Should I be burned at the stake?

It's not a replica of anything(that lever is a Hollywood invention), so no. Your toys get what you want on 'em.
And burning is just one way of dealing with a witch. Geez!
Given this as the bench-mark, I'd say you are safe for a time, yet. :D

Just a quick out and return--the mother of all storms is coming in and we're about to get pounded, only time to throw together a few laser-cast 350 gr WFN's driven by 25 grs of H4198-- a bit too under-powered perhaps, felt like 223 rem--looking down into the case it was hard to tell anything was in it. I got to say--shooting in very dim light a reddot sure does make things easier. :)



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Stagpanther, how far away were you from that target? And yes... UGLY, but at my age now, form follows function, or rather better put, regardless of how it looks, it has to WORK for me. Go for it!
I was offered a chance to work with Mossberg's sad affront to the universe at large with their Tactical "Lever Thing" & turned it down in horror.
YUCK on a stick!!!!!!!
That is just as funny as seeing the black tactical rossi coach gun with three picatinny rails. Two rounds available and three rails. a spare shell holder for each one.
Stagpanther, how far away were you from that target? And yes... UGLY, but at my age now, form follows function, or rather better put, regardless of how it looks, it has to WORK for me. Go for it!
100 yds
So you're waiting for Snowmageddon also?
Calling for 3-30"...
Same here on the accumulation--though it's already "pre-snowing." The bad part is we're going to have very high winds--windchill forecasted to drop to 30 below zero. Cold is serious business if the power goes down.
Given this as the bench-mark, I'd say you are safe for a time, yet.

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!
I remember when Mossberg first rolled those out, I think they had them available in 357 mag for a while for about $400. Wish I had snagged one. When they released their patriot with wooden stock and marine coat steel in 375 Ruger for about $450 when it first was rolled out I didn't make the same mistake--and jumped on it. Amazing gun for the money.
Hey, at last a thread about a Henry and not one complaint about the lack of a loading gate. Congratulations SG, you've done the impossible.
Now that you mention it...:DThat's why I was pretty adamant in figuring the single-feed thing.
It's a modern sight on a modern gun.

You may want to get a good friend to kick you in the crotch when the Chinese sight fails, (waiting to see at this point) but it's not as if you put it on an original 1890 Winchester M1886 or Marlin 1881.