I have only had squibs (Yes more than one) when I did not pay close attention to my case prep. I cleaned them as I always do but did not dry them as I was anxious to load some rounds up. Rule one for me now is to never be in a hurry when reloading.
The moister caused a few (3-4) before I stopped and pulled 300 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Lesson was a big one. I was shooting my AR and had I been a few mags into the shooting session I may have been in rapid fire mode and that would have been crappy!
The moister caused a few (3-4) before I stopped and pulled 300 rounds of 5.56 ammo. Lesson was a big one. I was shooting my AR and had I been a few mags into the shooting session I may have been in rapid fire mode and that would have been crappy!