Ungun wife
I have a great relationship. This is wife number two and wife number one (thankfully ex wife) made herself such a pain in the neck over my shooting that I sold everything I owned and just gave up. Then I divorced her. I did it backwards. Should have divorced her first.
Well about ten years ago (under the new regime) I started accumulating BP revolvers and shooting again. I got up to about a dozen revolvers and Wife Nr. 2 asked, "How many guns (I don't call them guns because of the time I spent in the Navy) do you think you will need. I didn't know how to answer her and I told her so. She understood. I am up to more than 90 firearms and every time I go to a gun show and don't come home with something, she asks me why.
She thumps the bible pretty hard and I am no church person. She went shooting with me two times and was so bored she went looking for a snake to play with. So she doesn't make me go to church and I don't make her go shooting. Best arrangement in the history of western culture.