Socialized Medicine

The vast majority of people receive back more than what they pay in within the first few years of payments. people living on SS now that paid in to the system in the 40's, 50's, and 60's receieve many times their investment back.

Plus, SS was set up as a safety net for those that reach old age and are unable to support themselves. It is an expenditure program like roads and electrical grids and is not meant to be an entitlement.

Nice duck..........
As for the methadone users... I don't care if it is 1/100,000ths of one percent. it is a WASTE! I don't get SSI. i cannot get it! it works like un employment and if you worked yer butt off for years taxed and than work for cash for 5 years you lose those credits!
all the types of welfare mentioned that DO NOT WORK are flawed... Since day one!
since this nation is too far into the welfare scheme (blame Roosevelt) and too far into pork barrel spending (all politicians are guilty) and we want to toss good money after bad to foreign nations (again all politicians are to blame) we need to eliminate these wastes first... than each family will have 2-20 thousand dollars or more to invest or spend as they see fit!
I know exactely why...there is not enough profit in it. NWMM in Mississippi released a notice to stockholders that stated just that.

So, in your opinion, doctors, clinics and hospitals should all function with no profit-motive?

Medicare and Medicaid are sorley lacking - I work with them on a daily basis - Don't even go there and state they are even a resemblence of a good system.

From a socialized or nationalized medicine approach, one only has to look at Canada - People wait months for a surgery that they could get in America tomorrow - They are denied for all cosemetic surgeries and often denied or delayed excessively for needed surgeries. And yes, Canadians do come to America for surgeries if they have the means to afford that.

I dont think we should deny anyone care, and we dont! There is not a hospital in America that will EVER turn a patient away. It against COBRA and would cost a hospital its accredidation and a lot of fines. The problem is, medicaid people know this and grossly abuse it. I Mean Grossly!
So, in your opinion, doctors, clinics and hospitals should all function with no profit-motive?
Not doctors and medical staff. They should receive pay relative to their skills and training. They should also have the right to be in private practice and not be part of any controlled medical setting if they chose to do so...but I do believe that healthcare is not a system for massive profit. It is essential for a nation's stability to be able to provide obtainable basic care to it's citizens. Right now we are not doing that mainly due to greed and excess.
This article says more about Government run healthcare than I can.

After all, if senior government officials of Canada are coming to the United States for medical treatment, what does that tell you about how good that system is, and how "broken" the U.S. system is?

Playboy- so how much profit is acceptable in your book?
From a socialized or nationalized medicine approach, one only has to look at Canada - People wait months for a surgery that they could get in America tomorrow - They are denied for all cosemetic surgeries and often denied or delayed excessively for needed surgeries. And yes, Canadians do come to America for surgeries if they have the means to afford that.
Basis for these claims? My friend in Canada that had appendicitis received immediate partner almost suffered a rupture because his insurance at the time required confirmation of the need for immediate surgery.

I know for a fact cosmetic surgery is readily available in canada. it is just not free nor should it be.
You dont get your appendix removed, you die - Even Canada wont do that - Playboy, use your head. I said cosemtic and needed. Emergent will alwasy be taken care of because it is, well, emergent. Get it?
Anyone that would ask that question obviously believes that no man has any rights beyond those he can grant himself through the strength of his fists.


Sensationalism is not good debate.

Cite examples of a failed govt system to support this statement.

The UK and Canada. Ever listen to Prime Minister's Questions on CSPAN-2? They debate which conditions will and will not be treated. Thousands have died on their waiting lists.

Canada has a two tier system. Those who can't pay get what the government payment will provide. Those who can pay get the care they buy, often in the US due to a shortage of competent specialists.

I've been to the post office. I've been to the DMV. I've read the BATF standards for whether a handgun is sporting enough to import. I've been through IRS audits.

Some great people work for government, but competence and compassion are not its strengths. Selling your freedom for a promise from such people that they will care for you in future is unwise.
You dont get your appendix removed, you die - Even Canada wont do that - Playboy, use your head. I said cosemtic and needed. Emergent will alwasy be taken care of because it is, well, emergent. Get it?
Okay, cite needed surgeries that were denied in Canada. I am sure I can match you 10 to 1 with instances here in Americia were insured people were denied care due to cost.
Latest report is that us 30 sumthins are gonna get it broke off in us when we reach retirement age! I have nearly 50,000 dollars in their coffers and it is GONE! I worked for 5 years for cash and am told I have NOTHING in "MY ACCOUNT" for ssi!
They can keep every penny! I don't need it! Just don't try and take anymore from me! I will spend a few bucks from my wife's IRS return and start a vinyl graphics business that pays me in cash! I am glad I got turned down from goin' on the handicapped list.
I would rather be self employed with spendable cash anyway! Thanks Uncle Sam for making me look for a way to be self sufficient!
Even if you have the cash for a cosemetic surgery, you may have to wait months - Trust me I live and practice near Buffalo NY. They come right across the border to Buffalo NY hospitals for cosemetic surgeries that they cant get in Canada. I see it, therfore, I believe it. You are just telling me what a friend told you; it means nothing to me!
The UK and Canada. Ever listen to Prime Minister's Questions on CSPAN-2? They debate which conditions will and will not be treated. Thousands have died on their waiting lists.

Canada has a two tier system. Those who can't pay get what the government payment will provide. Those who can pay get the care they buy, often in the US due to a shortage of competent specialists.
More sensationalism with no real statistics. Thousands of sick people die daily in hospitals. Show me where the people on these lists are different and died as a result of being postponed care.

Show me where Canadians are coming to America in high numbers for medical care. The AMA does not seem to agree that it is happening.
It is essential for a nation's stability to be able to provide obtainable basic care to it's citizens. Right now we are not doing that mainly due to greed and excess.

Obviously government is not able to do this. There are ways to provide health care to most US citizens via a market-driven system. It is pure folly to allow the government to hose things up any worse than they already are.