Shooting Games


New member
I was just curious what kind of shooting games ya'll do? They probably all help with shooting, but I'm just curious what people do to break up the monotony of just shooting.
the monotony of just shooting

There is no such thing.

I can shoot all day long at nothing in particular.......pick a rock, a dirt mound, etc. I take cans and clay targets with me to plink at, and also shoot at bowling balls, watermelons, water jugs, empty shotgun shells, and the unlucky non-game animal that crosses my path. I don't really "need" to make a game out of it to keep from getting bored, I enjoy the time I spend shooting, whether I shoot 500 rounds, or 50. If I start getting bored, or am just not into that day, I go home, and head back out another day.
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Well shooting at paper targets all the time does get repetitive, and shooting other types of targets or doing fun drills takes away from that. Yes, it does help out in getting groups tighter, and many other things, but there are "games" or drills that take away just throwing lead on paper shot after shot, and get the shooter engaged more actively in the range time. While it's not boring necessarily, it does take away from valuable range time. I guess what I mean from shooting games, is something that challenges the shooter and maybe a partner against each other or something. Make it competitive in some way, but not a competition game. I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's what i mean.
My father my wife and myself have one where we set a soda can down range and take turns all useing the same weapon 1 shot at a time to see who hits it first
I haven't done any with my Glock since I don't really have a suitable non residential area to do so ( Even though I have a neighbors land permission , I don't want to disturb other neighbors ).

But I know with the pellet gun as a kid , and when training my daughter with a pellet gun the 16oz-2liter bottle shaken up nice and tight waa always fun to watch the explosion on contact.

I would imagine now , anything that goes "BOOM" on impact would be fun for me.
We used to line up with pellet guns, everyone would pitch in a buck and we'd shoot at an empty soda can, stuck on a branch not too far downrange. You miss, you're out. Last one to hit gets the pot. I lost a lot of money doing this. :)
It depends on what kind of range is available. Frangible (e.g., clays) and reactive (plates or cans) targets are fun, but not all ranges allow them. When I shot at an indoor range, I put up 4 small paper targets on the backer (paper plates are ok), and went around in a circle as fast as possible. That range allowed "timed rapid fire" which was exceptional; generally, novice shooters trying to go fast shoot the lights out (literally) so most ranges forbid it.

Reactive targets are the most fun. A box of crackers from the dollar store give my daughter some good plinking time, and the birds and other critters get to clean up the mess when we leave the Gun Club. No need to pick up can pieces and other target trash when we're done.
we usually end shooting sessions with .22 rifle shoots, set up abunch of clays in different place for about half amile down river ( we shoot by a little stream) and then walk down shooting the targets, everyone puts 10-20 bux in the pot and whoever gets the most targets wins the pot. also do it with handguns. also toss old skoal cans in the air and try to hit em with handguns and shotguns ( were a good 45-50 miles away from civilazation) even tried it using a Ar a couple times!
Me and my shooting buddy like to set up our spent casings and see who can hit one 1st with our 9mm's. It is a challenge even from several feet. By the way we arent setting them on the ground we elevate them on a wooden plank. No worry about ricochet.
Osama Bin Laden targets

I like to make targets of bad guy #1 Then practice with all types of weapons moving from tree to bush and shooting on the run or Quick shot. Rocks knives pistols or shotguns . kind of realistic. It's amazing how many times we can miss. Practice is the key marcon9
I like to stretch out the distance. I've got a 14" gong that we shoot at out to about 100 yds; sometimes further. After doing this for awhile, 25 yards is no longer the slightest problem for any handgun that I own, including my Jennings J-22. (POS by most standards).

The gong gives a very satisfying CLANGGGG when you hit it, and you don't have to walk back and forth to check your results.

It may not be very scientific, but you can pretty much compare how hard various cartridges and loads hit by the way the gong reacts. (I wouldn't want to get hit by any of them.)

So far I'm best with my Colt Woodsman, often shooting 80% at 100 yards.

On our Memorial Day Weekend camp out we have an elimination shoot-off. There is anywhere from 25 to 50 shooters at the start. Shooters step up to the line and get two shots (if needed) to ring the gong. Everyone who is successful gets another crack ten yards further back. Those who miss are out. We keep going, ten yards each time, and folks start dropping pretty fast about 50 or 60 yards out. (we're all amateurs with varying skill and equipment. All handguns, no scopes allowed). The contest is usually won at 100-120 yards, depending on the wind and such.

When it comes to informal and fun competition, this is the best we've come up with yet.:) jd
Potatoes or apples at ~25ft,2 shooters,we alternate shots until it's gone.What makes it interesting is when one hits the target,it moves or explodes and gets smaller,meaning the other shooter must adjust POA,really helps with practicing follow-up shots...We do this on a fairly steep hillside,so gravity is also a motion factor...

Where it can be done, mark two parallel lines and move golf balls from the near to the far line. Scoring can be by time or round count. All the usual safety and clean-up considerations apply.

Cut small logs into chunks with length roughly equal to diameter, make them more visible with water soluble poster paint or flour slurry, scatter them around a small valley. When you walk the rim and slopes of the valley you get shots of random range and elevation, great practice for hunting. When your cleanup efforts miss some targets, the targets will eventually rot away.
All the usual safety and clean-up considerations apply.

Yeah Guys, lets not forget that where ever we shoot, the mess we leave brands us as a bunch of --- choose expletive.

In my area, which is pretty wide open, I have seen formerly good shooting spots closed off to everyone because of bullet riddled appliances, broken bottles, cans, and empty shells and boxes. Some of our fellow "gun enthusiasts" are pigs, and need to be policed or picked up after. :mad: jd
agreeed JD we usually take a box of contractor bags with us and clean up. we also scavenge old brass and shotshells to someday use to reload. when we have aenough ammo we attempt to reduce the old applinces to piles of rubble thats easier to truck out. BTW maytag firdges dont stand up well to full auto AKs. :D
We have loaded up a 30 round magazine in .30 carbine and tried to see who could move a bowling pin the farthest with it. In honor of Easter, try the Easter Egg Hunt, sniper style with partially hidden eggs at unknown distances, good for shooter and even a spotter. Try poker hands by stapling a deck of cards up and shooting for a best hand. Range dictated by the type of gun. If you get inventive, you can make a target that falls when hit in the vitals, but not with peripheral hits. I made one with those little inflated bags that come in packages to cushion them. Each was about the size of the A zone of a target. You can also put them in the head, chest, or pelvis of the target to encourage alternative shot placement. When I posted for reactive target ideas, I got tons of cool responses. Try covering your cardboard target with an old T shirt, you won't be able to easily see the bullet holes to adjust your fire. hang a golf ball by a rubber band or a long string. The wind will make for a challenging target. I saw on one of the gun shows on TV a target on a little remote controlled car kind of thing. Shouldn't be too hard to reproduce at home with a little help from Wal Mart or Radio Shack. Saw one where two baloons were tied on a little car. Sniper was told what color baloon to shoot, moving car and wind made for a challenge, and sometimes the baloons crossed, instant no shoot. I'd like to try it with .22s and open sights. Try buying the paper Tyvek coveralls at the paint store. You can fill them up with baloons and hang them in the wind. Seeing which baloon pops leaves no doubt if you had a good hit and it's a 3D target. A little work on them internets will get you pictures of guns, cameras, Ipods, cans of Coke, cell phones, lighters, badges, etc. you can also make copies of your hands open and closed as fists. Cut out these pictures and paste them on paper targets for instant no shoots. (Disclaimer) Never make these copies at work when no one is around and you are bored and want to abuse the work copier. A trip to the dollar store can get you toy guns, cameras, and etc for the same purpose. You could ignore the warning and try all those trick shots on that "Impossible Shots" show...
My buddies and I are big fans of going shot for shot on adjacent lanes. It's almost like playing a game of horse. Or we just use police silhouettes and tally up our scores. If we're at a plinking pit, it becomes a game of "I bet I can hit that (blank)." It keeps everything competitive, and keeps us from burning through ammo too quick.
I likes me a good game of "gun golf"... the trick is to "accidentally" hit yer buddy's ball when he ain't lookin... when he gets up off the gound and quits talkin' with a high pitch... he won't be shootin so good tryin' to keep an eye on you while aiming at the golf ball...
when he gets up off the gound and quits talkin' with a high pitch... he won't be shootin so good tryin' to keep an eye on you while aiming at the golf ball...
Okay that part was just wrong.... I really meant to hit his golf ball and make sure it is a "hook or slice" shot...
The "golf" game is used with .22s like mentioned above.

The cheap soda cans with a rifle are fun also. I also have used half gallon milk/juice containers filled with water for rifle shots out at 200 yards and beyond.

I just wish more people would clean up their messes. :(