something new: you must be an nra member to see their grades

When the Gestapo breaks into your home in the middle of the night,and terrorizes you and your family,looking to confiscate your firearms,You can thank your NON-N.R.A. Member gun owning friends! For not joining the the fight against the ANTI GUN, ANTI FREEDOM,ANTI AMERICAN,POLITICOS!!!!
As stated by another, IF YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION, YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!! I'll know I did my part, did you ?
N.R.A. Life Member.
"If you are a true believer in the Second Amendment $35.00 is a cheap investment in protecting it. I don't see eyeball to eyeball with the NRA on 100% of the agenda. However, I do get a vote in the leadership."

I was amazed to learn that he makes $1 Million per year.

Must have picked the little factoid from the Gun Guys site....they inflated the number a tad.

The latest form 990 for 2004 indicated that his compensation was $633,823.00 and his contributions to the pension plan and deferred compensation was $258,343.00 That would come to $892,166.00 which was probably way less that 1% of the NRA's expenses.

However you would expect Mr. LaPierre to have an enormous expense account wouldnt you? His expense account was $3,371.00

If you do the doesnt hit the $1,000,000 mark.

A lobbyist of Mr. LaPierre's caliber could easily get a $2 million or more deal on K street.

According to the AFL-CIO the average CEO salary package for an S&P 500 Company was $15.06 million. Seems to me Mr. LaPierre is a tad underpaid.
Every gun owner should be a member of the NRA, as flawed and politically correct as that organization is. It can't hurt; it can only help. I highly recommend joining the GOA as well.

However, no one should make the mistake of thinking that the NRA, the GOA, or any other political organization is the final bulwark against the loss of gun rights. Our guns and our personal courage are that final bulwark, as well as the final check on government power.

I've said it before and I'll say it again because it cannot be stressed enough: You have NO rights that you are not willing to personally and physically fight, kill, and even die for if need be -- even if you're the only one doing so. Everything else is a privilege granted to you by your masters.

Again: The NRA is not the final defender of your gun rights; your guns are.
NRA membership really should be a requirement for being a gun owner. I don't care if you only own a single hunting rifle, or a bunch of EBRs and handguns. Anti gun forces want to ban them all.

And for those who complain about the mailings and don't want to be bothered to get on the do not promote list, you don't have to be a member to DONATE to the NRA. Send a donation online to the NRA-ILA by going to this link, and know that your money is going directly towards fighting for gun rights.
Shotgun, my point was just that information can be used against as well as for. No attempt to make further analogy. I'm wondering here if perhaps the NRA might have discovered DU or someone else mining their site.
Every gun owner should be a member of the NRA, as flawed and politically correct as that organization is. It can't hurt; it can only help. I highly recommend joining the GOA as well.

Have you joined a computer club yet? If not, your a freeloader and I'm going to take your computer away. On a diferent note how would you feel if every person of retirement age was required to join the AARP? After all we can't have freeloaders.....
Shotgun Minister: I believe you are quoting the wrong person. I have never called anyone a "freeloader" for not being an NRA member. I've simply stated my opinion that all gun owners should be members of the NRA (or at least donate something, as Matt B suggested).
If you cant donate anything spend a few minutes e-mailing your represenatives.....:D

The reason I belong to the NRA is because my e-mails added to a NRA person paying a visit personally to the represenatives and reminding them about the next election helps to reinforce the behavior I desire.
Have you joined a computer club yet? If not, your a freeloader and I'm going to take your computer away. On a diferent note how would you feel if every person of retirement age was required to join the AARP? After all we can't have freeloaders.....

There's not loads of well funded special interest groups lobbying to legislate your computer away.

This is a constant struggle between those who would love to confiscate your weapons and those who are lobbying to protect your rights. If you enjoy the right to own guns, pay up*.

* And as Eghad said, that payment doesn't need to be financial either. If every gun owner took the time to regularly write and call their representatives, we would be in a much better political situation.
There's not loads of well funded special interest groups lobbying to legislate your computer away.

This is a constant struggle between those who would love to confiscate your weapons and those who are lobbying to protect your rights. If you enjoy the right to own guns, pay up*.
There's not loads of well funded special interest groups lobbying to legislate your computer away.
You willing to bet the farm on that? Everytime one turns around the govt. is trying to pass a law that would restrict the 1st on the web. All in the name a "decent" content though. Did it occur to you that several places off the top of my head (and more if I stop to think) have there computer content software set to ban gun related sites. And that's only one of the mention organizations. If you are retired are you a member of AARP?
Point of correction, SM: Nanny software that won't allow gun sites is anti-gun software. It is not banning computers.

Nor does proposed legislation that limits blogging (as a news source) during the election cycle have anything to do with banning computers.

Both of the above are internet things and do not directly or even indirectly inhibit the use of a computer anywhere but within the internet. Apples and lumps of coal.

Back on topic (as we have wandered very far), has anyone actually heard the reasons why the NRA has made this info, "members only?"
nada.. I went to check it out but didnt feel like logging in. I did send an e-mail to see if a link was available if I get an answer I will post it.
who knows

facts: the NRA in 1934 agreed to the 1934 law rather than have pistols banned.I have been a member since 1939 and in 1960 became a life member and in 2001 a endowment member. I get $900 amonth SS.I dont want you crabbers to join because you would be disruptive.the NRA is not only legislative it is congress aproved is the official record keeping org of the shooting sports.a lot of the people who work for the NRA are voluntiers.I worked for GOAL stuffing letters.and doing other work to I cant.If you want to bash go ahead but it just proves what you are.:barf:
Sorry guys... When my mailman ( I mean Letter Carrier, just to be perfectly PC) was handing me my mail, and as I was outside at the time handed the mail to me. His eyes opened a bit because there was a letter from the NRA with several "Past Due" notices stamped on the front of the envalope in BIG red letters. That blew it for me, it is one thing to ask for money, it is another thing to embarras a member, make him look like a "deadbeat" with PAST DUE notices. I quit the NRA right then on the spot. If they don't change some of their methods to get money, I have no interest in helping them.
What happened to the NRA of old? Also, if their rag "the American Rifleman" continues to be 85% advertising and political posturing, I again have no interest in it.
I think a better way is to use the ballot box, let the candadates KNOW, adding gun requirements by them is political suicide. But then again, how few will actually vote. No wonder we have Politicians that want to be elected but really don't KNOW how to think about their constituants desires and what is taboo pertaining to the 2nd. Of course, I have never figured out what part of the 2nd Admendment was confusing.
I did get a reply form the NRA.

Dear Mr YadaYada,

The archived NRA grades are available on under the “Elections” tab. (this does require a Membership ID No.) The Presidential candidates’ grades and endorsements have not yet been released but they will be mailed to you once they are out. If you have any further questions, please contact our offices directly at xxx-xxx-xxxx


xxxxxx xxxxxxx

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division