Shooting from a moving object

the word 'bored' does NOT contain the vowel A

And "peeking is the word for not looking.
Peaking is what happens when you reach the summit and begin the down slide as in "over the hill."
Happens sooner or later to the best of us. :)

Eghads, was that the Twist those kids were dancing?
Bet they don't look like that anymore.
I forgot about shooing from a Humvee which we did at a 3 gun match. That was quite fun and a lot easier then one would think.


The stage was set up with hidden targets we had to find and engage while driving down a trail. They were the Army pop up targets that had to be hit twice for them to go down.

The only target I didn't get, was one I couldn't find. So I got 9/10.
Can it be much different than shooting at a moving object, unless you are actually actively running like hell? Imo, run or shoot, it's impossible to do both. Most people can't even walk and text at the same time. I have seen people trip on smooth floors as the sip their coffee. Once, I saw a woman approach a door that was too clean. The door was open. She wasn't paying attention.

She missed the entrance, slammed into the door itself and hit the ground.. oh, she realized that she hit the door. Obviously shaken, she pushed the door shut, believing that she was opening it. She slammed into the glass again, once again hitting the concrete.

A person may be able to learn how to shoot while moving, it will obviously have a positive impact on every aspect of life and concentration, but moving while shooting outside of a non emergency situation is futile and unwise. It just the same sort of dumb idea as trying to make sixty foot head shots during a stress fire situation on a target that won't be sitting still like a nice, cooperative piece of paper.
I recall a particularly diabolical USPSA stage with a swaying, bouncing, suspension foot bridge. At another range (that was circular, with all shots going outward), they had an old Checker cab. Team event, one driver, one shooter, one RO in the back seat.
"There's a whole lotta things that I never done, I ain't never had too much fun".
Ralph Shine Band.
Absolutely illegal to have a loaded firearm in any kind of motorised vehicle, here. Dunno about the U.S. So you need to check your State laws. Likely illegal there too. Doesn't apply to anchored boats being used as duck blinds though.
Then there's the Federal Airborne Hunting Act that requires you to be employed to administer or protect land, water, wildlife, livestock, domesticated animals, human life or crops. Get you a year in prison, a $5,000 fine and loss of everything you have with you, including the aircraft. Hunting.pdf
The CAS guys do or did use a suspended barrel to simulate being mounted. There is live horse mounted shooting too.
Top Shot is TV. Not reality.
No idea what a 'yoga ball' is, but if you tried standing or sitting on one with a loaded firearm on my range, you'd be told to leave.
And 'U' is not a word.
This isn't shooting FROM a moving position but the Olympics used to have some shooting AT moving target events.

1908 to 1948 they had a center fire "100 meter running deer" event.

In 1972 the did a trial run of a "50 meter running boar" event in .22 format but it didn't stay.

There was a "10 meter target" event for air guns 1992 to 2004 but now there are no moving target events in the Olympics. Sigh.

10 meter running target air gun event:

50 meter running boar .22 event:

100 meter running deer center fire event:
Absolutely illegal to have a loaded firearm in any kind of motorised vehicle, here. Dunno about the U.S. So you need to check your State laws. Likely illegal there too.

Not in most jurisdictions. In my home state of Florida, one doesn't even need a concealed weapons permit to have a handgun in the vehicle, as long is it is in some type of container. The glove box or console will do, as well a gun rug, a plastic case, or, by some interpretations, a paper bag. You need a CWP to have it on your person, but not in a closed container in the car.
Eod1 said:
Real life . Evidently you've never tried it huh
I was in "real life" fire fights -- in Vietnam. Just like everyone else, I was hunkered down behind anything I could find, I was NOT trying to shoot while walking on a telephone pole or balancing on a yoga ball.

What's your real life experience in fire fights?
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Eod1 wrote:
Has anyone practiced shooting from lets say a boat in the water.


Because to the disturbance in aiming that comes from the constant movement of the boat, unless you're in calm waters shooting at a something next to you, you're just wasting ammunition.

Also, if we're talking something like a small (i.e. 12 or 14 foot) jon boat, the recoil can cause a standing shooter to lose their balance and take an unscheduled swim.

Even when I lived for a while on my grandfather's 32 foot cabin cruiser, I wouldn't have dreamed of shooting at anything off the boat unless it was standing next to me on the dock.
I shot with a 50 cal and an M16 from a moving APC, don't think I hit anything but they didn't get me or the track so I figure it made them duck. It ain't like driving on a nice smooth street at a nice even speed.
We used to hunt rabbits at night from a moving car , my brother would sit on the front fender of my 1955 Ford as we traveled along gravel back roads way out in the boondocks and shoot the rabbits with a 410 when the headlights picked them up.
The only problem was I was scared the game warden was going to get us so I usually drove about 40 MPH down those rutted dusty gravel roads with my brother hanging on for dear life screaming " slow down dammit ! You're driving so fast I can't hit em ....slow down ! " . To bad they didn't have U-Tube back then ...then again, maybe that stuff didn't need to be recorded.....that would be evidence.
We used to hunt rabbits at night from a moving car , my brother would sit on the front fender of my 1955 Ford as we traveled along gravel back roads way out in the boondocks and shoot the rabbits with a 410 when the headlights picked them up.

The only problem was I was scared the game warden was going to get us so I usually drove about 40 MPH down those rutted dusty gravel roads with my brother hanging on for dear life screaming " slow down dammit ! You're driving so fast I can't hit em ....slow down ! " . To bad they didn't have U-Tube back then ...then again, maybe that stuff didn't need to be recorded.....that would be evidence.


You can't pull that crap today or you'll be going to the pokey unless perhaps your out west and mostly on your own property and errant rounds don't go out of your property.

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Shooting from a vehicle is prohibited in every state I have lived in. Shooting from a road is also frowned upon by LE people. Good way to lose your freedom and/or firearm.
If you are in a Hollywood movie, shooting from a vehicle is acceptable provided you are the "Good Guys."
Besides old US Military Rifles, I like collecting the old US Military Marksmanship Manuals.

I was browsing my library yesterday and started reading from the "SMALL ARMS FIRING MANUAL, 1913.

There is quite a section on Mounted Firearms Training and Qualification. Suprising, one exercise is almost identical to the Mounted Cowboy Action Course.

Glad I got rid of my horses, I'd be out there doing something stupid.