Shooting my '58's

SG, Wayner,
Have a safe journey and a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I know about "order of things" thing, I still have to get another Konverter for the second pistol, finish it and the third "58 will be here hopefully by Sat.

Sorry about that, but I'm sold on this Konverter and cartridge...and it is an authentic cartridge for the Rem. Conversions. Everything to make this cartridge is available at Old West Moulds, Almost any place like Buffalo, black hills , Midway or Starline carry the 44 Colt Brass. I like the Kirst 44 Rem Konverter. It is a dream to install and remove from the gun, actually quicker than the original BP cylinder, due to the special maching channel to miss the hand.

I LIKE the idea that I, Myself, Me, and no one else, can choose, or dictate to me, which cylinder to leave empty(or not) on any given occaision You bet 6 holes are better than 5 and a "Park".

This conversion sure got a lot of attention last Sunday at the CAS match, so did the whole pistol, especially the way I was able to shoot it. I shot the pistol stages only and after 3 stages, (30 shots) I needed to service the revolver. I was using only SPG Lube, ididn't bind up completely but was slowing down. I know now that with two pistols and only the SPG lube I can shoot 4 or 5 stages without binding. Maybe the Bore Butter will be better.

I went out yesterday and got some Bore Butter and some EZ-Lube supposedly stiffer, both appear to be exactly the same right down to the ground, even the smell.

I will lube the next run of cartridges with the Bore- Butter in my Luber-Sizer. I also will do some of the tricks that RK told about freeing up the cylinder/Pin.
All in all the trial run went very well. First time with the Cartridge Konverter and the ejector assy.
Hey Old Dragoon,..... been reading your posts here about your using the .44 Kirst Conversion with the .44Rem/Colt bullet, and it's peakin my interest, too. Sounds like you're having alot of fun with it, and it seems to be quite consistently accurate with the .44Rem/Colt heeled bullet from Old West Moulds. Do you cast em with as soft a lead as possible? Or do you mix a little alloy in to harden some. Also was wondering if that mould for single, 2 or 4 bullet cavity? I've just been shooting 200gr and 250gr Big Lube bullets in .45 LC case in my 5.5" '58 Rem, which I'll continue to do,......but will be considerin picking up the Kirst .44 conversion if you folks keep the juices flowin about the .44Rem/Colt round here the way you have,...LOL!!

Happy Holidays to ya!
I have not bought a mould from Old West yet. He has 2,4,6 cavity moulds. I Just bought 500 of the .248 Grn Heeled bullets from Old West. He shoots too so I'm sure it's the softest he can make. Don't know right off the composition.
I fully intend to get a Konverter in 45 LC also, probably for a belly gun. Neat to have one gun that shoots two calibers....The 44 Rem does seem to fly pretty well at Cowboy Ranges. This partivular loading seems to be consistant in everything. They feel the same, sound the same, and shoot the same. Got several comments to that effect on Sunday.

I'll post Bernie's info:
Old West Moulds
1175 17 1/4 Rd.
Fruita, Co. 81521
Phone: 970-858-1449
Bernie Rowles is the owner. He'll treat you right

Old Dragoon,...thanks for the info about the moulds and the contact info about Old West. I'll have to look into it.
adding fuel to the fire..........

Oldelm and Wayner, you too SG,
Thought you all would like to see the finished Kirst conversion of my sixshooter.
This is a 2002 pietta 1858 Remington. It came to me unfired and not even a turn line on the BP cylinder in the blue.


Very, Very nice there, Old Dragoon. I think I goota wipe some drool outa my keyboard,..LOL!! Good work you done.
Those heeled bullets look attractive with their bold little heads stickin out just waiting to drive some tacks,..yer gettin me goin on this Kirst .44 Rem/Colt thing,.....I gotta say. I like the way Kirst makes the ejector rod integral with the cyl. pin,...different than the originals, but a creative workaround from doing all the milling into the frame the way the originals were built. Thanks for showing us those pics!

I just bought a "Shooters" Rem from Dixie,...hasn't arrived yet,....gotta sell some of my Colt replicas to re-group the cost,.....but couldn't resist the on-sale price at Dixie for $350. They said they wouldn't be carrying them anymore once the remainder are gone. I sure hope they send me a decent one, cause Wayne mentioned over on the Voy that Dixie sometimes sells factory flaws. I'll see.
That is a great price on the Shooter's pistol. If there is something wrong with it send it back ASAP, call them and tell them that you expect a good one. I think the QC on the shooters Pistols may be a bit better than the regular guns. JMO.

I'm hoping that the '58 I just bought is a Shooter's Pistol too. The front sight and the rammer latch ar both supposedly dovetailed into the BBL., a possible indication that it is. I'll be one happy camper if it is, indeed, so. I should have it in a few days.
If that '58 you just bought is a Pietta, then I would think that if the front sight & rammer latch are dovetailed in,...then it would have to be the Shooters,( I think the Shooters are Pietta's only '58s with those dovetailed features) which case you should be a happy camper!! But I guess it's best not to get too psyched ahead of time,until you can actually have it in your hands and make that call. Good luck,....let us know what it is.
Yep. It is a pietta ''58 Rem. I did email and ask the seller about that as in one picture it appeared that the rammer latch was dovetailed. I inquired about the front sight and the rammer latch. They answered yes they were dovetailed....we'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up, as even if it isn't I got a great deal on it.
It supposedly has a gold trigger too, haven't the foggiest idea where that comes from. Like I say We'll see when it gets here in a few days.
What grips have you got on that '58? I like the "old ivory" look about them,...especially what looks like a vertical grain line at top/back section of grip.
The grips are from Grip,com specifically for a pietta '58 and come lilly white called Ivory-like, I aged them and that grain line is a minute surface stress crack that just happened when I was applying heat to the grips, pretty cool huh? The other grip didn't crack, I tried , but I didn't want to burn the grip up...LOL
I soaked them in Lemon juice, Lime juice and Apple Cider Vinegar then went over them with a butane torch...almost too much.........they will burn.

I suppose that someone better than me could scrimshaw grain in the grips, like an old powder horn is carved, May have to try that on the new set I have for the other pistol.

If you look back at some of my earlier posts there are other pictures of both my '58's, both Pietta's.
Yea, that is cool the way they can crack with a little coaxing with the special tricks. I like the unpredictability of that kind of thing. It's kinda the way things age & change naturally,...but artificially speeded up. I'm used to playing around that way with antique restoration.

I kinda like the jigged bone grips on that site, too.

There's a guy ,Marshall Wingham, I think is his handle, over on the SCORRS site at CasCity. He's got the jigged bone grips on his Rem Navies. Do you ever view or post there? I'll bet they'd love to see your Rems and would bet Bull Schmitt would ask if he could post the pics on the Scorrs Photo Gallery page where there's lots of great looking Remmys.....

Yea, ...I've been lookin back at the earlier posts here, and saw your other pics,.....I like Remington Kid's pics, too.
Thanks for your friendly sharing,'s nice being around here.:)