social license

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Is it that easy to see? Phoenix and Chicago have similar murder rates, and Phoenix has higher rates of some other crimes than Chicago. Both Phoenix and Chicago are statistically more dangerous than Los Angeles. All three pale in comparison to DC, however.

NYC has strict gun control but a comparatively low murder rate for a large city and is safer all around than Phoenix, with the sole exception of robbery, where the numbers are practically tied.

I'm not sure guns have much to do with any of it.

You are correct that it has been compromised, more so then I would like actually. I see nothing wrong with gun registration, a 5 day waiting period or mental health checks. For CCW I see nothing wrong with having an extensive program which will weed out the bad apples.

I don't want anymore guns banned, but I do want more regulation preventing future incidents.

If regulation prevented incidents, why would those regulations not have prevented past incidents?

It isn't obvious that government licensing or registration is an effective method for denying guns to people we can reasonably identify as dangerous, i.e. felons and legal incompetents.

If you would like an "extensive program" and a bureaucracy to administer it toward the end of curtailing people's freedom, you should sattisfy at least your own standard of determining that this new bureaucracy and its program would be a net good.
Usually a concealed weapon makes more sense than a visible one, but from time to time I have a big, shiny, stainless 1911 sticking out of my belt with the hammer back and frankly I'm not ashamed. Here are a few facts (not opinions, but facts) about myself:

I am not confrontational.
I don't stare anyone down, even if they start it.
I don't draw undue attention to myself.
I don't break a single law if I can avoid it.
I don't handle my weapon, adjust my weapon, or otherwise contact it.
I don't expect special attention, respect, or obedience.
I don't cut in line, start fights, or coerce anyone around me.

If you panic at the sight of me (well dressed, well spoken, and polite in manner) simply because there is a weapon in my waistband, I feel a bit of pity for your lack of education but no compassion for your emotion. I'm not sorry if you're offended, and I won't apologize. I am more than happy to discuss the reason for and legality of my status as an armed citizen - in fact, I'd like to help you understand. I am not interested in compromising.

I've never seen an openly armed, un-uniformed individual behave in any other way, to be honest. We're peaceful people in general. You can take that statement to the bank - the statistics for legal gun owners' violent crime rates speak for themselves. I would venture to say that most open carrying folk have a concealed permit as well, which generally covers your request for assurance of the individual's reasonable competence. The OP and several folks chiming in seem to be genuinely afraid of the gun itself as they're giving no benefit of the doubt to the people who choose to wear one.

Oh, and one more thing. I've never had anyone start a fight with me, mug me, stalk me, or even get loud while there is a visible weapon in my possession. It's kind of a nice side effect - an armed society is a polite society, I believe they say.

Why exactly is it that you would have me disarm, or even hide my armament? Perhaps you are frustrated that you can't expect me to roll over if you want to be combative? Are you jealous of my comfort with a potentially dangerous tool? Do you superimpose a bunch of egotistic nonsense upon me simply because you cannot understand my mentality, or choose not to try? Are you afraid that because I possess the power to end a life, that I will use it without discretion? This is the problem with the wrongly educated anti-gun crowd: You know what you want, but you can't really tell me why.

And for the next topic: To those who believe that the constitution can be bent to the will of the government because some of the things it guarantees are outdated or unnecessary, go pound sand. The point is to enforce respect for ALL of its limitations to the government so that they can NEVER EVER violate the rules at their whim. The fact that you disagree with the right to bear arms is fine and you're allowed to be offended by my pistol, but if you allow your leaders to step on the second amendment, I can think of nine more that will follow quickly.
I possess the power to end a life, that I will use it without discretion?

I think your a perfect example of someone who shouldn't be allowed to carry a firearm.

A firearm should never be used without discretion and careful thought.
I know we try to stay away from the personal attacks, but looking through S832's postings, I see that most of the threads are now either locked or closed.

You like to be combative, you like to take quotes out of context, and you bait people at every opportunity. Your opinion is of no value to me because your demeanor is antagonistic. You're on the wrong board for meaningful discussion about restricting Americans' rights, and it's a shame a mod hasn't gotten to this one yet.

<back to your regularly scheduled programming>
You are correct that it has been compromised, more so then I would like actually. I see nothing wrong with gun registration, a 5 day waiting period or mental health checks. For CCW I see nothing wrong with having an extensive program which will weed out the bad apples.

I don't want anymore guns banned, but I do want more regulation preventing future incidents.

Funny, thats how bans and confiscations usually start.

Might I suggest a forum for you to go to to be with people that share your views. I think its over at the Bardy gun control site.
You like to be combative, you like to take quotes out of context, and you bait people at every opportunity. Your opinion is of no value to me because your demeanor is antagonistic. You're on the wrong board for meaningful discussion about restricting Americans' rights, and it's a shame a mod hasn't gotten to this one yet.

Simply because I do not fall in line with your views? I only pointed out something that you typed.

You know its not in good tastes to directly attack a member, I just don't believe someone who will use a gun "without discretion" should be carrying one, I would say most people agree.

If you would like to argue as to why an individual with that demeanor should be carrying a gun, please do.
Funny, thats how bans and confiscations usually start.

I have to register my SUV and its not being confiscated, I have to register my house and its not being confiscated, I have to register my dog and shes not being confiscated.

You register all sorts of things, I don't see how a gun is any different.
You register all sorts of things, I don't see how a gun is any different.

Really? Do you register everything you own?

Do you register your power drill...or your hammer...or your screwdrivers? because your gun is a tool....not a conveyance or an abode. Those things are registered so they can be taxed.
You are the only person who read my previous post and extracted that conclusion, and I'm certain you're aware of it.

Here is the full quote

"Are you afraid that because I possess the power to end a life, that I will use it without discretion?"

You are correct I did not closely observe the writing, I am sorry for the misquote, but my point still stands.

A CCW is a last resort not a first, and someone being "loud" is not a good enough reason to threaten them with your firearm, which it appears you advocating.

Neither is a fight a good enough reason, unless you are attacked randomly a gun should never be used.
S8 said:
I possess the power to end a life, that I will use it without discretion?

I think your a perfect example of someone who shouldn't be allowed to carry a firearm.

A firearm should never be used without discretion and careful thought.

S8 said:
You like to be combative, you like to take quotes out of context, and you bait people at every opportunity. Your opinion is of no value to me because your demeanor is antagonistic. You're on the wrong board for meaningful discussion about restricting Americans' rights, and it's a shame a mod hasn't gotten to this one yet.
Simply because I do not fall in line with your views? I only pointed out something that you typed.

That is not all you did. You excerpted part of a sentence and quoted it as if were the whole, without elipsis. Moreover the portion of the sentence implied the opposite of the plain meaning of his post.

If this was intentional, it was dishonest. If it was an innocent error, no defense is merited.

S8 said:
You know its not in good tastes to directly attack a member, I just don't believe someone who will use a gun "without discretion" should be carrying one, I would say most people agree.

So does he. Have you re-read his post yet?

I do not understand the reflex some have to bannish a writer because his opinion is not the dominant one on a board, but it does burn up necessary goodwill when writers are misrepresented.
Neither is a fight a good enough reason, unless you are attacked randomly a gun should never be used.

Just to be sure, are you saying you would never use a gun unless you were physically being attacked?
What if you happen upon a child being raped and strangled? Your not being physically attacked...but according to your statement, you should not pull your weapon and shoot.
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