So If.......

It should come to 10-round max mag capacity legislation, what would you choose for concealed daily carry?
If you could not go higher than a 10-round mag, what would you go to?

I'd stick with my S&W Shield.
I'm with CajunBass, I've tried several higher cap carry guns but just keep going back to the LC9s and have settled on it permanently. Everything about it just works for me.
At the risk of seeming to throw a Baby Ruth into the swimming pool, now that we have concealed carry, when I read what the majority here are actually carrying day in and day out, it makes Bill Ruger’s alleged remark that “honest men don’t need more than ten rounds” a bit less evil sounding and a lot more prescient.

That said, I’m agin a magazine ban. ☝️
I think we'd see a definite surge in 1911s, but looks like there are already a helluva lot of people already carrying smaller 10-rounders.
I think the last high capacity magazine ban really helped pushed the CCW movement. We got "good" CCW guns in manageable sizes in 9MM. Think about the 9MM before that. For the most part they were full size and large capacity handguns intended primarily for duty carry.

Limit the magazine to 10 and suddenly a lot of things changed. The guns were scaled down to a degree to these new magazines and became somewhat "convenient" to carry.
I'm already way under that with my Glock 43 for concealability. I do carry 2 spare mags which gets me up to 19 rounds.

The Brady Bill really increased the number of concealable pistols since making new guns with greater than 10 round capacity was illegal.
So If.......
It should come to 10-round max mag capacity legislation
It would give me an excuse to buy a new Sig P365!
Even though I don't even have the P320 Carry I bought a few months ago broken in yet.:D
I carry smaller pistols anyways,,,

When I pocket carry,,,
It's a Ruger LCP,,,
7-rounds max.

When I holster carry,,,
It's a Ruger LC9,,,
8-rounds max.
S&W Model 36,,,
5-rounds max.

When I carry in my briefcase,,,
It's a Beretta Model 85,,,
9-rounds max

So I guess I won't really be all that affected,,,
If 10-round mag limit law does come to pass though,,,
I can always buy some 10-round mags for my Bersa Thunder Pro UC9.

I might be tempted to get an identical Bersa in .45 ACP.


At the risk of seeming to throw a Baby Ruth into the swimming pool, now that we have concealed carry, when I read what the majority here are actually carrying day in and day out, it makes Bill Ruger’s alleged remark that “honest men don’t need more than ten rounds” a bit less evil sounding and a lot more prescient.

I never faulted Bill Ruger for saying that. I actually agreed but always felt you should be able to carry any capacity gun you wanted.

If I didn't use my 5-6 shot revolvers I would just switch to my 9 shot S&W model 39-2. Its accurate and dead nuts reliable.
I'd bet the people who believe in open carry would be affected. Us concealed carry guys have to think about the overall package, especially if we live in warmer climates.
Wouldn’t really affect me.

My daily carry is usually one of 3 revolvers:

SP101 in .327 Federal, 6 rounds
GP100 in .357 Mag, 6 rounds
NAA Mini in .22 Mag, 5 rounds

Every once in a while, I change things up and carry a full-size 1911, 7/8 rounds.
I think you should man up and carry all three at once. I'd do GP in shoulder holster, SP IWB, and the NAA either on the ankle or pelvis.
Same gun I carry now. Glock 30s. Its comforting having 10+1 of 45acp in a package that I shoot well. If I really need to deep conceal, I carry my Glock 36, same gun, but single stack frame. 6+1. My groups aren't quite as tight with my 36, but its absolutely reliable, as is the 30s. Both wear Glock Night Sights, so I'm happy with those two.
I currently carry a .45 ACP with 7 + 1 and before this it was a full sized 1911 with 7 + 1 so no change will have any effect on my carry and while the below is pictured with additional magazines I seldom carry it. My other common carry is a 2" Model 10 so again it wouldn't matter in my case.


