sex offender lists

i think of it like this. 18+yr. old having any form of sex or sexually related activity with a person under 18 is morally wrong. whether one or both is drunk,high,etc. or not. now 2 minors doing that is a different story as long as its not in public or in my house. i don't condone 2 minors having sex or sexual relations. but in a similar sense as long as drugs or alcohol etc. is not involved. and if it wasn't rape or non consentual sex. otherwise charges would be filed if it were one of my kids. i am not saying that any of my kids should be out doing anything sexual with anyone at all. what other parents do with there kids actions is on them as long as it don't involve me or mine.

i have 7 kids here, ages ranging 4yrs. to 14 yrs. the 2 oldest being girls. i don't even want to think about some scumbag doing something sick or otherwise to any of them. there would be hell to pay if something happend.

a coworker over 25 yrs. of age of mine this past fall was doing coke with a 17 yr. old female and had sex with her 3 times. the girls parents and her pressed rape charges against him. the judge luckily for him. threw it out. she turned 18 a week or 2 after the case went to court. IMO he shouldv'e been locked up. if it were my daughter he wouldn't even have been charged. i wouldv'e pulled a john wayne on him.

as far as urinating in public yes its gross. but it does happen. if i gotta go at work and no one is home. even if there is i am not knocking on the door. i'll climb up in the back of the work truck shut the rollup door and do what i gotta do in a bucket. yes is nasty but should i go on the pool filter? if i am out in the woods hunting and i gotta go. sorry i am going. where am i supposed to hide? who's watching me go? the squirrels, deer, trees. is that public urination?
i think of it like this. 18+yr. old having any form of sex or sexually related activity with a person under 18 is morally wrong.
Boy turns 18 April 15th, girl turns 18 April 20th. Why is morally wrong for him to have sex with her on the 19th but not the 21st?

i have 7 kids here, ages ranging 4yrs. to 14 yrs. the 2 oldest being girls. i don't even want to think about some scumbag doing something sick or otherwise to any of them. there would be hell to pay if something happend.
What if it was your girls being the scumbags and messing around with a 17 year old boy when they're 18? Or what if they're 17 and lie to an older boy of 20 telling him that they're 20?

What defines "something sick"?
18+yr. old having any form of sex or sexually related activity with a person under 18 is morally wrong ... now 2 minors doing that is a different story

Huh?! Two pre-18s having sex is not morally wrong, one turns 18 and sex becomes morally wrong, but ceases to be morally wrong when the second one turns 18. I must have dozed off during that sermon.
Today in my city, a 22 year old substitute teacher (a very pretty young blond woman) was sentenced to probation and fined $5000 for having sex with a 14 year old boy. When I was a teenager, that boy would have been considered to have got lucky, but now he's "the victim." I guess I'm not PC enough.
Today in my city, a 22 year old substitute teacher (a very pretty young blond woman) was sentenced to probation and fined $5000 for having sex with a 14 year old boy. When I was a teenager, that boy would have been considered to have got lucky, but now he's "the victim." I guess I'm not PC enough.

I think they said it best in a South Park episode: "Where the HELL were these teachers when *I* was in high school?? "
Today in my city, a 22 year old substitute teacher (a very pretty young blond woman) was sentenced to probation and fined $5000 for having sex with a 14 year old boy. When I was a teenager, that boy would have been considered to have got lucky, but now he's "the victim." I guess I'm not PC enough.
Yeah but now reverse the sexes. Very handsome 22 year old male substitute has sex with a 14 year old girl.

Still a question of PC?
Yeah but now reverse the sexes. Very handsome 22 year old male substitute has sex with a 14 year old girl.

Still a question of PC?

I have to agree with ya on this one Redworm. It seems popular openion is, that its only a crime when a girl is the victim and a man is the older partner.

I personally feel that if the laws must be inforced, they should be inforced both ways. In other words, If you'd charge a 19 year old boy who had sex with a 17 year old girl with rape, then you should be willing to charge a 19 year old girl who had sex with a 17 year old boy with raping him.
I am opposed to sex offenders lists that list juveniles. I also believe that details on the offence (s) committed by the perpetrator should be provided with their name as breaches are sometimes of a 'technical' nature.
These 2 links show how society feels about sexual deviates.,8599,1616890,00.html

Are you implying that that jackson thing isn't choosing to play with little boys?
well, he was acquitted...but what I'm saying is that the desire is not a choice. No one chooses who they are sexually attracted to.

Stick your "Well's" That scum bag had enough money to pay off the parent.
Add him to the above links!
Ah yes, trials are only for the innocent. You know he was guilty and thus if he was acquitted it must mean he was able to pay his way off.

Innocent until proven guilty unless you're a celebrity.

And yet it doesn't change anything I said. One does not choose who or what one is attracted to. Whether or not one decides to act upon that attraction is a different matter but pedophiles are not "evil" for their thoughts.
Ah yes, trials are only for the innocent. You know he was guilty and thus if he was acquitted it must mean he was able to pay his way off.

Innocent until proven guilty unless you're a celebrity.

And yet it doesn't change anything I said. One does not choose who or what one is attracted to. Whether or not one decides to act upon that attraction is a different matter but pedophiles are not "evil" for their thoughts.

The above fails to take into account that better lawyer cost moren money and the opposite being those with out alot of money can not afford good lawyers. And don't even get me started on the worthless court appointed defender they have in the county here. I'm sure there are many other simlar cases through out the US.

Second. I made a prediction about two years ago. My prediction was that it would only be a matter of time before pedophiles would be "born that way" the same as gays. Of course those choosing to be gya denied it then.

Third, Since I know it will be brought by someone after reading the above.

I choose to be straight at the same time I started listening to classic rock and drooling over Ford trucks. Not all choices are ars obvious as the wattress asking if you want white or wheat toast.