sex offender lists

Interesting run on a topic here.
For Tplumeri, My comment was in general, the OP said it was consentual between the two parties, not me. I agree w/ what you said as I have daughters.
Antipitas, You can disagree w/ statutory rape all you want as whatever type of crime you care to call it. I however had a 15yr old stepdaughter preyed upon by a 21yr old. 6yrs difference. Please don't try and tell me that Statuatory rape doesn't exist.
We all saw and experienced some of this type of stuff growing up. I for one had a habit of dating older girls. Some of the low lifes in my class dated down a number of years as they were too immature to appeal to a girl their own age. When you see high schoolers trolling the middle school, something is wrong. Everything is relative in a lot of cases. My own eldest daughter is a very grown up 17yr old national qualifying Speech and Debater who happens to be dating a 19yr old. While I'm keeping an eye on things, they are about equivalent in maturity.
Sex offender registries are necessary on any number of levels.
Well this has strayed. In my original post I very specificly excluded those of legal age who seek out young children. I don't think anyone would would come out in support of that. (well most anyone...) The question was, Who determinds this "Magic Number?" I do not support promiscuity. But some of these laws are just dumb. Try as much as you like, But morality can not be legislated.
Several years ago a troubled teenager from Canada, his father lived here in Maine, decided to use our SO online database for hunting purposes, he took his dad's guns and tracked down offenders using info from the SO database. He took out two guys, one of whom may have needed killing. But the other guy was on the list because he'd had consensual sex with a 15 year old when he was 18- not a crime that merits the death penalty in my book.
I didnt read everyones posts, just the main article....
Im 17, I date a 15year old who turns 16 in 3 weeks...When I turn 18 shell be 16 still, Me being charged with a sex offender crime is absolutley rediculous.
elkman, sorry, i wasnt pointing a finger at you. it was just the OP talking about "consensual" that set me off! i just quoted the first reference i saw.
change the laws

those of you who don't like the current laws are free to lobby your state legislature for changes. They and they alone have the ability to make the laws in various degrees for various offences. None of us went to bed one night and the next day the laws came out of nowhere. Some time laws appear to be unfair. And often some individuals get tried for laws on the books that were not suppose to be designed as catch all clauses. But the fact remains they are laws. Juries decide the innocence or guilt based on various laws and rules of evidence.

You only have to be one day under some specific age in most states to be treated as an juvenile rather than an adult the next day. Sometimes you screw-up and have to pay the price forever other times you don't get caught. What might appear as unfair to the convicted may be justice in the eyes of the victim.
I didnt read everyones posts, just the main article....
Im 17, I date a 15year old who turns 16 in 3 weeks...When I turn 18 shell be 16 still, Me being charged with a sex offender crime is absolutley rediculous.

When you get older you'll find that about 90% of life is ridiculous, and hopefully you'll learn how to spell.
I can't imagine a relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl that would be anything other than predation. By taking advantage of a little girl, I think your friend identified himself as a dangerous personality, hence the registration.
There should be no offender lists and attendant perpetual restrictions. If a crime is bad enough to warrant a perpetual punishment, then lock the offender away forever or get it over with and kill them. If the crime does not warrant perpetual punishment, let the offender serve their time and then go free.
I can't imagine a relationship between a 15-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl that would be anything other than predation. By taking advantage of a little girl, I think your friend identified himself as a dangerous personality, hence the registration.
I wasn't there when it happened so I don't know. What I do is that he has had a perfect clean record since then and before that. I also know that kids have been known to do some very stupid things. The part of the brain that is reasponsible for thinking things out (I forget the fancy name for it) is not fully developed until the mid 20's

So why he should he be dogged by something that happened "Half a lifetime ago." There should be some process by which a Sex Offender should be removed from the list and rights restored if a certain amount of time passes with no repeat offences. Say 10 years? or 15? What ever the number if a SO has not repeated his crime in that length of time it goes to reason he has been rehabilitated or was falsely put on the list in the first place.
Sex offenders can't be cured. Once they identify themselves, the rest of us have an obligation to deal with them appropriately. Twelve-year-olds can't defend themselves.
Predetor in your neighborhood.

The market may be tough and buyers are hard to come by. You have your house for sell and a family wants to purchase it. You (The Seller) knows a member of the family that wants to buy your home is on the list as a Child Molester.

Assume you really need to sell due to that new job out of state. Would you sell your house to this family knowing there will be a child molester living near the kids in your neighborhood?
I have to agree w/ Toybox on this, those who disagree w/ how your state is handling this should lobby your states' legislature etc. for easier laws. Somehow I doubt this is on your to do lists though.
Having personally experienced some of this situation via my stepdaughter, I truly think you have to view it through experienced eyes to understand that point of view. I wonder if any of the other posters have had this develope in their family.
Some of the posters apparently would pull the switch on most of the prison population in this country. While I am pro-death penalty, I realize that position is not possible nor feasible. Again, lobby your legislature I guess.
I still struggle to accept your point of view Sodbreaker, you have repeatedly stated your support of this young man but have no idea what he was convicted of. I truly don't understand this.
All you have to do is have a young daughter targeted and used by an older jerk and you will understand why a Parent would be moved to file said charges. And yes, I have a close enough relationship w/ my own daughter to influence her view of her relationship.
Is this young man particularly close to you and if so, why has he not told you exactly what he did that prompted the conviction which landed him on said list? Also, is he so ignorant of his own situation or did he intentionally try to skirt local law about registering? He apparently broke a law there as well.
The bottom line is this. There are Sexual Predators out there. Most, if not all of you would support a woman using a handgun on an attempted rapist and support her in any number of ways after she did so. All this yet a lot of the posters are willing to allow someone who has impacted another persons life so tragically and then let him move in next door to you and yours while you don't have a clue to his past. Sorry, not me, I want to know who each and everyone of those Rat B@##$%%s are and where they live. I won't go out of my way to cause them trouble, but if they come hanging around my house, they're in for a lesson.
Sorry, not me, I want to know who each and everyone of those Rat B@##$%%s are and where they live.

Is it just sex offenders or do you feel the same way about other ex-cons? Murder is an ignoble act; should we have a murderers' list?
The whole "sex offender registry" thing is COMPLETELY out of control. Now don't misunderstand me, there are vile, evil, folks out there who should be dealt with but I'm not talking about the people, I'm talking about "the list" and the supposed protection it supplies but really "the registry" is a "feel good" measure that doesn't address the problem, it's being abused/overused, and is creating more issues than it is solving these days.

The wife and I are closing on a new house, just a few days ago she went to "the registry" and looked our new address up...and FREAKED because someone is listed on the other end of the street.

Well long story short, it's a small town and folks know each other so we got the scoop on this woman (yes folks, it's a woman) and as a 20 year old college girl she came home and had oral sex with her 19 year old girlfriend. Ohhhh... but oral sex is ILLEGAL in Virginia and apparently the 19 year old girls dad had a hissy fit and wanted to get rid of the "lesbo" that was "corrupting" his daughter (and he had some local swing) so SHAZAM we have another "Sex offender" on the books.
The whole "sex offender" thing is COMPLETELY out of control. Now don't misunderstand me, there are vile, evil, folks out there who should be dealt with but "the list" doesn't really address that.

The wife and I are closing on a new house, just a few days ago she went to "the registry" and looked our new address up...and FREAKED because someone is listed on the other end of the street.

So based on your one experience you can deduce that the sex offender "thing" is completely out of control?

No offense, but if you had any real life experience with sex offenders, I think you'd form a different opinion. Every neighborhood in America has SO's in their area. The ones that actually register are often little threat. It's the ones in your neighborhood that failed to register that are really dangerous.

Sex offenders are a different breed of people and they CAN NOT be cured. I beg you to find anybody with actual working experience with SO's to differ.

Oh, and while I have seen cases where people are forced to register that probably didnt need to get that far, but I'd love to see Court records from the case you mentioned. I've yet to come across a Judge that'd order somebody to register just because the alleged victim's father has some clout.

SO's are very good at manipulating and more often than not are very respectable, believable, well mannered people. It's all part of how they groom their victims.
So based on your one experience you can deduce that the sex offender "thing" is completely out of control?

No, based on several years of LE work. This was just the most insane example I've personally run into. And I'm not talking about sex offenders (the people), I'm talking about the "sex offender registry" the list which has gone from being a good idea to a witch-hunt list due to abuse and overuse.

Every neighborhood in America has SO's in their area. The ones that actually register are often little threat. It's the ones in your neighborhood that failed to register that are really dangerous.

And you make my point that "the registry" is useless (kinda like gun control laws).

Sex offenders are a different breed of people and they CAN NOT be cured. I beg you to find anybody with actual working experience with SO's to differ.

Yup, you are definitely misreading my post. I'm not talking about the animals and predators, I'm talking about the actual "sex offender registry" itself. I did go back and edit my entry slightly to try and make my point more clear.
I agree, the list isn't perfect, but I think it'd be disastrous to take away. As a LEO, then you gotta know that when it comes to those people, you have to err on the side of caution.
Gc,,my first impression is yes that a murderers' list would be good but I would be lying. Unfortunately I can completely understand the need and or desire to end someones' life. I cannot understand the desire to prey upon another human being for sexual gratification. Just can't get that one straight in my head.
I will agree to some degree with ZeSpectre that the registry has probably been used to isolate individuals and others have created an environment to where someone cannot continue to live somewhere. I would challenge any and all to come up with a better method though.
I believe that most people would use it just as personal information for protecting their family rather than to target someone. If it ends up that the 10% in his area won't be satisfied with him/her living there then perhaps they should reflect on themselves being the whatever small percentage that is on the list. Personal responsibility for one's actions(even when young) should be held as an example for all. Most of the buttheads I knew in junior high continued to be the same type of people into adulthood.
I also have a little experience in people,, 12yrs in EMS gives you a little perspective, just as LEO work.

I still struggle to accept your point of view Sodbreaker, you have repeatedly stated your support of this young man but have no idea what he was convicted of. I truly don't understand this.

I know what he did. I do not know what the court charged him with.( You know how many words the legal system has for varying degrees of the same thing? I don't try nor claim to be "up" on the terminology) I also know who he is now, he is an upright citisen (except for the one fore-mentioned case)and I don't think it's right that he be condemned for the rest of his life over one screw up. especialy something that he did as a minor.

Also he most likley was ignorant of the situation at the time it happened.

I've learned something though. and maybe I should have known this. Whenever the word sex offender is used and the similar sex offender registry people assume it reffers to "Lock the doors becuase there's 40 Year Old after your preteen daughter/son." If anyone read the OP with out bias they would have known that was never the subject of this thread. The subject was CONSENTUAL, I.E. not rape molestation etc., etc., I also specificly mentioned that the 40 YO after a pre-teenager was excluded from this subject. A sexual predator is by nature a repeat offender. It is usauly this repeat behaviour then gets them caught and on the list. However there are many more people on the list who are there because of ONE incident.