social license

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Society as a whole, I really don't care about specific individuals.

Python, someone with a CCW might have gone in and shot up a school - or got into a fight and started shooting if they allowed CCW on campus, you can't argue what-ifs.
Society as a whole, I really don't care about specific individuals.

Python, someone with a CCW might have gone in and shot up a school - or got into a fight and started shooting if they allowed CCW on campus, you can't argue what-ifs.

That what if's didn't happen because if it did. It would have been all over the news and the anti's would be foaming at the mouths for banning CCW's
What is good for the individual is good for the society. Society is made up of individuals, it is not some sort of homogenous amoeba no matter how much you want it to be.
You make laws designed for the betterment of society, if the benefit to society is greater then any detriment caused by the law, then the law should be past.

You can't make everyone happy, you can only do whats best.
What is good for the individual is good for the society. Society is made up of individuals, it is not some sort of homogenous amoeba no matter how much you want it to be.

What is good for one individual may not be good for another.

A great example, the open Mexican border is great for Mexicans, not so good for Americans. Who is more important to you?
What is good for one individual may not be good for another.

I agree, maybe that is why you don't like to open carry. My guess is that most people if not all that do carry have the knowledge to know what they are doing and the Consequences if they are ever put in a situation that they would have to use it.

I would rather have someone armed around me. Then not if trouble ever started where deadly force is needed.
Somebody in this thread need to read the Constitution and some of the writing of the founding fathers. A few statement in hear remind of Nazi Germany or Hussein's Iraq. Definitely, communistic in nature.
Because all know Nazi's were communist!!!!!!!!!! lmao........

The constitution is becoming more and more invalid as the times change, so its interpretation gets changed instead of the physical document.

You can't adhere to a 200 year old paper the same way you could back when it was written.
Did everyone miss this?:

"Like I said I agree with that we have a right to own gun's (I own a hunting rifle)"

That pretty much says it all, don't you think?

Is it me, or have we been geting alot of "anti's in sheeps clothing" recently?

I've seen more threads suporting the restricting of the 2nd amendment in the last 3 weeks than I've had in the previous year.

I think the Brady's left their back door open and all their friends left :D
What is good for one individual may not be good for another.

So what? You have to give every individual maximum freedom and let them do well or screw up, let the chips fall where they may. If you restrict human rights based on the lowest common denominator, that's where everyone ends up.

I guess we should cut the First Amendment out of the constitution because somebody may yell "fire" in a crowded theater, eh?

You say you want the best for the most, but what you are really talking about is taking away everyone's freedoms because a few bad apples can't handle it. That's not the best for the most, it's punishing the majority for the screwups of a tiny minority.
Hayduke said:
they may remember the young guy in the library wearing a sidearm and how uncomfortable it made everybody

Isn't that one of the main parts of the problem that those of us who exercise our RKBA face? Why does a sidearm cause a person to be uncomfortable. Social conditioning? Personal experience? Regardless of the reason, this is the sort of thing that we should be working to eliminate; the ill-perceived danger of an acceptable person exercising their given rights.
S832 Are you trolling ? You almost seem anti gun. Especially with the statement of not being comfortable around guns, but understanding their purpose.

You wouldn't be voting for Obama would you..........:rolleyes:
Because all know Nazi's were communist!!!!!!!!!! lmao........

The constitution is becoming more and more invalid as the times change, so its interpretation gets changed instead of the physical document.

You can't adhere to a 200 year old paper the same way you could back when it was written.

Now I know you are an Anti. Do you work for the U.N. Are you an American? Because you don't sound like it.
So what? You have to give every individual maximum freedom and let them do well or screw up, let the chips fall where they may. If you restrict human rights based on the lowest common denominator, that's where everyone ends up.

I guess we should cut the First Amendment out of the constitution because somebody may yell "fire" in a crowded theater, eh?

You say you want the best for the most, but what you are really talking about is taking away everyone's freedoms because a few bad apples can't handle it. That's not the best for the most, it's punishing the majority for the screwups of a tiny minority.

I don't know about you but I certainly would prefer not to get shot, then getting shot and having the person that shot me prosecuted.

But I agree, again its gain verses loss. If the gain is great enough then its worth the loss. If we could stop all crime by banning all fire-arms then I certainly would look into that as an option BUT it wouldn't so I have no interest in passing a law which doesn't achieve its purpose.
Now I know you are an Anti. Do you work for the U.N. Are you an American? Because you don't sound like it.

I just have some common sense, you can't base your future on the past.

The constitution is more of a set of guide lines then anything else now and when its considered detrimental to society the interpretation changes.
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