Semiauto vs. Revolver - which is more popular in the US?

As a gunsmith, I see probably 4 or 5 semiauto pistols for every revolver. Not that it means a whole lot, but in the gun store downstairs, there are 8 display cases of semiautos and 1 display case of revolvers. My money is on semiautos being more popular. As far as total numbers. there is a 100 year history of revolvers being the predominant handgun, and a 30 year history of semiautos being commonly owned, so there are probably more revolvers in circulation but most may be sitting in safes and cases.
Currently semi auto handguns are more popular and I believe the option of concealed carry has increased their popularity.

With that said, the revolver is far from dead and still has a large fan base.

My collection actually is evenly split between the two types.
Smith & Wessons with horrendous locks that no one but Obama and Clinton want.

If nobody wants them, how do you explain the fact that they sell every one they make? :confused: And they make a fair number of them.

While I don't onw one at the present time, I've owned a couple in the past. Didn't bother me a bit.

Same thing goes for those ugly Rugers I suppose. To my way of thinking Rugers have always been ugly. Good guns, just not as nice looking as Colt or Smith & Wesson.

Back the OP's question. I've a revolver guy. I've owned semi-autos in the past and while I don't mind them, I just like revolvers better. I suspect, and it's just a SWAG that there are more revolvers out there than there are semi's but only because revolvers have been around since...what? The early 1800's or so? The semi-auto didn't get started until late, took a while to really get going, and has in just the last 30 or 40 years started to make a serious move, especially in the civilian market. They may not have caught up yet, but the total market has grown a lot in those 40 years, and almost all of it has been semi-auto's.
If all that's stopping anyone from buying a newer S&W revolver is the internal lock, just do a quick youtube search on how to remove them.
There's plenty of easy to follow videos on the subject.
If nobody wants them, how do you explain the fact that they sell every one they make? And they make a fair number of them.

I don't think they do make a "fair number of them" compared to autos. There's a dozen manufacturers that make only autos. There's a couple that make revolvers and autos, and they're liikely focusing on their autos, which are more popular in the market.

If there were a lot of revolvers being built, I think we'd see a lot of them for sale. But we don't. For every revolver we see, we see a ton of autos. My local Cabelas has what they say is the world's largest gun counter. They have TWO revolvers - S&W 500 Magnums. The other couple of hundred pistols are autos, most tupperware.

Sgt Lumpy
I'm not really sure if movies are really the reason why people started switching over to auto loaders. I think the increased reliability of autos in the last 25 years or so has had a major impact on people making the switch. On top of that, the police started using them. A lot of people have the mentality that if its good enough for the police, it must be something they want/need.

All that being said, I bet there are a few more autos out there than revolvers, but I believe autos will far outnumber revolvers in another 5-10 years.
I assume that autos currently outnumber revolvers but wouldn't be surprised if we see a resurgence in revolvers in the near future. In modern society I keep noticing trends that as technology is increasing by leaps and bounds people feel more disconnected and are searching for the romanticism and nostalgia of our past. Drive through Brooklyn and you will notice a lot of men with full beards and buffalo plaid flannel shirts (the modern hipster). There is also a recent urban trend among the middle and upper class to go hunting and growing their own food ( I've even seen boutique companies that make axes). With these trends, I feel revolvers may gain in popularity due to their nostalgia. Just my 2 cents.
Revolver -v- Pistol

I'm just thinking that semi-auto pistols out number double action revolvers among new gun owners. Why my line of thought went that way is there are more makers of only semi-auto pistols as opposed to makers of only double action revolvers. And the revolver maker that come to mind also make semi-auto pistols.
At the range I go to there are more semis being shot on the line than any manually operated firearms, period.
While it only pertains to domestically manufactured firearms and does not distinguish between those sold to civilians and those sold to military/LE, the following might shed some light on the issue:

As of 2011, there were about four and a half times as many semi-autos manufactured in the U.S. as revolvers (2,598,133 vs. 572,857). Ruger made the most semi-autos producing 612,970 between its Arizona and New Hampshire plants. Following Ruger in semi-auto production was Smith & Wesson at 406,151, Sig Sauer at 357,728, Taurus at 114,132, and Kimber at 104,303.

For revolvers, S&W led in production at 237,646 followed by Ruger at 193,025, Heritage at 68,186, North American Arms at 39,465, and Charter Arms at 23,845.
In my collection ...revolvers outnumber the semi-autos almost 2:1....

but what is the most popular, what is the most commonly carried, best gun on a budget, on and on a very personal issue...and weight, caliber specific...
In general, I see way more 9mm semi autos at my local indoor ranges where the emphasis is on "carry guns" and practicing.../ cost of ammo for practice, I think, is the biggest factor in their decisions.

I do see some revolvers...and most of what I see at the range are revolvers in .357 mag / but the majority of guys are shooting .38 spl in them because its cheaper than .357 mag.

Personally, despite the number of revolvers I own in .22, .38 spl, .357 mag and .44 mag....most of the time, if I carry, it's a 1911 in .45 acp...but I will carry a K frame S&W once in a while in .357 mag........and I enjoy practicing with some of my revolvers, usually in .357 mag, in and out of a holster at my local range 2 or 3 times a month.
I have no idea, statistically, whether there are more revolvers or semi-autos out there in circulation....
As far as total numbers. there is a 100 year history of revolvers being the predominant handgun, and a 30 year history of semiautos being commonly owned, so there are probably more revolvers in circulation but most may be sitting in safes and cases.

My thoughts as well.

In my own collection, revolvers outnumber autos roughly 19:4. And I could be missing a revolver or 2 in there :p.

My wife's collection is 0:3 however.
Go on most web forums that deal with many different firearms like TFL, THR, etc. and look at the number of posts in each forum. Here at TFL there are 64K posts in semi-auto pistol, and 30K posts in revolver. I think that says a lot about which firearm is more popular.
If there were a lot of revolvers being built, I think we'd see a lot of them for sale. But we don't. For every revolver we see, we see a ton of autos. My local Cabelas has what they say is the world's largest gun counter. They have TWO revolvers - S&W 500 Magnums. The other couple of hundred pistols are autos, most tupperware.

Same with my LGS......but instead of the .500s they have a coupla Taurus. Thing is, they would like to handle more revolvers.....but they can't get them or they sell the minute they hit the counter. In my area, other than Gander Mountain or Cabelas, autos are generally priced below MSRP everywhere. Used to be revolvers were too. Nowadays finding a popular revolver at MSRP is a rarity. L and N framed Smiths generally are above MSRP in many shops, and they still sell. Part of the problem is exactly what SgtLumpy said........there's a plenitude of manufacturers out there makin' bottom feeders, but only a few makin' revolvers. Easier to keep up supply with more available to start with. But I also agree that autos far outsell revolvers presently. But because of the popularity in the past and numbers sold over the last century, total numbers owned, I believe to be about the same.
I have more semi autos but I really like revolvers. I also agree that a lot of people are looking for short-range poly pistols that are easier to make and very profitable for the manufacturer. I have a 357 Super Mag Dan Wesson that I shot silhouette with years ago. I kicked myself for not getting a .22 DW when they were still being made. I had heard rumors that Dan Wesson was going to make revolvers again so I sent them an email and got this response:

We have hopes of bringing them back, we just don’t have a prospective date. Dan Wesson had a fire back in November and just came online a month ago, so we’ve still got to get back to normal before we can think about the revolvers.

Zach Hein
800 955 4486
fax: 913 321 2251
This number could easily be figured by compiling sales figures. Hazarding a guess I would say its the semi-auto by a large margin.
At the private club where I'm an RO I see many more autos than revolvers. It's mostly the older guys shooting revolvers
I would guess that current circulation is prolly close now. autos have been out selling revolvers for a long time now and I'd imagine revolvers big lead has been eaten up by now. If autos havent over taken them, it wont be long til they do.
As a fairly recent convert (sort of) autoloaders are more popular, because:
They're mostly thinner, therefore easier to conceal
They hold more rounds, important when the zombies come
The dominant calibers are plenty enough, and
They're cheaper.

Not long ago, the predominant pocket pistol was a S&W J-frame packing .38 Spl +P. Still a good choice, but now we have Ruger LCPs, etc. I met two fellows at the range yesterday shooting Sig P238s. Nasty little beasts, and well made. Plus lots of small 9s.

Personally, practically, I've gone to autoloaders in the nightstand, in my waistband, and if it's all I can do, in my pocket (mouse gun). That said, if you want some thump on your belt, you can't beat a sturdy revolver. And I honestly believe that the revolvers coming out of Ruger and Smith & Wesson are as good or better than ever (love my GP-100). Taurus gets little love, but I think they're pretty good guns too (just not as good as the Yankees make).

Numbers, the pistols have it. But revolvers are not going away.
From my own observation, the recent passage of carry laws in most states has created a surge in auto loading pistols. At my range on Saturday morning it seems to be mostly pistols. But when I head out to the fields or woods, its the revovler hands down.

Depends on your shooting discipline, or lack of it, which you will choose. For packin', auto loader; for shootin', revolver.

Bob Wright
When I do go to our outdoor range (hardly ever) I shoot in the yard all the time. It's about even. I like autos better myself and I think almost everyone loves to play with a wheel gun. ESP when going into the woods.