Smith and Wesson serial number search

blustilang: That would make it 1972, the same year that the Model 67 was introduced. The -1 came out in 1977, and involved moving the gas ring from the yoke to the cylinder.
Hello all. I've inherited a Smith & Wesson that belonged to my Grandaddy's Uncle. He was a police officer in Cleveland and was killed during a hotel robbery, anyway this was his side arm and everyone in my family who knew his story is now deceased. So if anyone can help with the age of his revolver would help out alot. Its a Smith &Wesson 38 special there is no model# but the serial# is 215xx. Thanks for the help.
Its a Smith &Wesson 38 special there is no model# but the serial# is 215xx
5 shot or 6? See pic for serial number location and include any letters.

10-9 SN 13NW293#
That's not the SN. See pic for serial number location.

The number on the butt of the gun is 683903, no letters. The other number i got (21506) was stamped in two places directly opposite of each other when you open the cylinder. Thanks again and please excuse my ignorance.
If that isn't the S/N, then what is it?
I don't know where you got that number but a 10-9 should have a 3 letter prefix followed by up to four numbers stamped on the underside of the grip butt.
The number on the butt of the gun is 683903, no letters.
I still need to know if it's a 5 or 6 shot.

w houle: A Model 10-9 will have a serial number starting with a 3-letter prefix, followed by 4 numeric digits. The serial number is always stamped on the butt in modern S&W revolvers, and often appears inside the yoke cutout as well. Other numbers stamped in various places on the gun (usually in places you don't typically see them, such as the frame inside the yoke cutout or on the back of the cylinder) are most often "assembly numbers" that are used to keep track of fitted parts during manufacture and assembly. However, the number you list would be an unusual assembly number, in my experience - where is it located?

SRTTECH: You have a .38 Special Hand Ejector Military & Police (which became the very popular Model 10 when S&W went to assigning model numbers) from the 1915 to 1942 time period. That serial number would place it toward the end of that range. The other number you listed (21506) is almost certainly the assembly number (see above).

ETA: SRTTECH - my comments assume (without facts in evidence) that it's a 6-shot. If that's not the case, then please ignore.
Thank you very much for your help. I was kind of guessing late 20's or 30's just based on the age of my grandaddy but its just so clean the only imperfections in the blueing is from holster wear so i wasn't sure. I shoot it everytime i go to the range. Thanks again this info will go along way in finding out a little more of my family history.
Hey all, new guy here. I just picked up a S&W 686-3 6" barrel. I was going to buy a Taurus 608, but was having trouble getting hold of one and came across this at a nearby gunshop. Ive always read great things about the 686 and it was in my price range.

Im trying to narrow down when it was made. It has a serial number of BJL1xxx. From my own research the -3s seem to have been made between 88-93. Can anyone narrow it down to the actual year for me? Also it has light grain square butt wood grips, were these still factory for -3s? Thanks.
Supica and Nahas don't list BJL as a prefix used by Smith and Wesson. That's curious. BFL was used in July 1990 and BHJ was used in July 1991.

Goncalo Alves checkered target grips with S&W medallions and speedloader relief is an original grip for the 686.
I definetly says BJL. umm. Product code 104244 Spec. Ord. 2266 6515

Features TS-CT-RR-WO.. Any of that stuff help?

Edit: Thanks for replying to my other thread. Next time I will look around a little more to make sure there isnt already a thread on my question. Not sure how I missed an 83 page thread.
Features TS-CT-RR-WO..
TS = Target Sights, i.e. adjustable rear sight
CT = Combat Trigger, i.e. smooth face
RR = Red Ramp front sight
WO = White Outline rear sight

FWIW I suspect that the BJL serial prefix was used soon after BHJ was used in July 1991.
TS= Target Stocks
CT= Combat Trigger
RR= Red Ramp Front sight insert
WO = White outline rear sight.

The Product code doesn't show up in Supica and Nahas either. Strange. Hammer It will know the answer, I'm sure.
AEK doesn't appear in the book either. In Jan 1984 the prefix was ADT in november 1984 it lists AEV. The 686 no dash was in production from 1980-1986. I suspect the AEK is a 1984 version.

Similarly, The TCE prefix doesn't show in the book. The 1988 prefix was TCB, and in 1989 it went to TED.
Hello to all - Another newbie here!
I have what I believe to be my grandfather's police service revolver. It is a S&W 38 Special, SN 262XXX. Judging from some of the previous posts here, it appears that this SN may have been manufactured after his death, as he was killed in the line of duty in 1936. If that's the case, it would have been my father's service revolver.
I would appreciate any information anyone may be able to provide regarding the age/date of manufacture.