So you pulled your gun on someone what happened next???


Guys I'm looking for some first hand accounts of the reaction by the bad guy once you pulled your gun on them. Did they comply, run, continue, freeze, Etc. You can post the story if you are comfortable doing so or just the outcome.

I have had a couple and got compliance from both.

Thanks in advance.
Each time I pulled my gun on someone, actually my rifle, I shot them. No time for them to run. No place to hide, once I found them. No neutralize the threat, just shoot to kill.

But that was in Vietnam and we were all young and lawless. Live like an animal and became an animal. But keep this in mind, most of us that had that attitude are here to (not) talk about it (and suffer the consequences of our actions - PTSD).

If you are going to pull your gun out of your holster, you damn well better pull the trigger (unless you are a trained LEO). Otherwise, you have no business extracting metal from leather.
If you ever point a gun at someone you better
1) have a reason to kill them


2) be ready to shoot them.

If they raise their hands and surrender you tell them to lie face down on the ground or on their knees with their legs crossed and their hands behind their backs while you call the cops.

If they run away you keep your weapon pointed at them in case they turn around and point a weapon at you. As soon as they are a safe distance, call the police and report the incident so that you son't have to worry about being accused of brandishing a gun.
in the car...

When I go through Atlanta and suburbs (what I dub highrisk areas) I keep the gun between the seat and console…
While at a stop light in DeKalb county there was a guy standing on the corner looking at everyone.
I noticed he didn’t cross after 2 red lights, and was curious as to why he was standing there. When I pulled up in his view, I saw him looking at my jeep..
I was alone. The guy started to walk up to my car looking, moving his head around, trying to see in side if anyone was in with me or if I was alone.. or so that is how I felt.. the closer he got the more nervous I got because he wasn’t moving for the last 5 minutes. I put my hand on the gun. As he saw me move he raised up to look at what I was doing, I moved my hand just enough for him to see it, and his expression changed quickly, and he backed up and turned away.. I am not sure what his purpose was, but the next day someone on that corner was killed during a carjacking.. That may just be coincidence, but since that day I never leave my gun.
I'm guessing that you didn't call the police and report it. I don't imagine I would have either, but I wonder if the person who died there the next day might have had a different fate if a call to the police with a description had been made. Knowing Atlanta, probly not, they would likely have just ignored it.

My dad was a atlanta officer for 20 years.. retired..
He said they can't and won't do anything unless a law was broken...
A guy standing outside your car would not warrent a policeofficer to do anything.

I didn't think anything of it.. it may not even be related...
It was just scary to think about the events that took place.
The fact he didn't do anything illegal would not allowed them to do anything.
So you pulled your gun on someone what happened next???

I unleashed the hell only brought by the skilled use of the largest super soaker allowed by law. They got wet.

A few years ago some fellows drove onto my place uninvited, said they had beef to sell, hmmm come to a feedlot and try to sell beef? I told him I dont buy beef, he started in his spiel, I said very loud voice, get the heck off of my place before I get real upset. I was standing by him looking down on his head, he left fast. No body wants to mess with 300 lbs of me :) dont need a gun for dealing with creeps like that. Never had to use a gun in any confrontation I ever had, even when a bouncer.

Now my Uncles and cousins that are LEO can sure tell you some tales, well if you were family they would. :)
Guys I'm not trying to start another thread explaining the whys, whens, and hows about pulling a gun on someone. I simply want those folks who have pulled on someone without having to fire to let us know how said bad guy reacted.

Why do you want to know?

I need information to support or dispel a theory I have. Plus its fun to read the stories.

Then what happened ?

In one case we held the bad guy for police. The other case we retreated safely from the area. Both situations the sight of the gun caused an immediate cessation of motion.
If i did ever pull my weapon on some one,having it laid out on the internet would be the last place i would want it.....Anything put out on the web is there forever and could possibly (and would) be used against you in the future for anything that comes up in the future.

I would think that some if not most who carry would agree with me....
Just curious....why do/would you want that kind if information for?
Javabum, I left the option to post the story or the just outcome. If your scenario is justified there shouldn't be a problem either way. If you feel this way then simply don't post. There are plenty who can and hopefully will.

I already listed why I'm asking.
If you are going to pull your gun out of your holster, you damn well better pull the trigger (unless you are a trained LEO).

<Good Grief Colorado>! You're an instructor???? :eek:

In my state you can be charged with Agg assault for unnecessarily pointing a gun at an innocent person... and rightly so.

But if someone brandishes a knife in a threatening way, you pull your pistol, and they drop the knife, seeing that you're armed..... following your rules would get you a murder conviction. ESPECIALLY if there are witnesses to the incident.

There are NO ABSOLUTES in any given threat scenario that tell me you shoot when you draw no matter what. And there are plenty of incidents of the weapon presentation ending a dangerous situation peacefully. The advice from LE/instructors in my state is to report the incident so the bad guy doesn't try and play Good Guy and nail you for Agg assault.
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I should have known better than to even start in this one, so if I can't delete my post at least I can erase it.:cool:
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I did not necessarily pull my weapon on some one but I did pull a revolver from my pocket and have it at my side while I was being confronted by a threatening dog. I never pointed the gun at any thing or any one, But the dog owner did get a little more serious about putting his dog away. The sheriff did show up looking for "two guys in Cabela's outfits" that had a hand gun, but according to my dad, he was their only a few seconds. Had he run the plates on the only car there he would have seen that I have CCW permit. It would have taken him literally minutes to find me wading in the stream, In other words he would have had of get out of his truck. So basically nothing happened.
Short version. Confrontation with a guy outside a bar(I was sober) he started digging in the bed of his truck. I told him to leave his tire iron alone and have a good night. He came at me with the tire iron, I had already drawn (I was standing in the open door of my truck, so the gun was out of sight)I showed him the gun as he waved the iron from about 8 feet away and once again told him to have a good night. He picked up his jaw, said you too and walked away.

Did I handle it perfectly? No. Did I get the response I wanted? Yes.
In my state you can be charged with Agg assault for unnecessarily pointing a gun at an innocent person... and rightly so

Did I miss something here? I thought the discussion was about pulling a gun on someone and I think I made it quite clear that if you pull a gun on someone you had better be of the mindset to use it. I don't think my words could be misconstrued to indicate that one would pull a gun on an "innocent" person. I think the point was being made that if you take the gun out of the holster, we are not taking about innocent other parties.

Indeed, if one were to pull a gun on a so-called innocent person, say for the purpose of intimidation, then you are actually correct and the offending person could realistically be charged with AGG Assault.

For the sake of this conversation, I think we were talking about two different things in the same conversation. I will try to be more precise next time. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
The closest I've come to pulling a gun (as a civilian anyways): Got a call about 2am from some drunk buddies at the bar needing a ride home so I went to pick them up. Of course they were hungry and wanted to go to Waffle House but didn't have any cash on them. So I pull up to an ATM machine and when I get the money out of the machine a guy comes outta no where (from drunksitting I guess I just didn't see him walk up :o) with a knife and tells me to hand the cash over to him. I had my Springfield Champian between my seat and the center console. Well I pulled it out, set it on my lap and said "I don't think so"...the guy dropped the knife, said he was sorry and ran away. This happened across the street from the local police station so right after I went in a filed a report.
I've only ever had a couple of incidents (thanks to God for that) in my years. 2 were misunderstandings about proper procedure for maintenance workers letting themselves into my apartment when I'm not home which got me strict compliance and a written apology... the second time.

The only other time I had to use my CCW weapon against a BG in self defense was to deter two individuals from robbing me outside of a drive-thru ATM at a gas station. The entire situation is burried somewhere here, but the basic situation was that two individuals who knew that I had just gotten money from the nearby ATM came at me in a Kroger Gas Station lot. I saw them coming and looked at the teller in his booth and said, "Call the Police right now." I then walked a few feet from the booth, squared up with them, cleared my cover garment and gripped my weapon. I stopped there and didn't pull. I could see all 4 hands under the lights of the station. I made menacing eye contact and said very seriously,
"Stop right there. The police are on their way... If I were you, I'd be running right now."

They stopped when I told them to. So I stopped my draw. If they had come any closer, they would have had a pair of sights trained on them. But they didn't, so they didn't. If one had pulled a weapon, so would I. If one had come at me with a weapon, a small cohort of my weapon would be coming at them; quite quickly. But like most criminals, they were also cowards when their victimology proved faulty. They exchanged a thoughtful look between them and took off running.

This ended exactly like it should have. And my unlock codes served me very well. See a threat - prepare yourself. See an armed threat - arm yourself. Witness an eminent attack - produce an eminent attack.

And what is more, no one ever saw my weapon; I could have been bluffing my hind end off. But HAVING my weapon on me gave me the confidence and knowledge to face two possibly armed individuals without hesitation. Just as 90% of defense encounters are solved by simply brandishing, I believe that many more are prevented altogether by how criminals perceive the behavior of those individuals that have the capacity to defend themselves. They are looking for defenseless, so they naturally pass up quiet confidence and implied strength for weak and insecure every day of the week.

Only in war have I had to shoot aggressively.

45Gunner responded:

"If you are going to pull your gun out of your holster, you damn well better pull the trigger (unless you are a trained LEO). Otherwise, you have no business extracting metal from leather."

This is either meaningless posturing or serious misunderstanding of what it means to carry a firearm. Attitudes and statements such as this help fuel a negative image of firearm owners and carriers. Reminds me of the novelized Hollywood notion that everytime a samurai draws a sword blood must also be drawn.

Thankfully, most firearm carriers do not adhere to 45Gunner's practice. If they did we would have CCW, open carry, and firearms ownership in dire peril.