Shooting from a moving object


New member
Has anyone practiced shooting from lets say a boat in the water. Here is a easier one. How about trying to balance yourself on a log, or yoga ball?
Yup, not so much practice as during some of the old style shootin' matches.
My favorite was at steel knockdown targets, from a slow moving car that had the doors removed.
Sometimes it was from a rocking boat, sitting on dry land of course.
Just trying to stand and shoot made it rock pretty good.
That's some good training. The yoga ball works well. if you lay down on it and look up it takes your core muscles to keep you on target. The balancing beam is fun
If you lay a telephone pole down and walk down it with out falling off and shoot your targets it will help you a lot
I put this stuff up to mix it up a little. All I read about is the same stuff. Lets make it interesting. Try it sometime you might like it.
Not sure I'd try a Yoga ball but I would definitely like to try shooting from a moving vehicle some time.. damn that sounds like I wanna do a drive by or something lol

Unfortunately Im not really sure where you could practice something like that outside a special training course.

The best you can practically do would be at a outdoor range with private bays or deserted range where you could practice moving on foot.. till then laser trainer in the house I guess..

At least for those of us not fortunately enough to live out of the city with land.
I should Apologies. I get carried away and think everyone has a desert in their back yard. Its only 10 mins and I'm in the middle of no where doing what I want. I forgot that most of you are in a place that controls where you shoot. Sorry About that
Sounds like you have alot of room. I know people give this guy alot of grief, some of it deserved, but look up nutnfancy on you tube. He does some running and gunning drills that will get your blood flowing.
The calendar girls look good but its ok training. I go a little more to the dark side. Its nothing I haven't seen up at Front sight in the more advanced classes.
I'm building plate rakes like the ones on Top Shot. They are mounted to a trailer 9 foot tall and 8 plates wide with 12 inches between plates. Should be a fun Race
I did treat the query about firing from under water as a serious question. But shooting while balancing on a yoga ball? To quote the folks on the TV show, "I'm out."

The yoga ball might throw some of you old guys off a little. I can understand. But for some of you young pups trying to balance yourself and shot bulls eyes or just to hit the target its good stuff. a lot of core muscles at work. You don't think you will be on your feet all the time in a gun fight do you?
But have u tried it? Then how can you speak intelligently about it? I'm not saying you need to stand on it!!
Count me out as well. Shooting from a moving vehicle is unlikely at best and prohibited probably. Except for perhaps members of the Armed Forces in a combat zone. I never had the problem in four years of Marine Corps or twenty eight years of lawman.

Nor do I envision being called up for service again at my age.

Probably the closest I've ever come to anything resembling this category of circumstance is climbing over a fence while chasing someone. Conceivably I might have come under fire whilst atop a fence. Happily, it probably would have been close and villains can't shoot all that well.

This sounds more like gun games for people who don't carry guns with actual expectations. But it sounds like fun, until someone breaks their lahbonza falling out of a moving vehicle. Or gets poked in the eye.
I understand the concept of trying to mix it up a little, but tripping and shooting yourself seems counter productive.