So Who Killed JFK?

So Who is Resonsible for the Death of JFK?

  • Oswald and/or someone and CIA/Texas Right Wingers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oswald and/or someone and Fidel/Che

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As I asked before , the shot came from the back of his head right ? From his back right side, Kennedy was for positioning purposes facing 12 o'clock the shot came from somewhere around 4 or 5 o'clock ? Yes or no ?

There is a documentary that has been floating around on the History Channel for a few years in which, using all videos, still photos and original construction prints, they digitized Dealey Plaza and the shooting. Lining up all of the characters, there is only one place the fatal shot could have originated. Care to guess which window?
Voted for Elvis and cards cause I saw a photo on the front page of the Star.

Oswald alone.
I remember the first bit of conspiracy I heard within a month of Kennedy's shooting. It was a neighbor kid that told me police had found some drunk that warned them about the assassination.
That didn't pan out and neither have any of the other specific allegations I've heard since.
wild, you DEFINITELY should lend your expertise to the Dallas county DA, to set him straight on this case once and for all...some new evidence has just been found. Probably more fun to make cracks about space aliens and tinfoil, however? :p
New Evidence for JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory

Last Update: 2/19 6:09 pm
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DALLAS (Reuters) - John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy buffs have been handed a Presidents' Day present they are sure to savor.

The Dallas County district attorney said on Monday that he could not categorically dismiss as fake a transcript of an alleged conversation between Kennedy's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald and Oswald's killer Jack Ruby.

The transcript is one of many items related to the Kennedy slaying in November 1963 and Ruby's trial that were found in an old safe in a Dallas courthouse about a year ago and have been painstakingly cataloged.

In the purported conversation nearly two months before the assassination, Oswald and Ruby discuss killing Kennedy to halt the mafia-busting agenda of his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy.

"We don't know if this is an actual conversation or not," District Attorney Craig Watkins told a news conference. "It will open up the debate as to whether or not there was a conspiracy to assassinate the president."

Yet if it were proven these two key figures in one of the most captivating periods in U.S. history did meet ahead of that day in Dallas, then the Kennedy assassination was almost certainly a conspiracy.

One theory about the transcript holds that it is part of a movie script that Henry Wade, the district attorney who prosecuted Ruby, worked on later with producers for a film that was never made. Among the documents found was a contract signed by Wade for a movie deal.

Adding fuel to the conspiracy fires, Watkins said his predecessors in the DA's office were "aware of the contents of the safe" but had decided to keep them secret "for whatever reason."

He said that may have been related to the "racist tone" of some of the documents that he said painted an unflattering portrait of the criminal justice system at the time. Watkins is the first black district attorney ever of Dallas County.


Watkins did not say why he went public with his find on Presidents' Day, the U.S. holiday that honors its leaders.

Watkins and others in his office came across the items after being told the gun used to kill Oswald was in the courthouse. The gun was not there because it is privately owned.

The purported Lee-Ruby meeting took place at Ruby's Carousel Club on October 4, 1963. The transcript reads like scripted cloak-and-dagger dialogue.

Lee: "There is a way to get rid of him (Attorney General Robert Kennedy) without killing him."

Ruby: "How's that?"

Lee: "I can shoot his brother."

Ruby: "You mean the president?"

Lee: "Yes, the president."

Ruby: "But that wouldn't be patriotic."

At one point, Lee says that to kill Kennedy all he needs "is my rifle and a tall building."

A bit later Ruby tells Oswald: "You're asking too many questions; remember, they know who you are already; but you don't know them. They'll be watching you ..."

Legions of conspiracy theorists have long questioned the conclusion of the Warren Commission that investigated the slaying that Oswald acted alone when he shot Kennedy as his motorcade swept past the Texas School Book Depository.

The commission said that Ruby and Oswald had never met. Ruby shot Oswald dead at point-blank range as police were escorting their prime suspect. Ruby died a few years later from cancer.
Being a natural born cynic I do not trust the Governments official version on what happen. One would have to be pretty naive to believe Oswald acted alone in a conspiracy to assassinate the President of the USA. Many people wanted the President dead for varying reasons. I will not speculate on why JFK was killed or by whom but will leave it that we will never know the truth.
One of the members of the Warren Commission was a friend of my family. That person never believed that Oswald acted alone, but signed the report, due to LBJ's pressure and to "unify the country at a time of crisis."


I don't know the answer; neither does the OP. :rolleyes:
I've been to the School Book Depository Museum in the plaza & watched many things on TV about the assasination including bullistic tests & so forth. The worst source of valid info is the movie JFK. My opinion is Lee Harvey was a wacko acting alone.

One of my best friends is a musician and differs in his opinion as can be seen here:
OK since no one will answer my question , Kennedy was supposed to have been shot from the back , that was the official revision of the story/history , but if that's true why did all the doctors at the time that examined Kennedy say otherwise ?

Dr Robert McClelland, Dr Richard Dellany, Dr Pepper Jenkins and Dr Paul Peters all stated they saw the large exit wound on the back of Kennedy's head from the direction the shot came from at what would be around 4 or 5 o'clock. Small wound was in the front.

From the New York Times archives the story that ran the next day.

Later in the afternoon, Dr. Malcolm Perry, an attending surgeon, and Dr. Kemp Clark, chief of neurosurgery at Parkland Hospital, gave more details.

Mr. Kennedy also had a massive, gaping wound in the back and one on [the right side of the head (front right side). However, the doctors said it was impossible to determine immediately whether the wounds had been caused by one bullet or two.

I have a problem with changing stories.
What was one of the last things that JFK did before being shot and one of the first things that was changed after he was shot?

Putting us back on the gold standard, getting us back onto the federal reserve system.

The bankers were behind it. I have no clue if Oswald actually fired the shot or not.
The government successfully knocked off JFK and 9/11, yet couldn't pull off the Vietnam War, Watergate, Iran/Contra, Monika Lewinski and forgot to plant a few WMDs in Iraq for the soldiers to find? :rolleyes:

I also have a problem with Johnson sealing the records from public scrutiny for 75 years.

There are records from WWII that are still sealed.
Who said anything about 9/11?

And my only question about sealing the records is , why? You don't hide something unless there's something to hide. So if there were records sealed from WWII , why were they sealed ? Answer to hide something wanted t remain secret. No?

And once again , just for the record here , I really don't care , I'm just playing devils advocate. The people involved are most all dead.
Didn't anyone watch that episode of The X-Files?


"Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man"? It explained everything.

Yeah, what he said.:D

It was probably Oswald's solo act, but I don't know that it is 100% impossible that the mafia had something to do with it. Highly improbable, but not impossible. Mostly because they were highly motivated. Whenever somebody takes as much juice from the mob as the Kennedys did, double-crosses them, and then gets shot...
If the AHJ wanted to know anything more they would have the body exumed. Happens all the time and takes advantage of newer technology.
Oswald had a motive. If it was the mafia, that is not the definition of a conspiracy any more than all other murders they have committed are a conspiracy.
If it was Johnson and the mafia, that would be a conspiracy.
There was no grassy knoll shooter, only Oswald. But he was hired to take care of JFK by the one person who would most benefit from the act, LBJ. No I am not talking about Lyndon but Lady Bird Johnson. She is probably the most overlooked First Lady ever but had the most control and influence of any ever and that includes Hillary. And if you think that Hillary can be "tough" and "mean" then you don't know Lady Bird. In the 50's & 60's women didn't have the public control of today so she did it behind the scenes. If not for her LBJ would never even been elected to anything. She was both the money and brains behind that family and Lyndon was just a good-old boy that followed along with whatever she told him to do.
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