something new: you must be an nra member to see their grades

In case anybody from the NRA is listening, I would like a membership where I can pay my yearly dues and support the cause, but take me off your f'ing mailing list until my next dues are required. It would save you the postage because I am going to throw it in the trash anyway. I don't need you to tell me how to vote, and the junk mail is worse than credit card pre-approvals. Lobby to your hearts content. Thanks
It what tooltimey says is correcct, since I've not looked at the NRA site I cannot say one way or the other, then NRA has really blown it.
Either Join the NRA or quit complaining. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution, and gun owners who refuse to join the NRA (and just listen to those pathetic excuses) are part of the problem.
Membership costs what, $20 a year? It costs money to gather all the information that you seek. I am to gather that you want something for nothing? I will not deny that sometimes it seems the NRA only wants more of my money, but don't complain when they start wanting dues for information that was gathered with the money of paying members.
tooltimey said:
tell me why nra won't do this very simple thing which is extremely helpful in educating ourselves as well as other gun owners who currently sit on the sidelines.
Well, I doubt whether anyone on this forum could give you a definitive answer. It seems to me that your best bet on getting this question answered would be to ask the NRA itself and get back to the forum with the answer you receive.
It's a service for members? You may think they're leeches, but the population who care who the NRA endorses, and would take NRA ratings into account, is several times as large as the NRA's paid membership. Why go out of the way to leave them in the dark? Does the NRA only care how members vote?

No, I think it's a stupid policy. Restricting access to candidate ratings isn't going to make assembling those ratings any cheaper, and I seriously doubt it's going to motivate many people to join, either. They're just shooting themselves in the foot again.
I was just about 3/4ths playing devil's advocate there, to keep things rolling along; I think I agree with it being silly what they're doing, come to think of it. :)
ZeroJunk wrote:

In case anybody from the NRA is listening, I would like a membership where I can pay my yearly dues and support the cause, but take me off your f'ing mailing list until my next dues are required. It would save you the postage because I am going to throw it in the trash anyway. I don't need you to tell me how to vote, and the junk mail is worse than credit card pre-approvals. Lobby to your hearts content. Thanks

I too was bombarded by NRA mailings throughout the year. I just called them and told them to stop the solicitation mailings, except for my annual membership renewal, and whaddya know, they stopped.

You can also write on your membership check "NO SOLICITATION EMAILS, PHONE CALLS OR LETTERS." That works also.

You can also enclose a short note stapled to your renewal check saying the same thing.

Ask, and ye shall receive!

I am a PROUD member of the NRA!


It's been quite a while since yearly membership was $20. I believe that, these days, it's more like $35. As mentioned elsewhere, I've been a LIFE MEMBER since 1973.

Assuming that I had continued yearly membership during those years, my LIFE MEMBERSHIP was a real bargain.
I've seen the NRA's ratings misused in the media. And I know people who would vote against a candidate just because the NRA rated him highly.

Perhaps there is a reason for the NRA keeping the ratings to the membership?
I think it's because the nra has been bought and paid for and is in bed with the gubmint. Anything they do nowadays is a puppet show to distract us from what is really going on in this country. It's about the money in one way (makes us have even less to prepare for the hard times coming), and not about the money in another way (they have all the money they need and it's all about control now).

The nra fighting for our gunrights is at best, swatting at the leaves of the tree of problems, instead of the roots. A political distraction for us.

Your money would be better spent buying and storing food for your family in case the terrorists pop a bomb or something and initiate martial law to go into effect. This country is in terrible shape and there's bigger fish to fry than can I keep my hi cap mags and CCW.:(

I don't want to believe it, and don't like it, but fear its true.
I've seen the NRA's ratings misused in the media. And I know people who would vote against a candidate just because the NRA rated him highly.

Perhaps there is a reason for the NRA keeping the ratings to the membership?

Well, that would make sense, if $35 for one of it's reporters to get an NRA membership wasn't a trivial expense for a news organization; The NRA's ratings aren't secret, as such, they're just annoyingly inconvenient for you to get if you're not a member.
Originally Posted by tooltimey
tell me why nra won't do this very simple thing which is extremely helpful in educating ourselves as well as other gun owners who currently sit on the sidelines.

Well, I doubt whether anyone on this forum could give you a definitive answer. It seems to me that your best bet on getting this question answered would be to ask the NRA itself and get back to the forum with the answer you receive

DON - Nice theory to contact the NRA but - don't expect any answer from them.

I've been a NRA member longer than I can remember. Became a LIFE member in 1993 and "upgraded" to ENDOWMENT member last March. My certificate and other stuff wasn't coming as promised so I contacted "members service" and got a "canned" computer generated response. Finally got my certificate and my name isn't correct on it as it was on my LIFE certificate. Again emailed "member services" and again got canned answer and, again - no follow-up as promised.

Feeling I deserved better, I wrote a personal letter to Wayne LaPierre more than six months ago complaining my name wasn't correct on my certificate nor on the address on my Rifleman magazine and I wanted that corrected. I assume your response is he's too busy doing important stuff to answer my letter but - surely there are employees in his office hired to do just that.

Sorry to say but I've come to the conclusion the NRA has gone to the attitude I found in medical organizations (local, state, & AMA). Specifically, their main interest was maintaining the incomes of the full time employees and, if the medical community benefited - it was a fringe benefit that made them look responsible and good to the dues paying members.

Therefore, unless policy changes are made, I doubt anyone on this forum would even get the answer you suggest requesting.

I will not deny that sometimes it seems the NRA only wants more of my money, but don't complain when they start wanting dues for information that was gathered with the money of paying members.

Agreed. It sometimes seems like the NRA only wants more of our money, but that's because the government ALWAYS wants more of our rights and freedoms.

Since the gov't works on an unlimited budget (our tax dollars) and the NRA doesn't, it takes fire to fight fire.

Also agreed with when you said if all 80 million gun owners were NRA members, the gov't would be building shooting ranges instead of smelts to melt down confiscated firearms.

Which is why I continue to state that gun owners who are NOT members of the NRA are a bunch of spoiled pissants. And that is because four million of us are carrying the water and dead weight of the other 75+million.

"something new: you must be..."

This isn't new is it? I remember somebody complaining about it during the last election.

But then, I've been an NRA member so I wouldn't have noticed.

What's the big deal anyway? I tried to price an HDTV on the Costco site and they wouldn't let me because I'm not a Costco member. Seems fair.

This isn't new is it? I remember somebody complaining about it during the last election.
I had no problem accessing nrapvf's ratings until now. They were available the last election and the one before that one.

What's the big deal anyway? I tried to price an HDTV on the Costco site and they wouldn't let me because I'm not a Costco member. Seems fair.

Is that an accidental admission that nra is nothing but a business? I doubt you intended it that way, I suspect you just said the first thing that came to mind. Another fundamental problem with your analogy is that "Costco" doesn't exist to educate anyone, let alone for the purposes of saving our personal liberties. Other than that, comparing apples to stones makes perfect sense.
"In case anybody from the NRA is listening, I would like a membership where I can pay my yearly dues and support the cause, but take me off your f'ing mailing list"

Too lazy to drop 'em a line? ;)

"Q: How can I reduce the amount of mail I receive from the NRA?

A: Simply email us at or dial 800-NRA-3888 and request to be placed on the "Do Not Promote" list. This will significantly reduce the amount of mail you receive without affecting important mailings, magazine service, or your membership renewal."