Shooting Games

You know those paintball courses with all the balloons? We use similar things,just with wood and boulders.We (me and friends) go through run and gun exercises,and practice house clearing.And skeet shooting.
The place where I go shooting, there is a lot of bottle, cans, small boxes and what not to shoot at.

Basically Shooting Horse w/ pistols. Two or more players. First shooter pics a target to shoot at and everybody shoots at it. Whoever hits gets a point, whoever doesnt hit gets no point. If all hit all get a point, no hits no points. If the shooter who picks the target and hits it in the round, that shooter can re-shoot the same or pick another for the next round. If the shooter who pics the target for the round misses the target and all others miss, the shooter can re-shoot at the same or pick another. If the beginning shooter picks a target for a round and misses and the next shooter in line hits hits, regardless if the shooters after he/she hits. That shooter gets to pick the next target. The games ends at whatever predetermined amount of points the shooters agree on.

Sorry if my explanation is hard to understand, I do apologize. But, the game is really fun. Also, it is a shooting game that can take some skill to master and helps to build skill too. It is a game that makes you slow down and take you time while shooting your pistol. Where I shoot, distances range from 10 to 75 yards. It really makes you take in and use/exercise the fundamentals of shooting a pistol.
Cleaned out the hunting cabin

bunch of rusty old canned goods. aim for the edge see how high you can get em to jump. even with a .22 it's a hoot
I like playing card games. It takes a little time to set up but it is tons of fun. Fun to put some money on it too. What I do is staple 52 cards to a small sheet of plywood. Then play take your turn to make the best five card hand. Maybe 150-200 yards and it should be a good chalange.
I like to hang golf balls with 1/8" cable about 3' long and smack em with .22's at 100 yds. or so. They are difficult to hit while they are swinging from the last shot!
Though he doesn't know it my son donates his paint balls to me and I line em up on a log or any place they wont roll and wear em out with my Browning Silhouette .22:D
We play a long range game 1000 - 1500yrds. We have several gongs on a sand dune 1man goes to the 1500 bench the other man goes around half way bench the stations are staggered the man at 1500 is the lead shooter the other plays back up. When lead shooter pics a gong and fires the other mans job is to shoot the same gong or complete the hit the long range man had missed,on a miss shooters rotate the lead.Our gongs are the size of sewer caps.Sounds easy but it great pratice & alot of fun:D