sex offender lists

Part of the problem is that some people still have this backwards belief that pedophilia and other forms of sexual deviancy are due to a person simply being "evil" or simply choosing to be attracted to children. The fact of the matter is that everything in regards to our sexuality, whether it falls in line with social norms or not, is biological. No one chooses to be attracted to children any more than a man can choose to be attracted to older women. Some of these people were themselves abused as children and those experiences can really scar one's psychology and alter their perception of right and wrong.

Before anyone flips their biscuit, I'm not excusing the behavior, simply reminding everyone that there are reasons for this and none of them have to do with a person being "evil" and choosing to be attracted to children. It's this misconception that keeps many of these predators from getting the help they need before they commit a crime. Yet when the idea is presented that studying and helping these people would actually prevent future acts some folks whine like banshees and demand immediate execution.

It's no wonder that even if someone wanted to get help because he's afraid he might not be able to control his tendencies - and whether or not the same people I referenced want to admit it, some urges are simply too powerful for the conscious mind to resist - many would believe it safer to hide their problem from society and hope it goes away.

A teacher in S.E. Michigan was convicted of having oral sex with a four and five year old.

His conviction was thrown out by the judge after she learned that the prosecution never interviewed three adult witnesses that would testify that the room in which the crime allegedly occured was always occupied.

At retrial, the judge declared a mistrial when the jury voted 11-1 for aquittal.

This poor bastard's in debt for several hundred grand, his life and reputation is ruined, his career is over and he may face doing it all again:

You "hang the bastard" types should take notes.

SiNNiK: So for those of you that don't like the SO registry, you can kiss my ass! It worked for me and mine.
No it didn't. You were being a proper parent and keeping an eye on your children from a distance. You recognized suspicious behavior, a jogger on a dead end street", as well as noted him eyeing your kids. You don't need a registry to tell you to that keeping an eye out for that guy would be a good idea.

The registry did absolutely nothing to help you. Zip, nada, zero. You were being a proper parent, but being an ass by assuming that the person who was jogging was the same person that you saw on the registry and accusing the man of being a SO. Had you been wrong about the persons identity, you might have been too, you could have EASILY been sued for slander had they wanted to do so.
I may forget a name, but not faces. At that time, I checked the site nearly everyday, typing in my zip code. There were nearly 15 offenders within my zip code, and this guy lived maybe 3/4's of a mile from my house.

I was not wrong, I guarantee it.
sorry, but as far as im concerned there is no "consensual" when it involves a 12 yo girl.

That's the way the law looks at it too, and that's the way it SHOULD be. Let's stop making excuses for society's dregs. If your friends are dregs, get some better friends!:rolleyes:
So someone's a "dreg" just because they've made one mistake? Yeah I forgot. Were all perfect and only "bad" people screw up. I never once said his actions were right. But if going over 10 years with out so much as a speeding ticket doesn't show he's no threat to society, I'm not sure what will. Some are willing and trying to change. Why should we deny them the oppertunity to do so if they are sincere in their attempts to change?
Part of the problem is that some people still have this backwards belief that pedophilia and other forms of sexual deviancy are due to a person simply being "evil" or simply choosing to be attracted to children.

How about forgoing the other forms of sexual deviance's, and stay on topic.
Pedophilia is "EVIL" there is no other better word for it. Some slime bucket satisfies his/her desires on a innocent child and then wants to blame it on genetics. What a sorry excuse.
Are you implying that that jackson thing isn't choosing to play with little boys?
I have long felt the way our society is digressing, Pedophilia will someday become an excuse for someone's sick lusts.
Oh he just only likes sex with 10 year old boys, Its not his fault.:barf:
That jackson creep is an example.:mad:
Nature's Response

I can't believe how little protection some want to offer our children. Approach a bear a lion, or most animals in nature with the intention to hurt their young and you will be disembowled. Why? It is an instinct to protect the next generation. Why have us humans lost that?
Bears do not go into the cities looking for someone to accuse of attacking their young and then attack them. They also have no desire for finacial or political gain and likewise they do not use their young to achieve such.

You look at a bear cub and you are done in. Moma bear doesn't accuse, she just protects her young ones.

Look at what happens to child molestors when they get to the big house. Even criminals have their limits.
You look at a bear cub and you are done in. Moma bear doesn't accuse, she just protects her young ones.

Bears actually look after their young on a reasonably constant basis. See SiNNik's post #54; there is no substitute for diligence, attentiveness, and actually being there.
Yes The "For the children" attitude when in MODERATION can accomplish good. But at the present time it is being taken to the extreme

there is no "moderation' when it comes to protecting our kids. anyone who thinks its "extreme" to require treatment and supervision of sex offenders is just plain stupid.
sex offenders have the highest rate of repeat crimes and one of the lowest rehab rates of all the scum.
if it were up to me they would not just have their name on a list, they would have a tattoo on their foreheads. a "scarlet letter" to warn the public that they are deviants.
I for one am tired of the criminals "rights".
If you break the laws of society and violate the social norms of that society you should have to give up your "rights" in that society.
hell, even in jail theyre looked at as scum.
Tom Plumeri DO
Father of two
there is no "moderation' when it comes to protecting our kids.
Okay let's take them away from parents. and let the govt. do it. After all they might teach them to wrong things. We have to protect kids from those who seek to fill impressionable minds with "wrong" ideas.

anyone who thinks its "extreme" to require treatment and supervision of sex offenders is just plain stupid.
not sure who said that. It was not me. I did say that harrassment of SOs after they've served their time was extreme, or maybe that is what you are reffering to??

sex offenders have the highest rate of repeat crimes and one of the lowest rehab rates of all the scum.
And we let them out of prison why?

if it were up to me they would not just have their name on a list, they would have a tattoo on their foreheads. a "scarlet letter" to warn the public that they are deviants.
Yep and the same for anyone who's ever had a speeding ticket. They might be a repeat offender.

I for one am tired of the criminals "rights".
If you break the laws of society and violate the social norms of that society you should have to give up your "rights" in that society.
Yep right on, Let's make no attempt to rehabilitate them. Let's just lock them up and wonder why they repeat their crimes when let out.
Okay let's take them away from parents. and let the govt. do it.


And we let them out of prison why?
my point exactly

Yep and the same for anyone who's ever had a speeding ticket

simple speeding ticket doesnt destroy lives

Let's just lock them up and wonder why they repeat their crimes when let out.

exactly, dont let em out.

thanks for furthering my position.

who the heck are you trying to get forgiveness for, yourself or your "friend"

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You said moderation was not neccassary so I gave an example of what happens in it's absence.

simple speeding ticket doesnt destroy lives
It does when the offender repeats the crime, cause an accident and kills some one.

exactly, dont let em out.
In some case I aggree with you. But this whole thread was started on the basis that a blanket all or nothing rule looked good on paper but not in practise.

[quotewho the heck are you trying to get forgiveness for, yourself or your "friend"

Not exactly sure what you are getting at here. In refferance to my friend mentioned here. I'm only going to say this one more time. Why should he be harrassed for the rest of his life over ONE screw up. Considering that he has NEVER had a "same or similar" offense, is that not a sign of rehabilitation? (and this event was 13 years ago)

And that's the last I'm saying on that.....
Considering that he has NEVER had a "same or similar" offense,

Are you basing that on.....

I always get a charge out of listening to someone give a testimonial about how so-in-so could "Not" have done it, "Why I just know he couldn't do it"! To me that is the simplest of the simple minded. Why statements like that are allowed in the court room is a puzzle to me. The only one who knows is also the one we......
IMO, there is a HUGE difference between a 18 yr old girl and say a 20 something. That means the difference between a 15 year old and a 18 year old are also a world of diffrence. IMO.
How about forgoing the other forms of sexual deviance's, and stay on topic.
Pedophilia is "EVIL" there is no other better word for it.
This assumes there is such a thing as "evil". There is a better word for it: disorder.
Some slime bucket satisfies his/her desires on a innocent child and then wants to blame it on genetics. What a sorry excuse.
Not necessarily genetics; abuse can result in a skewed psyche that can't reconcile right from wrong.

But pedophilia is not a choice someone makes. Acting on it is a choice and should be punished but it's more important to find the root causes and stop it from happening in the future than responding with pure emotion and pretending it has something to do with a mythical "evil" force.
Are you implying that that jackson thing isn't choosing to play with little boys?
well, he was acquitted...but what I'm saying is that the desire is not a choice. No one chooses who they are sexually attracted to.