something new: you must be an nra member to see their grades

"Is that an accidental admission that nra is nothing but a business? I doubt you intended it that way, I suspect you just said the first thing that came to mind. Another fundamental problem with your analogy is that "Costco" doesn't exist to educate anyone, let alone for the purposes of saving our personal liberties. Other than that, comparing apples to stones makes perfect sense."

What in the world are you babbling about? I said exactly what I meant. You go right ahead and read whatever silliness you want into it. I suspect your logic is suspect.

Want some free NRA education? Here:

I could go on for pages, but maybe you'll get the idea that there's a lot available for free, and that's just what's on the web.

Been an NRA member for over 50 years. Without the NRA one could not own a .22 rifle in this country today. Before the GOA and some others got on the bandwagon, the NRA fought the good fight alone. I contribute heavily to the ILA and PVF and do not want non-NRA members, who pay nothing, to have access to those grades.

If you do not want to become an NRA member; why not use the grades given by the GOA?
FYI for the 2004 Elections this is just a part of what the NRA did....

6.5 million endorsement postcards and letters
4.6 million endorsement poly-bags in 107 newspapers in 12 states
4 million “That dog don’t hunt.” fliers
2.4 million endorsement phone calls
1.6 million bumper stickers
28,000 TV ads: network, cable & outdoor stations nationwide
20,000 radio ads in 15 states
1,700 newspaper ads in 15 states
510 billboards posted in 11 states

takes money to get the word out......
thallub writes:

Been an NRA member for over 50 years. Without the NRA one could not own a .22 rifle in this country today. Before the GOA and some others got on the bandwagon, the NRA fought the good fight alone. I contribute heavily to the ILA and PVF and do not want non-NRA members, who pay nothing, to have access to those grades.

If you do not want to become an NRA member; why not use the grades given by the GOA?


I went LIFE in 1973. Having said that, information is power. The person denied data, assuming NRA ratings are meaningful and or worth while, some dispute this by the way, could through ignorance, do your cause harm. This might be something to think about. By the way, just as is the case with others, NRA isn't perfect, they having blown things too. They have been around for a long time, and some would have it that that is part of their problem, old age, and hardening of the arteries, so to speak. Have they become a self perpetuating mob, some say yes.
I don't bash the NRA but I'm not going to join either. I was a member for years till the dues went up from 11.00 to 15.00. I mainly dropped my membership because of all the mailings I got whining about needing more and more money and knocking me because I wasn't doing enough. In those days there was no way to stop the mailings that I was aware of. At any rate I'm not about to give them 35.00 for the same B.S. I got back then.
This action seems very exclusionary of the nra. It seems to say "we care more about getting you to join the club than defeating anti 2nd amendment candidates," or it seems to say "join us or go away, you won't get basic information from us unless you join."

I do belive you are learning.

BTW this thread has become even more reasons why I won't join the NRA. As I stated in a similar thread on this here message Board. At one point I was about to join the NRA I have had a telephone in my hand. But After read a discussion of very similar nature to this, it realy opened my eyes. In hind sight I'm glad that I choose not to. But with that said Regardless of where you stand on the NRA these threads only seem to polarize people. There are quite a few people who were turned off by the arrogance found by some within these threads. To call some one a "pissant" is not a very good way to win them over to one's way of thinking.
Eghad said
FYI for the 2004 Elections this is just a part of what the NRA did....

6.5 million endorsement postcards and letters
4.6 million endorsement poly-bags in 107 newspapers in 12 states
4 million “That dog don’t hunt.” fliers
2.4 million endorsement phone calls
1.6 million bumper stickers
28,000 TV ads: network, cable & outdoor stations nationwide
20,000 radio ads in 15 states
1,700 newspaper ads in 15 states
510 billboards posted in 11 states

takes money to get the word out......

Yeah, but the NRA helped ban machine guns in 1934! (sarcasm off)

I am a PROUD NRA member, and truly believe if it weren't for the NRA, we would have NO GUN RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY TODAY!

Hawg Haggen said
I don't bash the NRA but I'm not going to join either. I was a member for years till the dues went up from 11.00 to 15.00. I mainly dropped my membership because of all the mailings I got whining about needing more and more money and knocking me because I wasn't doing enough. In those days there was no way to stop the mailings that I was aware of. At any rate I'm not about to give them 35.00 for the same B.S. I got back then.

1. You can EASILY ELIMINATE THE MAILINGS as was explained in earlier posts.

2. You can't afford $35 per year for a membership? That's only about ten cents per day and it includes 12 issues of any one of 3 magazines!
Right now as a matter of fact I can't. The mags ain't worth it. Maybe you can stop the mailings now but you couldn't then. I don't care to find out.
I purchased my Life Membership to the NRA in installments During the Clinton Administration because I realized that we needed a 900 lb Gorilla jealously guarding the halls of Congress. I even manage a donation from time to time.

If you are a true believer in the Second Amendment $35.00 is a cheap investment in protecting it. I don't see eyeball to eyeball with the NRA on 100% of the agenda. However, I do get a vote in the leadership.

Even Ted Nugent is smart enough to be an NRA member as radical as he gets sometimes. He knows that when a rep in Congress gets to feeling some love for an anti-gun legislation bill the NRA can give him some tough love and remind them who helped bring them to the dance.

Not only do they work on the national level but also work locally and on the state level with other organizations....

If you don't like the NRA join another pro gun organization. One should not forget that we oppose the same people and we all sit in the same leaky boat. It seems some want to help bail the water and some just go brain dead and whine about the other folks bailing the boat out. when there should be less talk and more bailing. Float or sink....
"There are quite a few people who were turned off by the arrogance found by some within these threads."

Please accept my apology. All three of you. I don't believe for a second any of you were even close to joining the NRA. Not for a second do I believe it.

Gee, imagine if we acted like the GOA and ranted and raved endlessly instead of attempting to stick to the facts in the face of endless naysaying and quite a bit of whining. <chuckle> Now there's an image to make me smile - GOA-style spinmeistering.

NRA Patron Life Member
It amazes me that people would fail to realize that information such as this can be used against the interests of RKBA as well as for the interest of RKBA. It would seem that making it proprietary might make it more easily protected.

As an example of what I'm talking about I'd wonder if those who criticize the NRA's action might want to publish their own social security numbers, birth dates and drivers license numbers on the internet in the blindly optimistic hope that only their good friends would read and use them....
eeling I deserved better, I wrote a personal letter to Wayne LaPierre more than six months ago complaining my name wasn't correct on my certificate nor on the address on my Rifleman magazine and I wanted that corrected. I assume your response is he's too busy doing important stuff to answer my letter but - surely there are employees in his office hired to do just that

I was amazed to learn that he makes $1 Million per year.

As for the comparison between personal info. How a congressman votes is a matter of public interest and record. SS # birth dates and the like are not. If you or I commit a driving offence it shows up in he court documents and anyone interested can request it. Not sure about your local, but here it shows up in the next weeks news paper as well.
Please accept my apology. All three of you. I don't believe for a second any of you were even close to joining the NRA. Not for a second do I believe it.

Gee, imagine if we acted like the GOA and ranted and raved endlessly instead of attempting to stick to the facts in the face of endless naysaying and quite a bit of whining. <chuckle> Now there's an image to make me smile - GOA-style spinmeistering.

Want to help them join?