So Who Killed JFK?

So Who is Resonsible for the Death of JFK?

  • Oswald and/or someone and CIA/Texas Right Wingers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oswald and/or someone and Fidel/Che

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Again ... look at how messy this all was. And if it was a conspiracy, they had to pull another unlikely feat by having the would be assassin killed by a strip club owner, who took that on himself and was captured and went to jail ... why? That was the best plan this huge conspiracy could come up with?

If this was a conspiracy, the headline would have been neat and clean:

Anti-American Fanatic Kills Kennedy, then turns gun on self.

In an area of the airport that was believed to be secure and where no cameras were allowed ...

That way ... they have one body, one gun, and no problems tying up the loose ends. And no messy and uncrontrollable sound recordings, radio recordings, private movie cameras, etc.

The thing is ... if it HAD been a conspiracy, it would have been so neatly and cleverly done that NOBODY would ever think it was a conspiracy. Because this was carried out by a nutjob with minimal planning and a lot of luck and then another nutjob got involved and killed the first nutjob ... for 50 years everyone has been rationalize some way it couldn't have been nutjobs.

Like when the the Jewish Mafia, dissatisfied with how FDR ran the war, had him killed and made it look like natural causes. They they had Truman, whom they had implanted a brain bug in, take control bomb Japan even though Japan had already surrendered (they planted all the evidence of how they killed FDR in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and then used the US Army Air Force as a stooge to destroy it).

I had an uncle who was involved. He told me everything. :D:cool:
After all that I've read/seen/heard through the years, Oswald was a part of the conspiracy and probably did fire some shots, but the REAL killer was Charles Harrelson (father of actor Woody Harrelson). Harrelson was a KNOWN Mafia hit man, and even confessed to shooting JFK (he recanted that confession, but....!). Harrelson was supposedly one of the 3 "tramps" that were taken in for questioning, but most of the information about those "tramps" was conveniently "lost" shortly after the focus of attention was drawn toward Oswald. I saw a live TV clip of those 3 "tramps", and they were all clean-cut and wore clean clothing....not your typical "tramp" types.

Why would Charles Harrelson confess to killing JFK, then recant his confession? I think that he knew that he'd be snuffed if he started naming names. As it turned out, Harrelson died in 2007 while in prison for an unrelated homicide.
I voted for a mob connection. I think Oswald did it pretty much on his own but the mob used him to some degree, maybe by fueling his anger and pretending to be his friend.
Egging him on, sympathizing, etc. Something that big would have been risky to use their own sources for fear of them being caught and making a deal. That's the only thing that makes sense with Jack Ruby's involvement, I can't see him being upset over JFK.
JFK is alive playing cards with Elvis

They're in an old age home in Texas. They dyed JFK black and put a small bag of sand in to replace the piece of missing brain. Elvis secretly switched places with an Elvis impersonator to live a more normal life who later died on the toilet. Elvis lost his proof of identity in a trailer fire and then broke his hip performaing as an Elvis impersonator.

See Bubba Ho-Tep for the details.
Wild: FWIW, I think Oswald was the lone assassin. I was initially suspicious when Ruby got to him so quickly and easily but that was explained pretty well back then IIRC.

I read the Warren report (almost all of it) years ago and have recently watched the documentary on the History Channel (mentioned by another member) where the "problems" with the lone gunman theory seemed to be answered very well.

Then, we have to remember Oswald shot and killed officer Tibbet(sp?). Why would he do that?

So, for me, I think Oswald was the lone gunman.

I have to admit though that Ruby's involvement has always been somewhat of a problem for me. But the authorities say he just had access to the police station and hated what Oswald had done.
some years back I read a soft-cover book 'The Rifle' about the rfile Oswald used, tracking it coming into the US and getting to Oswald. didn't really answer many questions I have but it stated that Oswald was the top scoring rifleman in his boot camp company.
I beleive that some powers behind-the-scenes knew what Oswald was about (he had already taken a shot at an outspoken right-wing retired general - missed and wasn't charged) and very likely encouraged his actions and possibly had an 'insurance policy' i.e. another shooter involved.
sure enough the Kennedys had many powerful enemys with reason and motivation to get them (Bobby too).
no doubt in my mind that there is more behind the assasination than the public will ever know.
conspiracys are a fact of life, believe it.
I have to admit though that Ruby's involvement has always been somewhat of a problem for me. But the authorities say he just had access to the police station and hated what Oswald had done.
He could have been that dedicated a fan of JFK but it also sounds like a convenient close to the matter. Comments like these are what bothers me.
[In October, 1964, the Warren Commission reported that it "found no evidence that either Lee Harvey Oswald or Jack Ruby was part of any conspiracy, domestic or foreign, to assassinate President Kennedy". It also stated that there was no "significant link between Ruby and organized crime". This information came from friends of Ruby, including Dave Yarras, a Mafia hit man.]

So his buddy, the mafia hit man, says he wasn't involved with the mob. Okey Dokey.
Interesting Jaser.

Why did Oswald kill that policeman though? If he didn't do it, there'd be no reason to murder anyone? I mean, he opened fire on that officer and killed him right there in the street where he was confronted.

Jaser (and 45Marlin), are you both saying Oswald might have been in cahoots with someone else but you think Oswald fired some deadly shots? I've always wondered about "other" people helping him organize the attack but I've never heard of solid proof?

So, for me, without that solid proof I just think Oswald probably acted alone. I guess I'll never know for sure.
Isn't it obvious?

George Bush killed JFK becuase JFK was going to blow the lid off the plot to bring down the World Trade Center towers with government missiles.
Oswald was well known to US intelligence, the FBI and the local LEO agencys as a 'loose cannon'. too well known IMO to not have been under close scrutiny. don't have an idea what Ruby's connection in it is other than he definitely shut-up the one that could tell. Ruby 'supposedly' made comments in prison stating that there was lots he could say, why he didn't - no idea. and the shooting of Officer Tippet? no idea other than either an act of desperation on Oswalds part or a convenient marker for the search to begin. the handgun used in the shooting was never found BTW.
I just figure myself from what I've read that Oswald likely was involved in the shooting - and there was another ('s) shooter. also the motorcade route was diverted past the school book depository just a couple days before the assasination. this is proven fact. very convenient - too much so for me. I could go on about the convenient demise of quite a few 'witnesses' involved in the shooting but won't. My guess is that the Texas 'mob' was involved heavily.
I don't dwell on things such as this - or I'd be nuts (or moreso maybe) in short time!
this is unrelated but remember Jimmy Carter pledged during his campaign to have the Government UFO files made public. after a briefing by the Pentagon officials he clammed up quickly. kind of glad he did.
Elvis voted in the Democratic primary in Chicago, proving conclusively that he is dead. Kennedy has lived alone on that Carribean island all these years.
Questions still unanswered!

We (the American people) will never know the truth.

There are just to many unanswered questions which need answers first.

1) No autopsy was performed in Dallas, hospital and coroner's office confirmed this.

2) Two hours not accounted for between departure Andrew's Air Force base and arrival at Bethesda Naval Hospital for Kennedy's body. Confirmed by logs at both bases.

3) Medical corpsman signing for body notes that autopsy performed, brain and brain pan missing, other body parts missing.

4) Slugs missing, or not accounted for.

Without complete and full disclosure, the truth will never be known!
No autopsy was performed in Dallas, hospital and coroner's office confirmed this.

So what?

Two hours not accounted for between departure Andrew's Air Force base and arrival at Bethesda Naval Hospital for Kennedy's body. Confirmed by logs at both bases.

So what?

Medical corpsman signing for body notes that autopsy performed, brain and brain pan missing, other body parts missing.

Out and out rubbish. Give us a source.

Slugs missing, or not accounted for.

More rubbish? Source?

We (the American people) will never know the truth.

Thats because some folks live in conspiracist fantasy land:D But hey, convince me...give me a plausible scenario supported by hard evidence that lets say...the CIA did it.

WildimnotanalienAlaska TM
George Bush. I'm telling you, it was George Bush.




It was Hillary Clinton! Kennedy wasn't killed from the Grassy Knoll, he was killed at Fort Marcy Park!
So Vince Foster killed Kennedy to prevent Hillary's teenage love affair with JFK from coming out and ruining her run for the White House. Then Bobby Kennedy killed Vince Foster so he can have Hillary for himself.
If the handgun used in the Tippet shooting was taken from Oswald I haven't seen reference to it. can you provide info related?

The Warren Commision report....

Do you want the pages?

WildicanlookitupAlaska ™
]Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy[
Chapter 1: Summary and Conclusions

Page 8
At 1:29 p.m., the police radio had noted the similarity in the descriptions of the suspects in the Tippit shooting and the assassination. At 1:45 p.m., in response to Mrs. Postal's call, the police radio sounded the alarm: "Have information a suspect just went in the Texas Theatre on West Jefferson." Within minutes the theater was surrounded. The house lights were then turned up. Patrolman M. N. McDonald and several other policemen approached the man, who had been pointed out to them by Brewer.

McDonald ordered the man to his feet and heard him say, "Well, it's all over now." The man drew a gun from his waist with one hand and struck the officer with the other. McDonald struck out with his right hand and grabbed the gun with his left hand. disAfter a brief struggle McDonald and several other police officers disarmed and handcuffed the suspect and drove him to police headquarters, arriving at approximately 2 p.m.
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