single issue's

This has been bothering me, Most people here are saying vote for McCain he won't take our guns away. Or he will be better than Obama. Well in that sence you are probably right.

But...... McCain wants to stay in Iraq, and wants to attack Iran. When your kids get drafted, Because that's going to happen. What will you miss more? Your gun's or your kids?

If this speech was from McCain, I might concider voting for him.

Who ever get's into, Do you think they are going to inflict there policy without defiance? If you do, then you are the sheep they think you are.
yeah yeah yeah - everyone's a sheep in some way :rolleyes:

You're hellbent on attacking McCain with every opportunity you get, yet you claim you just want everyone to "be informed". How about posting up juice on all candidates. Inform me.
In case you haven't noticed there is no draft. If they do reinstate it there will still be as many volunteers as there are now. Our kids over there are proud to be there. They're fighting for something they believe in. If my daughter decides to go when she comes of age I'll worry about her but I'll be damned proud of her too and I won't try to hold her back. I'd much rather have the fighting over there on our terms than here on their's which sooner or later it will be if we chicken out and leave now.
I fully agree, as a college student in the "drafting" age range I have real questions about support McCain and his sanity when it comes to the middle east.

I don't see how occupying Iraq benefits us at all or how attacking Iran would either, to speak frankly what ever happens to Israel I don't believe is the United states problem, or at least we shouldn't be putting our troops in-front of bullets for them.

As my first post on this forum states, I have no idea who I should vote for as I will get screwed no matter what.
You're hellbent on attacking McCain with every opportunity you get, yet you claim you just want everyone to "be informed". How about posting up juice on all candidates. Inform me.

And I'm just one of those guys who doesn't feel too informed by somebody who's barely literate! :D
yeah yeah yeah - everyone's a sheep in some way

You're hellbent on attacking McCain with every opportunity you get, yet you claim you just want everyone to "be informed". How about posting up juice on all candidates. Inform me.

No actually I hope McCain wins. If Ron Paul doesn't have a chance. But you whiners are starting to piss me off! Telling me how I should vote. Get over it, Someone even said it will be my fault and the people like me that don't like either candidate from either party. And say I am just throwing away my vote. If I vote for Paul or Barr. Funny thing is that it is my choice who I vote for.:D So get over it.

If you think your candidate is going to lose, Then you better be prepared. Instead of whining to the libertarians, paul supporters, Barr supporters. Why your candidate lost. Maybe he lost because of his views. Yeah I know that sounds outrageous. Or maybe because he wasn't a good candidate:eek:

Some of you guys think if Obama wins, That he is just going to take all your guns away without a fight. If you think that, Then you are a sheep..................
Are you voicing your direct support for Obama?

I don't see him pulling out of Iraq. If he's does he's making a mistake.

If you try diplomacy with Iran without any hint of military action (which is what you get with the U.N., inaction), it will fail. They'll laugh in your face, just as Saddam did right up until they were invaded. Speak softly but carry a big stick. Thing is they have to know we're willing to use the stick if we have to.

If you tighten sanctions on Iran, that will do just as much to build up anti-American hostility as a military offensive would. Saddam had plenty supporters in Iraq despite sanctions, because in his people's eyes, we were starving their children, and denying them medical supplies. All this, while Saddam lived in gilded palaces and profited from the corrupted U.N. oil-for-food program.

And think they'll blame the U.N. when their leaders starve the people? Nope, They'll put the blame squarely on the U.S., because they've had a lifetime of anti-American propaganda programmed into them.

The situation is not as black and white as Obama would like you to believe.
Some of you guys think if Obama wins, That he is just going to take all your guns away without a fight.

I honestly believe he'll try but he doesn't actually have to take them physically away, just render them useless(ie)no ammo.
But you whiners are starting to piss me off! Telling me how I should vote.

When you share your views, you are opening them up to be lauded or criticized.

BTW, you're telling me why I should vote for Barr over McCain. If anything you're telling me how to vote. I'm not offended. I'm simply expressing my point of view as well.
Are you voicing your direct support for Obama?

No, I just like the fact the he is the only front runner talking about pulling out. He could be lying. Like they all do. But mcCain singing bomb bomb Iran. Didn't make feel all warm and fuzzy.............:eek:

If you try diplomacy with Iran without any hint of military action (which is what you get with the U.N., inaction), it will fail. They'll laugh in your face, just as Saddam did right up until they were invaded. Speak softly but carry a big stick. Thing is they have to know we're willing to use the stick if we have to.

The threat of Iran using nuclear weapons on us, Would be a suicide mission for the middle east.
I honestly believe he'll try but he doesn't actually have to take them physically away, just render them useless(ie)no ammo.

I know, My state is already trying to do that, and this is senator McCain's home state. That has to make you think. Especially since Obama isn't even the president yet.
When you share your views, you are opening them up to be lauded or criticized.

BTW, you're telling me why I should vote for Barr over McCain. If anything you're telling me how to vote. I'm not offended. I'm simply expressing my point of view as well.

I don't care who you vote for, That is your choice. I just think it is important to know as much as you can about the people who want to lead this country.

Regardless of there policy, do you really think American's will roll over and die? Or do whatever they say. No I don't think so.:cool:
McCain isn't in your state legislature.

And these bills never pass in your state. Because you don't have someone like Obama for a governor, rubber stamping any gun legislation that comes across his desk.
Regardless of there policy, do you really think American's will roll over and die? Or do whatever they say. No I don't think so.

How many unregistered sawed-off shotguns or full-autos do you own? If you're like most gun owners you don't. Because even if it's a stupid law you're not willing to leave your family and live in prison for a federal felony.
How many unregistered sawed-off shotguns or full-autos do you own? If you're like most gun owners you don't. Because even if it's a stupid law you're not willing to leave your family and live in prison for a federal felony.

If there is a gun ban, would you rather be the guy who broke the law and killed a intruder. Or would you rather be the law abiding dead guy...............

and I don't think criminals care about a gun ban.

I don't think there will ever be a gun ban, If it ever happens . It will be because the people let it happen.............
The problem with that is that Obama won't ban all guns. You'll still at the least have break action shotguns. So you will have a gun to shoot an intruder. He's just going to have better ones.

The majority of gun owners will live with whatever bans come around just like they do now. If not, their kids will. No one keeps unregistered full autos anymore because it's been the law since 1935.
The majority of gun owners will live with whatever bans come around just like they do now. If not, their kids will. No one keeps unregistered full autos anymore because it's been the law since 1935.

Only the criminals do.
Only the criminals do.

I know. If you asked the people on any street in this country right now, 95% of them would probably reply that only a criminal would do such a thing. Public opinion drives legislation and enforcement- it's the social contract.

This is a war that has to be fought on more than one front.

We have to get more people with an interest at stake when "gun control" or "gun safety" gets bantered around. We need to get more people owning guns and shooting. Not just hunters, because you can hunt without guns. We need people who own guns the government wants to get rid of first.

We need to change the stereotypes of gun owners. We have to act the part of good citizen.

We need to support the media that puts public opinion in the proper perspective. Do everything we can to support guys like Glenn Beck.

These are long term solutions. In the short term, we have to do everything we can now to get progun candidates in and antigun candidates out. This means doing whatever we can to keep an antigunner like Obama out. He may be a big hit in Chicago, so we can't keep him out of the Senate. But we can keep him out of the presidency if we try. Unfortunately we can't get a pro-gun Libertarian in there with our present system. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here.