something new: you must be an nra member to see their grades


It's very difficult to have an open discussion about nra's behavior (unless you agree with nra) without being accused of "nra bashing," which is a phrase that gets thrown around usually by nra members so they can avoid discussing something the nra has done that is not pleasant.

A few minutes ago, I went to to try to find nra's grade on a certain person. I have done this many times in the past. This time I was met with something new. NRA will no longer let you see it's grades unless you give it money. Even when I WAS able to see their grades in the past, I noticed that nra for some reason does not keep grades on politicians on an ongoing basis like GOA does. Back before past election grades became for nra members only, the only grades nra showed were from a particular election without saying who won. The good side of this is they contained grades of people who lost (which was helpful because sometimes these people turn up again).

Since we are in a vicious war for our freedoms where we have already lost many times (something the nra has long admitted) it seems disturbing that nra would not grade incumbent politicians (the most dangerous individuals around) on an ongoing basis (are they afraid of offending one of them?). Now compound that with nra's new idea of making PAST grades for members only, and I start to wonder what nra is thinking. (Clicking on the "past elections" link takes you to a page where you now have to enter your nra membership number :rolleyes:).

For those of you who may not have ever seen GOA's ratings page, check it out and tell me why nra won't do this very simple thing which is extremely helpful in educating ourselves as well as other gun owners who currently sit on the sidelines. ***

Yea I get it, nra wants people to become members, but this information (candidate grades) is something they have already made public, it is information that is as basic as it gets, and it's information that is a core education tool for the VAST MAJORITY of gun owners who are not nra members, but who will vote against anti gunners.

This action seems very exclusionary of the nra. It seems to say "we care more about getting you to join the club than defeating anti 2nd amendment candidates," or it seems to say "join us or go away, you won't get basic information from us unless you join."
I find your last paragraph sad but true. That is why I let my NRA membership expire and instead give to other pro gun groups.
That is why I let my NRA membership expire and instead give to other pro gun groups.

The NRA's many accomplishments are well documented on this site.

Please give examples of what these "other pro gun groups" have done.

Thank you.
Hmmm, when I asked what other organizations have accomplished anything, I meant national organizations. I know there are many very fine and effective state organizations (Texas, Virginia, ...) out there who do great work.

On another thread, I invited anyone to tell me what the GOA or JPFO has done for us that compared with recent NRA triumphs of 1) keeping the AWB from being renewed in the first Senate bill that protected the gun industry and 2) getting the courts to slap down New Orleans for gun confiscations.

I don’t see where the “No Compromise” folks are getting anything useful done.

The NRA was instrumental a few years ago in keeping the AWB from being renewed when Dems slipped it into the bill that would provide lawsuit protection for the firearms industry.

Note in particular this quote from Feinstein (speaking of the NRA):
"I'm a bit numb ... They had the power to turn around at least 60 votes in the Senate. That's amazing to me."
- Senator Feinstein as quoted in the NY Times 3/3/04

Instead of belittling the NRA, you should be sending them extra donations.

The situation we have now is there are about four million NRA members contributing time and money to try and improve things for RKBA.

There are another 76 million gun owners who are doing nothing but letting the other 4 million do the heavy lifting; in fact, all of the lifting. Worse, some of the 76 million are sitting around on a couch and criticizing the 4 million for not getting things done faster, instantly, Right Now !
Gun owners who whine about the NRA are a bunch of spoiled pissants.

Nobody ever changed anything from the outside.

Get a clue.

tell me why nra won't do this very simple thing -tooltimey
Since you're not a member, it's none of your business.
That is the funniest thing that COULD have been said in this thread mostly because I'm not even sure if you're serious, but either way, that post was hilarious.

Gun owners who whine about the NRA are a bunch of spoiled pissants.
Here is a sincere thank you for taking the low road and helping prove my original points.
I guess I don't understand this thread; it's not really a "NRA-bashing" thread; more like a "NRA-whining" thread. You don't like the NRA. You like the GOA, and you use the GOA's rating system. Fine by me. But why complain that the NRA -- an organization that you don't like and don't belong to -- won't allow you access to the NRA's information?!? Why don't you just rely on the GOA's information? And if the GOA doesn't keep the kind of voting records that you want, isn't that a problem with the GOA, and not the NRA?

I just don't understand why someone who doesn't like the NRA, who doesn't belong to the NRA, who likes the GOA, and who relies on GOA's rating systems, is complaining about the NRA and/or the NRA's rating system.

I mean, if you like the GOA and the GOA rating system, why use anything else? Why complain about the NRA's rating system?

I still don't get it. :confused:
Misstate? I guess I just don't understand why you don't use the GOA to get your ratings, and why you would want to obtain ratings from the NRA which, according to you, is purportedly afraid of offending encumbants. :confused:

Once again, if you don't like the NRA, why would you want information from the NRA, and if the GOA rating system is good, why not just rely on the GOA info???
Gun owners who whine about the NRA are a bunch of spoiled pissants.

Let me get this straight, because I don't agree with the NRA's stratagy and choose to donate my money to other groups (GOA, JPFO) who I believe use a more effective statagy, I am a "spoiled pissant"? I don't like the way the ACLU "protects" the freedom of speech, so I must be a really spoiled pissant for not supporting them. :confused:
Fremmer, the objection is about educating non-NRA-members on the politicians.

It seemed like a good thing for the NRA to do. Now they have quit doing it. Was it a bad thing to do back when they were publishing this info for free?

Getting NRA ratings on politicians out to the public seems like a good thing to me, whether or not they are NRA members.
Let me get this straight, because I don't agree with the NRA's stratagy and choose to donate my money to other groups (GOA, JPFO) who I believe use a more effective statagy, I am a "spoiled pissant"?

No, you're a spoiled pissant when you dislike the NRA, are not a member of the NRA, love the GOA, state that the GOA's rating system is great, and then complain about the NRA's rating system. :D

Like I said, if the GOA provides this information, then what's the problem?

And if the GOA doesn't provide this information, why is the OP complaining about the NRA rather than about the GOA? And why isn't the GOA educating the public about past voting records? I personally feel disenfranchised (and highly offended) by the GOA; the GOA should be forced to provide past ratings to me, a member of the general public (but not a member of the GOA). The only explanation for this must be a vast conspiracy between the GOA and some of the current candidates, a concerted effort to hide past voting ratings by the GOA. Perhaps the GOA is afraid of offending some of the current candidates, and has chosen to hide thier past ratings to avoid offending them. :rolleyes:
the objection is about educating non-NRA-members on the politicians.

It seemed like a good thing for the NRA to do. Now they have quit doing it. Was it a bad thing to do back when they were publishing this info for free?

Getting NRA ratings on politicians out to the public seems like a good thing to me, whether or not they are NRA members.
+1 AMEN!
That is the funniest thing that COULD have been said in this thread
So, are you pretty comfy up there on that couch ? What kind of chips are you eating ? :D

Clearly, you missed the point. If you're not paying dues, you don't get a say in the process. Comprendhe ?
I think you're getting the response you're getting because it's a private organization that can do what it wants with the figures it collects. Complaining about it doesn't make any sense.
The NRA isn't perfect, but I pay my dues. I would suggest everyone else do the same. If the NRA had 80 million members, the gov't would be building shooting ranges instead of a police state, and we'd all be out practicing with full autos instead of complaining.

Come on guys, it's only $35/yr ($25 the first year), and you get a magazine subscription too.
Hello folks, Im a newbie to this forum, and I would like to express my point of view, The NRA has been around for along time and although not a perfect entity is the only thing we have, I've been a member for a while and as well as GOA. I come from a country where the first thing the "revolutionary government" did after the country in question was "liberated" was gather all weapons "for the good of the people" and it became one of the most tyrannical dictatorship this side of the world has ever experienced with thousands of dead and imprisoned and over one million fleeing into exile. So please lets stop bickering among ourselves over how good or bad they are. I hope that this pattern does not repeat itself here as long as we are members of any pro 2A organization and fight those who want to take it away "for the safety and common good of the people".