So you pulled your gun on someone what happened next???

Nice. I prefer single stacks myself but Para's are awesome. A P12 is what got me into 1911's at 9yrs. old. I have a S&W fullize 45ACP that is awesome. Im looking to get a smaller carry 1911 though(Colt Defender/STI Ranger II?). If those guys tried anthing by the way they would be swiss cheese lol how close, were they on your right or left?
They were on the right, the passenger's side. I'd have shown them the weapon first, given them about 2 seconds to back off, before I put one in the driver's chest. That would likely have discouraged him. I couldn't have missed, our vehicles were almost touching.

I have 4 or 5 1911's, the smallest being a P10 for Summer concealed carry.
Cool. I thought they were on the right for some reason. Im guessing your a righty because most are. You did the right thing getting it ready for action with the piece. Im sure you knew what you had to do and would have blasted the driver, that would hopefully deter the other guy, maybe hit him ;). I think that was a nice move especially in a moving vechile it makes it difficult. 230gr. Hydra's? Any load 185 and above are the ones to go with. Really light for special purpose.
Last time I pulled a gun I hesitated because I thought he might be a KID and he was going out the window. To shoot would have been in his back. Actually, he was 41. His partner at a blind corner of my living room put a 38 (158 gr.RNL) in my lower gut. Never again will I hesitate, even if he's wearing dypers.
One time I was driving and 2 gentlemen pulled up alongside me, obviously peeved at me. For what, I don't know, but I am a fairly aggressive driver.

Houston, we have a problem.

It is doubtful that a random person is purposely going to make a concerted effort to "run another random person off the road". It's pretty obvious something was done to provoke their reaction and I'm guessing if someone did to you as you had done to them, you would chase them down.

A fire arm is supposed to be a " get me out of this bad situation I've found my self being forced into " and not a " I've done something to provoke someone and now I need a escape route "
I'd have shown them the weapon first, given them about 2 seconds to back off, before I put one in the driver's chest. That would likely have discouraged him.

Bubba is waiting for a nice warm cozy cell.

Cant belive some of ther stuff posted here. Cartoon network down again?
WANT A LCR 22LR, as I stated, I really don't know what I did to provoke them, maybe cut them off in traffic or whatever, but it doesn't matter. Nothing I did to them could justify them attempting to run me off the road, which is assault with a deadly weapon, using the vehicle as the weapon.

markj, I don't know what part you don't understand, the part about their ADW or my ability to hit a target that was about 6 feet away.
Today was my 1st of 3 days of an armed security officer safety class & the majority of today's debates all had to do with "what if" when guns get involved. The lesson I took from the class (taught by a former cop, security officer company owner, navy man & 15 years as an instructor) was that more often than not, pulling our guns out will get us in trouble with the law. We weren't all that impressed with the course book because it was in direct contrast with some things we all thought to be true, perhaps to LEGALLY cover our 6. Basically, it boiled down to if you can't get away & call 911, you can pull your gun out.
Funny how walking around Iraq with a gun in hand all the time changes one's perception of "When can I go for my gun?" :rolleyes:
I'd have shown them the weapon first, given them about 2 seconds to back off, before I put one in the driver's chest. That would likely have discouraged him.

That part. Do that and you will more than likly go to jail. What part of that dont you understand? Cant just go shooting someone in the car next to you just cause you thought he was a threat.
I didn't "think" he was a threat. He was. He was very deliberately trying to run me into oncoming traffic, while looking at me and cussing. In fact, he tried it twice. There simply wasn't any question. It wasn't some idiot yaking on a cell phone and weaving across lanes.

Speed limit along there is 40, with a lot of traffic going faster = 80 to 90 mph closing speed. I wasn't going to let him push me into that. If you want to if put in the same situation, go ahead.

You'll notice (since you quoted it) that I intended to show him the weapon first, thus giving him a chance to back off. If he insisted on going ahead after that point, then he was obviously very determined to do me bodily harm.
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Nothing I did to them could justify them attempting to run me off the road, which is assault with a deadly weapon, using the vehicle as the weapon.
That's probably not how their criminal action would be classified.

I didn't "think" he was a threat. He was. He was very deliberately trying to run me into oncoming traffic, while looking at me and cussing. In fact, he tried it twice. There simply wasn't any question.
If you had fired, you would next be in the position of having to provide at least some evidence on each of the following points:

  1. The person had the ability, the opportunity, and the specific intention to kill you or cause you serious bodily harm at that moment, and
  2. To save yourself from death or serious injury, you had no alternative but to fire your gun.

Failing on any one of the above would result in criminal conviction and make you liable for damages caused by the moving car of the man you had injured.

It would be an uphill battle at best, and you can bet that there would be contradictory testimony and that the forensic evidence would be unlikely to help you.

There is VIP training available on what to do in such a situation, and it involves using the car, not a gun. It is extremely expensive, and may not be available to everyone.
Maybe police stories don’t count, but I came close taking out a perp and it was a scary incident.

Years ago, I was working an A line, midnight to 8 AM when I got behind a car with out of state plates driving at 30 MPH in a 55 MPH zone on a state road. I ran the plate and it came back a hit. “File one”, stolen vehicle.

I called for backup and lit him up. He pulled over, got out of the car and refused to comply with my orders to show me his hands. He appeared to be concealing something, so I broke the shotgun loose. As a cop, your first instincts tell you he has a gun.

I dispensed with further “PPP” or proper police procedures and I said, “If you flinch, you’re dead.” I had a bead on him and I extended the barrel beyond the spot light so he could see his fate.

He finally complied and threw the object into the front seat of the vehicle and put his hands in the air. When backup arrived, we took him down. Turns out, he was wanted for felony assault in his home state and he was driving the victim’s car. All he had was a pellet gun. He wasn’t all that bright, but he knew the difference between a pellet gun and a shotgun.
Good thing, because he was about 6 lbs of finger pressure from eternity
I didn't "think" he was a threat. He was. He was very deliberately trying to run me into oncoming traffic, while looking at me and cussing. In fact, he tried it twice. There simply wasn't any question. It wasn't some idiot yaking on a cell phone and weaving across lanes.

I gotta ask, dont yer brakes work? In the situation you describe, a gun isnt even a solution. Good luck with that, remember this. Texas executes more people each year than any other state, do you want to chance it? Find another way out of the situation that doesnt involve shooting the guy, in my state showing the gun like you did is called brandishing and could land you in jail.
Wrong. In my original post I said "whlie keeping the pistol below the window so they couldn't see it yet", so no brandishing was involved.

And you and OldMarksman can argue it out about using the brakes vs his VIP maneuvers.
In the situation you describe, a gun isnt even a solution.
Correct. If one were to fire it and hit the driver, it would only put the allegedly offending car out of control; the chance of hitting an innocent third party (who may also be driving an automobile) is completely unacceptable.

If one were to simply point it, the outcome is unpredictable. There are several possibilities:

  • The dudes are deterred and back off and disappear;
  • The passenger pulls and shoots; or
  • A cellphone call to 911 brings the gendarmes, who find the gun, compare it with the accusers' description, and start a criminal investigation that is likely to lead to prosecution.

I have difficulty imagining any defense of justification attempt more likely to fail. Take a traffic dispute and add a shooting by one driver at the occupants of another car; the defendant's only "evidence" that he believed he was in imminent danger is his word that he was thought the other driver was attempting to force him into oncoming traffic; the testimony of the people in the other car contradicts the testimony of the defendant; and the defendant puts together a story, subject to rigorous cross examination, that using the gun on a crowded roadway was somehow immediately necessary and that it somehow constituted a likely way out of his predicament. Not likely.

I would be somewhat surprised if the defendant even got a favorable jury instruction allowing the jurors to consider self defense.
I have been an LEO for 32 years, Military, Local and federal. I cannot count the times I have pulled my gun on people. I have never had to shoot anyone, they all complied. I have shot several dogs that failed to comply. I guess that I can be very convincing when the chips are down and there is opportunity to convince someone they are about to make a very bad mistake.

"When in doubt, whip it out"