property is allowed to say this is what I'll accept on my property and this is what I won't. That owner can use verbal communication or written, whichever they choose. The day that we are no longer allowed to say "Not in my house" to the government, general public or anyone else (besides someone else that can lay equal or greater claim to the property in question) we are all screwed.

Does that mean you should eat there? That is up to you and everyone else to decide.

As for me, I rarely eat out, CCW's don't allow you to carry in an alcohol serving establishment, nor can you OC in an establishment that serves alcohol in this state. So it really doesn't apply to me. I don't like the idea though, FWIW.
Keltyke is right.
Yup.... but his position wouldn't be the most popular one on this here freedom loving board. We've had some pretty spirited debate on the subject, including various polls and seems the majority here feel their right to carry trumps the property rights of business owners.

I'm still bruised and battered from some of those discussions. :)
Yup.... but his position wouldn't be the most popular one on this here freedom loving board.

Some of those "freedom" lovers need to understand one thing: As provided by the same Constitution that they seem to love to throw in anyone's face who disagrees with their choices, your rights cease where another's begin.
In NC I can't carry there anyway as they serve alcohol, though there's a bill pending to change that law.

That being said, I choose to boycott TGI Fridays based on their crappy food and horrible service (at least at the one I ate at here several years ago.......haven't been back).
Some of those "freedom" lovers need to understand one thing: As provided by the same Constitution that they seem to love to throw in anyone's face who disagrees with their choices, your rights cease where another's begin.

The problem is that TGIF is not willing to guarantee my safety while I am unarmed on their premises. I would gladly disarm at their request if they could guarantee my safety. Until they can do that, I will not disarm. Instead, I will just not patronize their business.

So, who's rights begin where again?
Different Behavior, Different States

In Florida, it is legal to carry any place that is not a straight bar (i.e. no food sold). If booze is sold in a place, you can imbibe at your dinner table, but can not carry in the part of the place that is set up as a bar.

Saying that, you would be surprised the restrurants in other states (TGI Fridays being one of them) that I eat in down here that give people grief in other states. Maybe it is because we want to lighten the wallets, purses and credit cards of the touristias, or maybe it is because we have had concealed carry here for 20 years, and it is part of the social fabric.
You didn't point out that you weren't carrying concealed, but in the open? If it was concealed he would have never seen it.

A while back in N.VA several patrons were in Champs eating firearms exposed and someone called the police saying they have "Guns". Police came and nothing happened as this is perfectly legal.
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