So. What does your wife think of all this?

It is what it is ?? !!!

Mine can't understand the concept of more than one gun.
My wife can't understand why I go to a Gun-Show and come home, empty handed. ..... :mad:

I once told my wife that guns were my passion and she was my one true love. She then asked for more of a trade-off. ..... :D

Measure your words and;.
Be Safe !!!
My wife goes shooting with me most of the time, looks over my shoulder when I am ogling pistols online and gives her opinion, and, believe it or not, we bought the reloading press together as a joint anniversary gift. I do the vast majority of operating it, but she knows the basics and is pleased to have unlimited ammo at low cost.

I have actually made the comparison between knitting (or crocheting, or sewing) to making ammo, in that it is a craft-type hobby that makes something useful, engages in repeated actions in patterns, relaxing to those who enjoy it.
I really don't get the "don't care" folks. That is the future. If I didn't care about what girls thought, I wouldn't shoot much at all these days.


I read enough "my wife doesn't like guns/reloading" threads already and I cringe at what they are missing.


As well as guys that shun the lady's.

They grow into what they know.
The OP asked about our wive's feelings, not the feelings of the other women in our life. I shoot guns and reload, I don't ask my wife what she thinks about it or if she likes it. It is as much a part of me as eating or breathing and I wouldn't stop those if she asked.

Now my daughter and granddaughter are different stories but the OP didn't ask about them.

My daughter has been shooting, hunting, fishing and reloading with me for 25 years, all with my wife's blessing. Now that I have a granddaughter she loads with Papa, shoots and fishes too. She loves going to the gun shows and stores with me and the gun guys love a little girl to talk about guns with.

True story; when my daughter was 14 she had an anti-gun teacher that brought up firearms in class. Most of the kids were toeing the "guns are bad" line but my daughter told the teacher "I don't like handguns." The teacher was very happy until my daughter added "I'm a much better shot with my rifle". The teacher related this story to us at a parent/teacher conference.

So my point is don't read too much into people's responses. I don't factor my wife's concern into the equation. But don't assume I am anti woman or that I don't involve the ladies in my family. Shooting with them gives me some of my greatest joy.
My wife calls my reload room/area the mancave. She dosnt mind my reloading due the the money saved. But she does comment that everything seems to cost $100 every time I need to buy something.....:D
I can't say that she gets my cigar collection, either. My reloading/shooting room also has well over a thousand cigars peacefully aging in controlled conditions.

She'd love to see that hobby go away, it's kind of expensive.
Mine doesn't care, she knows what the ammunition would cost if I had to buy it. That's enough for her.
I reload, shoot, and own more guns than I "need", because I am not burdened by justifying it to a high maintenance mate, who thinks that all money should be for her nest and security.
When I first had enough reloads through my guns that I was confident enough to let my wife light some off in her sig, I had a series of loads for her to try from 1 - powder puff titegroup load, to 5 - very,very warm power pistol loads all in 115 gr jhp. The results were:

1) kinda wimpy
2) less wimpy
3) ok
4) that's better
5) that was GOOD! Do we have any more of those?(um, yeah a few thousand)
"I reload, shoot, and own more guns than I "need", because I am not burdened by justifying it to a high maintenance mate, who thinks that all money should be for her nest and security."

Plus 1 on that!
As long as I keep her supply of .243 Hunting Reloads up and let her shoot her rifle and my AR anytime she wants she is happy. Also as long as I retrieve and process her deer as well, and make sure her shooting house/blind is ready.
Good work !!!

I find your reply to be priceless and kind of says it all as it speaks volumes. Thanks for sharing. If you haven't already realized it, this is the best work you will ever do. ..... :D

Be Safe !!!
Each to their own but I'm just about 60 and look around at some of my friends who for various reasons either never got married or divorced and most of them are pretty damn lonely and angry at the world. Now I also know some who are very happy with being by themselves but most are in the first group.
I just know that I am so glad that my wife and kids enjoy all aspects of the gun culture that I do. It wasn't always like that in the early years but I am a happy man.
My wife bought me my first gun--a Remington 870 pump. That was 40 years ago. She doesn't shoot (no aversion, just not interested) and doesn't pay much attention to my hobbies.

My guns often "multiply in the safe," and I'm the only one who knows

My safe is a similarly fertile environment... :D
My husband got me interested in this so we could afford to shoot more. Before that I only went to indoor ranges with him to learn to shoot my pistol. Everyone needs a hobby and it's a chance to learn something new everyday. It also gives us more time to spend together. And truth be told I wasn't interested in at first. More guns, more dies, more scopes. Less money. Lol.