So Who Killed JFK?

So Who is Resonsible for the Death of JFK?

  • Oswald and/or someone and CIA/Texas Right Wingers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oswald and/or someone and Fidel/Che

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Another minor detail: I have no doubt that anybody above the age of 5 who has seen a picture of a rifle could make that shot, but a trained marksman attempting it with a Carcano? Why? That thing is more liable to jam than get 3 shots in a row.

I guess I should answer that one. I am old enough. While getting ready for deer season a friend of mine showed me a new rifle he bought by mail order from Kliens. Yes, it was the same rifle Oawald used. We took it out for some test shots in early November 1963...just days before Kennedy was shot. The rifle is typical military issue. Not great, but it did work. I was able to operate the bolt at reasonable speed. Not like a Remington 700, but better than you think. IMO, after shooting the same rifle Oswald used, the shot can be done...not easy, but possible.

BTW, I didn't vote. Maybe because I was around at the time. I am still not sure what choice to make.
LouPran double check, I dont think those are accurate photos of the bullet. GoSlash has the more accurate ones.

Be that as it may, it is concievable, indeed probable, screw it, indisputable that an FMJ RN 6.5 driven at moderate velocities could look like that after passing through soft tissue or even skull.

Krezyhorse has a key here. As does Marko Kloos, who is in essence telling us that in order to beleive in ANY conspiracy, you have to either make stuff up, disregard the obvious, or find a way to twist the facts. Conspiracy in the JFK case is pure fiction.

You all realize of course, that NO CREDIBLE evidence at all has ever been found connecting Oswald to any conspiracy. Non. Nicht. Nil.

Nor can any CREDIBLE argument be made that Oswald didnt fire the shots that killed JFK.

WildalltherestismadeupdontyouseeAlaska TM
That's an actual stock photo of the bullet side and nose. Go Slash27's is a shot of the base of the bullet and side.
It could have been a lot of people. Between JFK and his brother Bobby, they pissed off a lot of people back then......

Hell it could have been the only one left!:D

How has he stayed in office so long?

The whole family had ghost in the closet from day one. The old man was selling grain to the Russians during a time of war!
The New York Times has the original article run taken from interviews of Doctors the day after the assassination in their archives/books section. Before the story got spun. It's an interesting read.
I have a question , because I don't know a lot about this , because like I said , I don't really care. But, for the sake of argument, the shot came from the back of his head right ? From his back right side, Kennedy was for positioning purposes facing 12 o'clock the shot came from somewhere around 4 or 5 o'clock ? Yes or no :confused:
Check again Lou

WildtheyarethesameanglesAlaska TM

Here's a color photo of it from the FBI National Archives posted on Wikipedia

I remember! I was 5 years old helping my father build a bomb shelter in 1963. Cuba was about to Cha Cha on our heads thanks to him!
Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone killed JFK.

In 40+ years not one single credible piece of evidence has been brought to light to indicates anyone other than Oswald and/or with Oswald shot JFK. A perfect conspiracy? By the US government/CIA/FBI/Mafia/USSR/Cuba?

Not a chance.

PS. Hundreds of pigs have donated their bodies to science to prove that a 6.5mm round can pass through meat and deflect off bone with little to no deformation.
Hundreds of pigs have donated their bodies to science to prove that a 6.5mm round can pass through meat and deflect off bone with little to no deformation.

And if I have my way, and a few friends come through, hundreds more will donate to me!:D

Wild6.5x55blaservspigsAlaska TM
Heck I can't say one way or the other if it's possible for a bullet to look that good or not after going through someone. I'm just playing along ;)

As I asked before , the shot came from the back of his head right ? From his back right side, Kennedy was for positioning purposes facing 12 o'clock the shot came from somewhere around 4 or 5 o'clock ? Yes or no ?
As soon as I get around the inventing that time machine I'll take a state of the art forensics lab to the day it went down and tell you who done it.
Just to comment here regarding JFK and his family. My father grew up in Boston in the 30's and 40's. When JFK was running for prez he would have none of that. He knew first hand about the Kennedys and the corruption that surrounded JFK's father, Joesph Kennedy. My father said that a Kennedy would have to shoot someone in broad daylight in front of a dozen cameras for police to arrest him and that Joe Sr. would buy off several of the jury to secure an aquittal. Such was the way the family worked.

I thought I'd heard all the typical conspiracy theories, but this one has me thinking and wondering;

I was in the 2nd grade when JFK was killed. From what my parents tell me, they have no problem believing that the Mafia imported one or more hit-men to do the job and that Oswald was the sacrificial lamb to be offered up for the killing. That JFK was not as popular in some circles as you might think was an understatement. If I had to put my finger on it, I'd say it was a joint mafia-CIA operation, with the mob fielding the personnel and the logistics handled by the company. But that's just a personal belief.
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