Shooting Games

At our range

We have 'soda can races'.... similar to gun golf. W use the 50 meter range, put a can for each person at about 5 meters, the first can to the 50 m line wins.... if you get your can there first with less than your 6 or 10 shots (revolver or SA) you can use your last rounds to upset anyone elses strategy :D like trying to knock their can off course. (have to be careful you dont help them get over the line by accident):eek::D
Midway sells a target they call a Bird Board. It is basically a target backer board and plastic hooks to hang clay pigeons on. We like to see how many times we can shoot holes in the center of the clay pigeons without breaking the pigeon. Once the pigeon breakes we like to shoot at the fragments that still hang on the board.


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i like the golf ball game. but we will also set up several golf balls 150 yards out on a wooden saw horse. with my savage 10fp-le1 .308 we try to hit the golf ball right near the bottom and see how high we can pop so suckers up! its amazing how high they will fly.

I also bring down 11x17 sheets of paper with Billiard balls printed on them. #1 through 9. And play a little 9 ball at 30 feet.

Balloons on strings are fun too.... especially when its windy out.
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We use to buy old bowling pins -- hang them w/ twine or rope on a tree branch or stand & try & keep it swinging.
Drills for thrills!


Here is a site with about 20 or so different drills:

This is a PDF that I found a couple of months ago, has 40+ drills:

If you have a RangeLog membership, we already have the drills from both resources the site so that when we roll-out our "friends" feature. It would allow you to open the "BILL DRILL" and see other members scores and your friends scores (anyone who selects "publish my scorecard to public". Should be available in the next 30 days.

Happy Shooting!

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I bought a PACT timer and my friends and I play a game I call the shotgun relay.

Shooting stations are set up with 4 pop cans set about 10 yards from where the shooter will stand. At each shooting station there is a box with 4 birdshot shells in it.

At the buzzer the shooter loads the gun, shoots the 4 cans, runs to the next shooting staion (usually 20 yards away), loads the gun, shoots the 4 cans, etc.

I use 3x3 landscaping posts to elevate some of the cans.

5 second penalty for missing a can.
and when training my daughter with a pellet gun the 16oz-2liter bottle shaken up nice and tight waa always fun to watch the explosion on contact.

I have become a mild legend at the local wal-mart check-lanes.

Once a month, in the summer, I go through with 6-10 24packs of Sam's Choice Cola and one 20 ounce of Mtn. Dew. They used to ask me why I had one Dew and all that cola. I told them I didn't drink the cola...

Now when I do that, someone always asks "Are you the guy that shoots this stuff" Guilty as charged.

There is no games in shooting gun... :mad: / Now thats of my chest there is compatition, Matches & other fun safe things to shoot But to call em Games No No STAY ARMED & SAFE Y/D :D
Winter months we like to use frozen blocks of Ice as reactive targets add some food coloring for the long distance stuff and icecubes are great for the .22 rifles at a distance. Pistols are fun with frozen blocks too.

We also made a J channel run for clay pigons a spring loaded pin hooked to a string will release one at a time and roll down the j channel to shoot a moveing target.
Also for those of you that play golf. Grab a driver (or any other club besides a putter) and start hitting golf balls. Have a buddy about 7 to 10 feet to your left or right and a few feet in front of you (which ever side you tend to hit to) and let him shoot them out of the sky
Please specify where and with what firearm you use to do this.

Without a shotgun's limited range with small shot - this could be extremely dangerous as you are shooting at an upward angle and rifle and pistol round go a long way.
Pistol Poker

We take a chunk of cardboard and two decks of cards. Line the cards up in rows and then take turns at shots to see who gets the best poker hand. Throwing an ante into the pot is recommended and winner takes the pot.
Helium balloons are fun. I got to do this last weekend. They bob and weave in the slightest breeze, making it a real challenge with your carry pistol.
Modified range poker

My brother and I take 2 decks of cards, a stapler and cardboard. shuffle one deck a few times to mix the cards up, then in rows of 4 across space and glue or staple to the cardboard. It works better if participants are not the ones putting them on the board. set up the board at a distance. We do 50 or 100 yards with 22lr rifles. take the other deck and shuffle it. The shooter then draws a card. they are then timed and have to shoot the matching card on the board. Set a time limit that is challenging. If you do not make the time or miss your round is over. First one to hit 5 wins the round.
This is great to help in selctive targeting under the pressure of time. it is challenging and fun, and can be played safely at a range. Last time we played quite a few others at the range joined in the game and it was quite a good time.
I like shooting military rifles at long range.

I went skeet shooting with some friends an absolutely loved it. I likes it so much i went out and bought myself a shotgun to shoot clays with. Im not interested so much in competition, but simply shooting clays.

Its gotten to the point where i am trying to replicate things that tom knapp does, such as put a shell in your mouth (gun completely unloaded) throw the clay by hand, load the gun and shoot the bird. you gotta be pretty fast to do that.

then there is throw 3 clays by hand and shoot them. (3 is my current limit, tom knapp can do 9, with a benelli of course)

One thing a friend an i did was with an airgun One of us would turn around and promiss not to peek and the other would go hide a soda can in the bushes and then you had to find it an shoot it as quickly as possible. that's fun, but you spend more time hiding the can than you do shooting.

then there is the, put two soda can, one on top of the other at 50 yards and hit the top one without hitting the bottom one with a shotgun. if you aim about a foot above it you can pull it off.
I know this is an old thread, but I'd like to add a few of the range games we do. Freindly competition, more for fun, but also for bragging rights

Tactical carbine or combat pistol.
Timed, Quick action drill.

1= Take 7 boxes and mark them consecutively (1,2,3...etc) large enough to easily read from 40-66 metres. (black duct tape work great)
2= Affix a 9" balloon to the top of each box. (Balloon size can be modified to suit your personal preferences)
3= Arrange boxes between 40-60 yards (for carbines) or 15-30 yards for pistol. (You can alter the distance as you see fit.) This is meant to be a quick action game as opposed to a precision shooting drill.
4= Have the shooter turn around and mix up the boxes, Both range and order can be changed, but try to keep the ranges similar for each shooter.

Shooter up
1= The shooter starts on firing line with weapon unloaded and back turned to targets.
2= On "GO" the shooter must turnaround, insert magazine and shoot the targets in numerical order.
3= Shooting targets out of order is an automatic disqualification.

Fastest time wins

We often limit the number of rounds in a mag to 10. This helps level the field for our friends that shoot SKS, M1, 1911s, etc. It also essentially gives a time penalty for missing more than 3 times (since a reload is required.)

Ill gladly post a few more games if you guys wish.
I got a fun one for ya just takes a few cheap things. You need cannon fuse which is cheap and can be bought at any fireworks store (make sure to get the thick kind), firecrackers or those fireworks flares, and some plywood. Now setup a large piece of plywood downrange (distance varies with skill and firearms), take some heavy duty clear tape (the kind used for sealing boxes when you ship them) and tape the fuse and your choice of firework on the board(paper wrapped pyrodex works a bit like a flare and there's no explosion to worry about). Make sure that you put a foot a foot or so off of the board so a runner will have time to light it and get back behind the shooter (At this time rifles should be on SAFE and out of the hands of shooter because we don't want someone getting shot). On the board paint (or use a marker) a clearly visible red line, the shooter cannot load or fire his weapon until the fuse burns down to this mark. At this point the shooter loads his weapon and attempts to sever the fuse before it sets off your firework. When you miss you are out, continue until one person is left. It's always fun for everyone to throw a dollar in the pot and give the money to the winner. :D

always remember to keep your weapon unloaded until your runner gets behind you. I will not be responsible if someone is hurt due to their own stupidity.

Have fun, but BE SAFE!
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