social license

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So I'm at the Library today reading a magazine and a young kid (younger than me I"m 26) walks in wearing a sidearm. Man did that really **** me off. I'm pro gun and think it's every human's right to defend their house or family but do we as a society really need to be armed in the streets? I mean he was at the library for crying out loud. Do you know who goes to the Gunnison Library in the summertime? Elderly people and children. There's hardly any crime in this town and you'll only find trouble if you go looking for it. Like I said I agree with that we have a right to own gun's (I own a hunting rifle) but don't agree that they should be carried in public. I'm sure lots of you will say well what if I'm attacked? How many of us have really been attacked on the street or at the library. We're fed so much negativity through our media that we are afraid of each other. It only takes one second to pull the trigger and kill somebody.
If people want to own CCW's they should be able to, but businesses should be able to decide if they are allowed inside.

Open Carry is a bit problematic IMO and should be discouraged, but I support the ability to only because sometimes your CCW can get uncovered by accident.

CCW's are a last resort, not a first - anyone who abuses their CCW rights should get them promptly taken away.
So I'm at the Library today reading a magazine and a young kid (younger than me I"m 26) walks in wearing a sidearm. Man did that really **** me off. I'm pro gun and think it's every human's right to defend their house or family but do we as a society really need to be armed in the streets? I mean he was at the library for crying out loud. Do you know who goes to the Gunnison Library in the summertime? Elderly people and children. There's hardly any crime in this town and you'll only find trouble if you go looking for it. Like I said I agree with that we have a right to own gun's (I own a hunting rifle) but don't agree that they should be carried in public. I'm sure lots of you will say well what if I'm attacked? How many of us have really been attacked on the street or at the library. We're fed so much negativity through our media that we are afraid of each other. It only takes one second to pull the trigger and kill somebody..

People don't plan on when is a good time to be attacked. It just happens. He knows that, But you don't. If you agree it is his right, Then why are you ****** off? Your comment doesn't make any sence.
Maybe he had to go through a bad neighborhood to get there or he works nights by himself? Why should he be denied that right. Did he do anything wrong other than startle you?

People love to cry Rambo when somebody open carries, but there are plenty good reasons to. I once went to a fabric store with my wife open carrying, not because I suspected getting mugged by the linens, but because I was going to look at holsters in the next store and didn't want to leave my gun in the car. It is also easier to open carry than carry concealed, as you need to take a class and pay for the permit.

In the end, you gotta realize no harm no foul. You don't think you would get into any trouble without looking for it, but you probably didn't expect to see somebody armed in the public library either.
What did he do to you? Did he act in any way to infringe on your rights? If not, what right do you have to limit how he carries his property?
I think recent events have proven that NO place can be considered safe. I bet a lot of people figured going to the mall, or even to church was safe - but it wasn't.

I'd rather have a gun and not need it, than need it and not have it....
raimius you are exactly right. Personally there's not much I can do about it but collectively as a society is where are laws come from. I doubt anybody at that library felt any safer because he had a handgun, I'm guessing it was the opposite. The next time those people go to vote they may remember the young guy in the library wearing a sidearm and how uncomfortable it made everybody. It's not like I live in Detroit. I live in a small western Colorado town and there's no need for it. Obvioulsy most people on this site are pro gun in everyway but you need to remember that most of the people in this country are not quite in favor of openly carrying a handgun. I guess that's the point I'm trying to make is that even if you have a permit and the law is on your side is it really needed to openly carry a handgun?
Ideally you should never, ever need to carry a firearm and the library was an example of where someone really has no reason to.

I have somewhat of a problem letting anyone CCW or Open Carry, there needs to be through background checks, mental health evaluations and training.

I think everyone should be able to assuming the fulfill are the requirements, but you shouldn't just need to fill out some paperwork and get your CCW license the same day without any other checks/training.

Like I said above, Open Carry should really be discouraged IMO unless absolutely needed.
Do you know who goes to the Gunnison Library in the summertime? Elderly people and children. There's hardly any crime in this town and you'll only find trouble if you go looking for it.

Do you know why the kids and elderly are safe there? Do you know why there's probably no crime in town? Do you know why the place would have that reputation of taking care of itself?

Because of guys like this gentleman, who don't mind the stares or snide remarks of folks that don't get it.

But maybe you're right, it's not like anyone would ever look for trouble in a nice place like a library, just like schools, churches and malls (as LG mentioned above) for that matter.

I personally love the rare case where I encounter someone open-carrying. We need to re-introduce the non-shooting public to guns in casual settings to eliminate the misconception of accidents waiting to happen.
Ideally you should never, ever need to carry a firearm and the library was an example of where someone really has no reason to.

I really have a problem letting just anyone CCW or Open Carry, there needs to be through background checks, mental health evaluations and training.

Like I said above, Open Carry should really be discouraged IMO unless absolutely needed..

I am glade you are not a politician. Remember the shooting in the church? I would think a church would be safer than a library.
Most people take the same stance I do WINSTON, if guns become a problem they get restricted just like anything else.

To me this represents a possible* problem.

It would be great if everyone was responsible, but sadly not everyone is. I support CCW but like I said, I also don't want a hothead OCing or getting a CCW permit, getting into an argument and then killing someone.

Not to mention guns aren't real pleasant to be around, I own them but I also understand their purpose.
People don't plan on when is a good time to be attacked. It just happens.
Yet the vast majority of us will go our whole lives without ever being randomly attacked. Fact is, it really doesn't happen that often. Maybe on a par with getting struck by lightning or eaten by a shark. Yeah, it's possible, but most of us will never experience it.

If I had to live every day in fear that someone was just going to walk up while I'm minding my own business and begin beating me, I think that I'd reconsider the way that I was living and the things that I was doing, especially considering that 99% of the people in this country manage to survive day after day after day without even having a CCW.

But keep displaying guns in public places where people don't want to see them and see if some of them don't start asking legislators to "do something about it."
Open carry isn't something I'd do....

BG: "Hey, that guy's got a gun... cap him first."

Maybe that's just my paranoia but I think it would happen in the wrong place/wrong time.

Doesn't matter to me anyway, he'd be arrested in NY, which I also think is stupid. It's another of those things that should not be done but should not be illegal, the same way many people think of motorcycle helmets and seat belts.
Rationing fundamental, individual rights according to what somebody "needs" is a very dangerous concept.

How much freedom of speech do you need? Saying offensive things can lead to violence so you should have to have a psychological evaluation before you get your free speech permit, right?

How much due process do you need? Most people charged with crimes are guilty so they don't really need the expensive ritual of trials, do they?

The idea that society can be improved by removing and restricting individual rights is unamerican, unconstitutional, and ridiculous in the extreme. It's been tried before and it leads to a tyrannical government.
when people start regulating where and when you can carry . That becomes the problem.

You can't carry at a school,bank,bar,gov.building, some places of buisness, Now what, How about the library,how about the bakery, I mean a person carrying a gun into starbucks, Could ruin a persons morning,You know people just waking up and seeing someone with a gun and no badge.:eek: How dare someone exercise the 2nd amendment rights.........

If they are not bothering you, Then why should you bother them. It is there right to carry. But for somone to say I would rather they have a ccw and conceal it. Would that really make you feel better? That makes no sence to me. But for that matter maybe a librarian was packing. Does that make you feel any safer.

I like open carry, It keeps the bad guys in check more so than ccw's In my world .I work at night late in a bad part of town. I would rather a bad guy know I am packing and not mess with me than trying his luck. and hoping I am unarmed.
Why do you give a rats a$$.

Why don't you mind your own business and stop worrying what other people are doing.

BTW - 26 is a young kid, so get off it.
Winston did anybody here mention anything about regulating when and where you can carry? I have freedom of speech but do I go around saying offensive and rude things in public. The answer is no. I never said I wanted to take anyones gun away either. Unfortunately not every situation is black and white. What I'm saying is if you're going to carry, please think before you do.
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