social license

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I would not pull my firearm unless its a last resort, so no I would not pull my gun out and shoot the minute I saw an incident like that occurring.
If I am carrying a firearm its for my self, my job is not to act as the police nor should I want to act as the police.
I have to register my SUV and its not being confiscated, I have to register my house and its not being confiscated, I have to register my dog and shes not being confiscated.

You register all sorts of things, I don't see how a gun is any different.

Your ignorance is limitless. You can not register a right. If you do, its not a right. Owning a house, SUV and a dog is not a right. You can have them, its all part of that "pursuit of happiness" thing. The 2nd amendment states that the government WILL NO infringe on our rights to KEEP and BEAR ARMS. It doe not say registered ARMS. It does not say Licensed or permitted ARMS. It says KEEP and BEAR ARMS. Period. Just admit that you are anti gun. Once you let it out, it will be ok.. You can start to grow and understand where you are wrong.
Sorry but its not an un-infringe-able right, none of the rights in the constitution are.

Tell me how registering your firearm will hurt you?, unless you plan on selling them to those who shouldn't be allowed to own them.
Tell me how registering your firearm will hurt you?


Well, for one thing...that's how it starts.
I think people are a little obsessed with the Hitler references, most of the world has gun registration if they allow guns, and I don't see all of them invading Poland.
Sorry but its not an un-infringe-able right, none of the rights in the constitution are.

What are you smoking. If its not uninfringeable, then why does it say "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" at the freaking end. Explain that one please.
Here's a plain english reason:

...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The SCOTUS has deemed that the first and second parts are essentially seperate rights. Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

right Audio Help [rahyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb, verb

a moral, ethical, or legal principle considered as an underlying cause of truth

keep Audio Help [keep] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, kept, keep·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to hold or retain in one's possession; hold as one's own

bear Audio Help [bair] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, bore or (Archaic) bare; borne or born; bear·ing.
–verb (used with object)
7. to hold or carry
22. to have and use; exercise

in·fringe Audio Help [in-frinj] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -fringed, -fring·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule.
–verb (used without object)
2. to encroach or trespass (usually fol. by on or upon): Don't infringe on his privacy.

Translation: We get to have guns. Just like freedom of speech,it is within reason, no rocket launcher or missiles. No registration, no conditions except that we have not forfeited our right (i.e.- convicted felon)
Tell me how registering your firearm will hurt you?, unless you plan on selling them to those who shouldn't be allowed to own them

For one, its none of the govt freaking business on how many firearms that I have. None. Thats what SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED means. There is no qualifier on that. No small print that says registration is ok or permissible. If you like registration so damn much, might I suggest California, Mass, or Obama's home state for you to move to. Then you would feel much more comfortable. To me, you are a disgrace as an American. And you are part of the problem when it comes to Gun/Civil rights. And Yes, gun ownership is a civil right.

Ask Mr Scalia, or the rest of the SCOTUS, as they apparently believe it can be.

Scalia never said registration was constitutinal. And, for what its worth, Scalia got as much right as he did wrong in that decision.
most of the world has gun registration

Most of the world isn't bound by the Constitution of the United States. It's not about what you or I or we think it should be. We are BOUND by those rules. We have the option of leaving if we want, we do not have the option to ignore those rights.
Ask Mr Scalia, or the rest of the SCOTUS, as they apparently believe it can be.

The decision essential allows for the same common sense restriction as the ones placed on freedom of speech:

No yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre.

No buying rocket launchers.
For one, its none of the govt freaking business on how many firearms that I have. None. Thats what SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED means. There is no qualifier on that. No small print that says registration is ok or permissible. If you like registration so damn much, might I suggest California, Mass, or Obama's home state for you to move to. Then you would feel much more comfortable. To me, you are a disgrace as an American. And you are part of the problem when it comes to Gun/Civil rights. And Yes, gun ownership is a civil right.

You won't get far telling people they are disgraceful Americans, again I think you will probably be adding more people to the other side, but if thats your belief you can certainly hold.

As stated before the constitution is more of a set of guidelines and is becoming more irrelevant as the times change, you can not solely base a countries future on what a group of people believed 200 years ago.
peetze, still how will registration hurt you? How are you being damaged? It seems pretty common sense to keep track of who owns what so when a crime is committed and a gun is recovered you can go to its owner.

I'm Canadian, we have gun registration. Please also think about what gun registration will help. It is a huge burden on our government financially, it has not reduced gun related crime.

Most criminals do not use registered firearms, they acquire them illegally.

We are always looking at more restrictions here and the registry was one more step toward a complete ban. Hopefully in our next election the Conservative government will have a majority and get rid of the gun registry as they promised last election.

Do all you can to avoid it.

peetze, still how will registration hurt you? How are you being damaged?

Well, the obvious escapes you. It called despotism. If a tyrant gets into power, if you have all the populace's guns registered, it makes it easy for said tyrant to confiscate them. Then the public is defenseless. See, what you are ignorant about, or blinded by Brady logic, is that the Founders wanted the public to be armed. To be able to defend against tryanny. You cant do that with registered guns.

I know that this will not make a dent in your beilefs. So, believe what you want. I personally believe you are a troll, and are here on this board to get your jollies...
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