Shooting Games

Ok so here is another one not quite as crazy as the last. Most of you don't know but I am a huge zombie fan, I love all things zombies.
You will require at least 1 friend for this. You will also need a nice big piece of wooded property with no other houses around.

You can order zombie targets online for next to nothing, or you can find zombie pictures and print them to make your own. Have your friend place targets on the sides of the trail while you stay back in the house so the locations will be unknown to you. Grab a shotgun and sidearm and head off into the woods following the trail and trying to eliminate all the targets. For added fun use water bottles filled with jelly or fake blood and tape them to the back of the target where the head is to simulate brains (the kids love this :D). It's always a blast to have the friend follow behind you with a stopwatch and see how quick you can be. You can then get fresh targets and do the same only with your friend shooting and you with the stopwatch. Have fun and be safe!
And the winner is......................
Sgt, Saputo.
Zombies, shotguns and red goo.
What a great idea.
Halloween isn't too far off, either.
Might be just the thing for a fun match at the local club, too.
Hickok's tactics could sure stand some improvement.
Maybe he needs to review those zombie documentaries more.
Forgetting to reload after each engagement, running out of ammo altogether, not using the trees for cover, making enough noise to, er, raise the dead.
If they were traveling in their usual packs, he'd be meat.
Come midnight, the score might have been Hickok - 0, Zombies - 1.

Wouldn't it be neat if the zombie targets could be attached to a bungee or something so they could come charging out of the woods?
Or on a rope and come zipping down out of the trees via gravity.
Or as a swinging target with their intended victim out in front.
And the blood and gore, fur sure.
You've opened a Pandora's box of ideas.
Actually I was working on some ideas for attaching targets to pulleys to simulate charging last night! I haven't really come up with any solid ways of working them, but I think a bit more and give them a try. I'll be sure to post the results :).
My friend and I will set up cans such as 10 on each side and see who can clear theirs first, the range gets kicked further and further as we go.

I set him up big time after selling him a Ruger 10/22 target with the hammer forged barrel and a Pentax scope. I had had that rifle for ten years or more but when I got my Rem 597 I didn't need it anymore, I think the 597 is a way better rifle in many respects. I asked him if he thought he could shoot more than me of 100 cans in a "shoot as fast as you can go" type match. He got two clips from me and hadn't picked up anymore.

Meanwhile I had accrued almost 20 magazines and had tuned up most and those that weren't dead reliable were good with five or six bullets but not all the way full. Larry is a competitive little bugger and wanted to go a buck a can on the offset. I was having a tough time as he dug himself deeper and deeper with terms. I asked him if he wanted a reload clause and he said heck no, you load at your own speed.

I had 12 magazines ready to roll with CCI Geen Label target loads. We decided on about 80 yards and put a little dirt in each can so there would be no low shooting that topples three or four cans a shot if done right (I had already pulled that one on him before.

We start and I'm paying attention to his mag change speed, it's horrible because of the typically fussy Ruger magazine removal and insertion. Meanwhile the 597 mag drops out and free with the lightest touch, and a new one clicks home in a split second. As he's reloading his first mag after burning 20 rounds he watches me drop a mag and put my fourth one in, he's still loading as I put my fifth one in at which point I'm approaching the middle point of the line. He yells out "hey, how many friggin clips do you have?" I was laughing hard enough that it was making me miss more shots as I told him he was the one that didn't want a reloading clause. I added that he better hurry up or he was going to owe me thirty or forty bucks.

He wanted a rematch that stopped at 20 rounds for a reload, 80 yards was just enough that the difference in ammo was decisive, I had target loads that cost eight or nine bucks or so for 100 and he was using bulk whatever.

We have done the same with bolt actions, I have a CZ HM2 varmint with a 6-18x Buckmasters side focus that is sweet for cans at out to 100 yards. A .22 just won't keep up with a hit ratio at longer .22 ranges like that.

I like competitive practice like that.
With .17HMR's we use .45 brass (unloaded) lined up at 100 yards, the .17 drills the most perfect little holes in them.
Got a couple.

My family and I went to Lake Shasta in Cali and rented a houseboat. Naturally, all our firearms went with us. At this time, they were letting out 18" of water every few days for irrigation, so underwater trees now became above-water targets. We took turns plinking at the tree limbs (Wood chunks wood fly as a reactive target), kindof like the game H-O-R-S-E. Loser had dishes for the night.

Another one. For trap-ish, at home on property, we would trade off with two shooters simultaneously, and a puller/thrower. Each shooter stood with weapon empty, action closed (pumps allowed only, no semi's), hammer back (so you gotta use the action lock release), with a live round in the support hand. Upon acknowledgement of being ready from both shooters, the thrower would let fly one clay at the moment of their choosing. Once the birdie was released, both shooters had to load, acquire, and fire. First to hit the target won. Draws were settled with the throwing of two targets, each shooter taking the target closest to their position.

Just a bit of fun ;)
Dirt Clods

I like to shoot at dirt clods on the side of hills at ridiculously long distances espically with rimfires. I like to have to use mortar type aiming angels and have a countable wait time for impact. Before anyone wonders about the dangers of such shooting, where I live you can touch off an atom bomb and not hurt anyone.
my wife and i made up a game:D we take a paper plate, and draw a bullseye about 1" in diameter, then draw a 4" circle around the bullseye. hits outside of the circle score 0 points. on the line, or inside the circle- but still outside the bullseye are worth 1 point. bullseye shots are worth 2 points. each person has a 3 round mag. she beats me about 80% of the time, but it sure is a lot of fun. :cool:
Dueling trees are a hoot!,,,

This one works well,,,

Tremendous amount of fun with a couple of .22 handguns,,,
They also make them for centerfire handguns.

Any of the spinner targets is more fun than paper,,,

Three guys, two with shotguns, one chucking clays. Shooter 1 gets a change to break the first clay. If he breaks it, he gets a point. If he misses, shooter 2 can shoot to steal the point. If Shooter 1 breaks his clay, Shooter 2 still gets a chance to shoot at the fragments, if any, in order to negate the point. Then you trade off. It's a race to 5, and the loser takes an extra shot of tequila after the guns are back in their cases.
you know the little clay dropper hat hold like 5?
load them up with 3 clays and have 2 or 3 people have their own
first one to shoot all 3 wins
My buddies and I like taking boot laces or any old nylon like rope and hanging them from the barbed wire fence out where we shoot. After we get them all tied up (one for each of us), we light the end that is dangling with a lighter or whatever and step back 10 or 15yds, let them burn a little and then take your .22 or whatever and try to shoot the flame out first. Whoever puts their string out first wins. When Im by myself I like to set a cinder block out around 100yds and shoot at it with my .22 it makes a cool little puff of dust and thud.
Pivot drills and speed reloading competitions ftw. Popular at work. Get the guys together and turn it into a competition. Good fun. Came second place in a speed reloading competition platoon wide at work. Fuzzy-warm feelings ensued.

Another vote for Range Poker. Easy to set up, and you can wager lunch / dinner / beer (AFTER) etc on the best hand.