social license

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Store owners can decide if they allow CCW on their property or not, just like they can decide on a dress code.

I can't stand in the library screaming, which freedom of speech should protect, since the BOR is an unbreakable rule..........

The idea that society can be improved by removing and restricting individual rights is unamerican, unconstitutional, and ridiculous in the extreme.

When people no longer police themselves then the government needs to step in. Gain verses Loss,
Open carry is legal, much like freedom of speech.... He carried in a library and you didn't agree. You posted on the internet, lots of us don't agree with your opinion.

Bottom line is that he was exercising his right to carry and I doubt most people were offended or threatened by it. If they were you can bet the police would have been called.
"When people no longer police themselves then the government needs to step in. Gain verses Loss" S832 you've said it right there. That's all I have left to say.
Winston did anybody here mention anything about regulating when and where you can carry? I have freedom of speech but do I go around saying offensive and rude things in public. The answer is no. I never said I wanted to take anyones gun away either. Unfortunately not every situation is black and white. What I'm saying is if you're going to carry, please think before you do.

I live in a small western Colorado town and there's no need for it. Obvioulsy most people on this site are pro gun in everyway but you need to remember that most of the people in this country are not quite in favor of openly carrying a handgun. I guess that's the point I'm trying to make is that even if you have a permit and the law is on your side is it really needed to openly carry a handgun?

Ok so what are you talking about, You said you didn't like that he carried into the library. That doesn't sound like you are infavor of his rights. Like I said before, he didn't bother you.
Hayduke, are you just trying to cause trouble? If so, you're going the right
way for a caning or a banning. It's like a TFL member going to an ACLU
forum and saying "Flag burning is wrong ... IT'S WRONG!!! And by the way
we're going to over-turn Roe v. Wade so get your abortions while you still
can you filthy sinners." I would expect and get by buttocks injured. Maybe,
you're a masochist.
Hayduke, are you just trying to cause trouble? If so, you're going the right
way for a caning or a banning.

Threatening a member for sharing his view, without even being TFL staff is rather laughable.
When people no longer police themselves then the government needs to step in.

Luckily, the founding fathers had the good sense to include our fine pre-existing human rights in the founding documents so that socialist nanny-statists like you will never be able to have your way as long as the bill of rights is in effect.

It's a good thing they did or we would have to register our lungs to legally breathe.

Is there any social ill that you think can not be fixed by government intrusion? It seems your stock answer is to regulate, regulate, and regulate some more.

"The government is always the answer, all hail the mighty, all-knowing government, if we just had more laws, society would be perfect."
I don't like fat girls in spandex, can the goverment fix that?:eek: Even though I know it is there right to wear what they want. Maybe goverment regulation to print the stress and breaking points of spandex on the labels:D
Its not their right to wear what ever they want, the government implements a quasi dress code because the gain of its implementation is greater then any loss.

The government is needed, laws are needed, rules are needed. They keep this country intact.
Its not their right to wear what ever they want, the government implements a quasi dress code because the gain of its implementation is greater then any loss.

The government is needed, laws are needed, rules are needed. They keep this country intact.

The gain? Oh you mean the mass..............Oh ok I get it , The goverment gets involved and the whole thing goes to hell!!!!:eek:
Its not their right to wear what ever they want, the government implements a quasi dress code because the gain of its implementation is greater then any loss.

You know, half the world already tried totalitarianism for a little shy of a century. It didn't work.
It's a shame Hayduke already excused himself from his own thread, but most of us has heard a lot of these arguments before. Maybe Hayduke really isn't an anti, but he uses their lingo
It only takes one second to pull the trigger and kill somebody.
It takes a small leap of "logic" to equate a person does not need a gun = a person should not be allowed to have a gun.
Yet the vast majority of us will go our whole lives without ever being randomly attacked.

Yes and there are alot of people who will never be involved in a traffic collision but im sure that their cars will have seat belts in em.
And what about the minority who are attacked?

I guess they get to die helplessly because most people don't "need" guns.
I saw a t shirt these weekend


and it doesn't except for when I am at the library:eek:
Again gain verses loss, when the gain is greater then the loss, then its implemented. If its logically sound and statistically correct then maybe its the right thing to do.
You say you don't agree with people carrying a gun in public right? Tell that to the 31 victims at Virginia Tech. Say it loud because they might have a hard time hearing you. As a police officer and former private security officer crime can hit you or me or anyone anywhere, anytime. Look at all the church shootings recently. Where in the world can you expect to be at more peace than a church? Look at all the school shootings. How about home invasions? Do me a favor and keep your head in the sand. That way the wolves may not see you but will see all us sheepdogs ready to deal with them.
Again gain verses loss, when the gain is greater then the loss, then its implemented. If its logically sound and statistically correct then maybe its the right thing to do.

ok so in your opinion. What do you gain by not carrying in public? The loss of your gun= ?
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