Shooting my '58's

Keep in mind that the lead swells as it leaves the chamber and enters the forcing cone. That's one of the reasons these guffy figures work for black powder :D
Yep. I didn't take a lot, just cleaned up the ragged edges where the cone meets the rifling. Just polished the forcing cones with 600 grit, didn't recut. I think the only way to recut the forcing cone is to remove the BBL first.

Ok I can ask this question online now that I won the bid on another Pietta "58.

Maybe MEC Knows for sure.
Are the Pietta "58 Rem "Shooter's Pistols" the only ones that have a dovetailed front sight and rammer latch. and this one supposedly has a Gold Trigger???
Found this on the Uberti but I'm still looking for the one on the Pietta. Thia is a copy and paste:

"The Uberti's rear sight consists of a historically accurate "V" shaped groove machined into the top strap of the frame. The way this was done does allow the user to widen the "V" with a small file if desired . . . The front sight is a simple rounded blade dovetailed into the barrel near the muzzle. It can be drifted left or right in its dovetail slot to adjust for windage as necessary. To adjust for elevation the usual procedure is to file down the front sight blade to raise the point of impact . . . ."
.446 x .440 bore

Old Dragoon does that happen to be a Patina or "Old West" Model Pietta 1858 Rem?
If so the spec do call out for that dimension. Those models all have closer chamber to bore Numbers, most at equal. Just looked it up in the DGW cat. ...
.446 chambers .446 grooves.
I got a like new Pietta 1858 Target Model if you can't bear to keep that .446 groove dim.
They're both patina'd now! LOL
They were both blue guns. Both from Taylor's at different times. One in 2005, one in 2002(this is the shooter amoung the two, so far. Smooth action (hammer doesn't have any maching marks on it what so ever,smooth as a new baby's behind.) and a lightened hammer spring. Smooth innards too.

I'm gonna keep both these I think. I just bought another one of GB auction, they told me it had dovetailed front sight and Latch. Here's hoping that it is the "Shooters Pistol" Model. ( ) The Gold Trigger has me thrown. Can't find one like that anywheres. Oh well I got it cheap enough if it shoots as well as it looks. Usually the "Shooter's Pistol has a silver plated TG. Who Knows.
They're both patina'd now! LOL
They were both blue guns. Both from Taylor's at different times. One in 2005, one in 2002(this is the shooter amoung the two, so far. Smooth action (hammer doesn't have any maching marks on it what so ever,smooth as a new baby's behind.) and a lightened hammer spring. Smooth innards too.

I'm gonna keep both these I think. I just bought another one of GB auction, they told me it had dovetailed front sight and Latch. Here's hoping that it is the "Shooters Pistol" Model. ( ) The Gold Trigger has me thrown. Can't find one like that anywheres. Oh well I got it cheap enough if it shoots as well as it looks. Usually the "Shooter's Pistol has a silver plated TG. Who Knows.
Forgotten .44's Artical

Old Dragoon here's one I think you'll enjoy....on the Forgotten .44's.

Some of the forgotten .44s (and a couple of resurrected ones) include: (from left to right) .44-40, .44 Remington, .44 Colt, .44 Merwin & Hulbert, .44 Russian, .44 American, .44 Webley and .44 Bull Dog.
cool picture.
Someplace around my stuff I have one of each of those..except the Webly and Bulldog. Old West Moulds has components for the Webly, and I suppose the Bulldog too, as they use cutdown Colt 44 Cases (nowadays, anyway).

Last gunshow I attended in K.C. a friend gave me 6 original 44 Russian cartridges. in a baggy. I didn't think anything about it and shoved them in my pocket. Well I had frlown into K.C. from CA. I got to the airport, checked my baggage and guns in and went to the gate. This was before 9-11, I had gotten to the gate early and went to grab a cold one and a sandwich. I got back to the gate and realized that I still had those Russians in my pocket. OH! Crap! what do I do. I know they won't let me on with them if they knew so I stuck them in my billfold, luckily I had my cowboy hat on, I always wear that when i ;m flying to catch all the stuff that will set off the Metal detectors, change, belt buckle. etc. Anyway I jammed all the change, belt buckle, pens glasses, etc, and my billfold into the hat, handed the hat to the screener as I went thru the detector. she merely passed the hat around the detector and handed the hat back to me and didn't exray it. LOL So I still have 6 UMC 44 Russian Cartridges.
I don't or didn't condone my actions, but Neither did I want to throw away a little history or artifacts.
None of my shananigans would work today...thankfully.
shootin my 58's

Old Dragoon, you mentioned crimping your cases and I assume it to be for the 44 heeled bullet cartridges you make up. What method do you use to crimp those things? When you mentioned that the groove diameter was different in your two Rems I wondered what bullet diameter you are using. What's the diameter of the part of the bullet that shows outside the case? One other thing. What do you mean about cutting a dovetail trapazoidal to make the part fit tighter? (way back in the posts) I've used a mill with the dovetail cutter to cut dovetails and use the chisel method when a person wants the raised metal left with rifle sights ect. I read up there somewhere that your ejector and the shortened loading lever aren't compatable somehow. You shortened that barrel less than two inches right? I thought the notch in the loading lever for the ejector is cut just about where the web of the loading lever ends. I don't understand what the problem is or was. How much did you shorten the barrel on that Rem? Hello to Smokin-Gun!
My crimper is a modified Lee available from Old West Moulds Fruita, Co..The bullet had 3 driving bands 2 lube groovesinbetween the drive bands, the O.D. of the driving bands is .451 the Heel is .429(inside Dia of the 44 Colt Brass). There is a crimp groove between the heel and the last driving band. the first driving band is part of the Ogive.

Boy these cartridges shoot!
I did my first CAS match today and could only shoot the pistol targets. one miss in 3 stages, my time wasn't good at all because I had only one gun and had to reload between each stand on each stage. but what fun it is to shoot this cartridge and this gun. Our side match was cards. One double size playing card one regular size card. I prayed that I could at least hit the big one. First card I kept all five in the card, first shot dead on dead center...where I held. One flyer left in margin (I pulled it), all five could be covered with a regular playing card, four shots in the body of the Jack of Clubs, killed him dead.

Then the regular size card....All five inside the card or cutting the edge(2) 3 shots you could cover with a real silver dollar, killed the Jack of clubs Dead...all this from an old man, cold hands and less than 50 shots thru the gun total....This one will drive tacks when I work myself up to that level. WOW fun Day!

Using SPG lube and two pistols I believe I can shoot 4 stages without having to clean. I shot 3 today with one gun and it was beginning to bind, so I serviced it between the 3rd and 4th stage. I am going to try bore butter and see how that works. got some cleaning hints about Windex and vinegar too.

The trapazoidal cut is from right to left across the bbl like usual, or the other way if you like and is just the faintest that way, so you can still adjust for windage. It has been years since I hand cut one and I'm not done with this one yet.

Yep the ejector keeper falls just behind the round part of the rammer,just into the flat by 1/16 inch or less. right where my drill hole would fall. Will work my way arounfd that though. I took 2 inches off the bbl.

I had intended to just deepen the rammer keeper spring hole by the same dimension that it is originally after I cut the rammer off, but may not be able to do that because of the ejector keeper notch in the rammer. I haven't had time to address just what I can do yet.

You know the feeling, "OH! Crap! I messed up, how do I fix it" thing, then a couple days or hours later the fix comes to you. If I'd have thought this out first I could have just whacked off some of the lengeth of the ejector, but would lose the keeper on that. Worse comes to worse I can buy a new rammer and start over. or switch it out with anoter gun........He who makes no mistakes, doesn't do anything! LOL
I gotta see this Rem Man... couldn't make it there today too much to do ta get packed and ready to fly on tuesday...glad to hear you had a great time.

Merry Christmas Old Dragoon!:cool:
Old Dragoon, your 44 Colt cases are .457 diameter then? So the die is lapped or reamed for the .451 bullet? With your Rem with the shortened barrel...what was the barrel length to begin with? Eight inches? Anywhooo, got the phone number to "Old West Moulds"?
Both Starline and Blackhills(I just figured out the 2000 Colt 44 brass I have are Black Hills Ammo not Starline) 44 Colt brass are .451 Dia. nom.. Case and bullet drive bands are the same dia.
I don't know but the sizer die started out as a .450 dia, so I imagine that it is reamed or polished to .451 Dia.

BBL length was 8 inches, now 6 inches. Bernie at Old West will treat you right.
I guess I was correct on the .451 dia. Wayne...I cheated case I knew the Kirst add said .45Colt will not fit inthe .44Colt cyl. for the rems...HeHe. What do ya think Wayne, I'd like to pick up that 1858 Old Silver from Deputy first. Then get a Drop-in was plannin on the R&D .45LC convertstion till I saw the add for this Kirst .44Colt SIX shot...then I met Old Dragoon. Old Dragoon it's all your fault ya went and gave me another bug...LoL! When I get back from N.Y. we'll meet up and I''ll take ya up on your offer, Ok?
Anyway Wayne do ya see the complexity of my dilema? Help me out Bud what would ya do? I got the .45LC in my Dragoon...thinkin maybe the spic a life ya know? HeHe!
Gotta try toget some sleep and bet the early AM traffic..see a when I see ya.
Merry Christmas!