have to give it to ya constantine, many people in the situation WOULDNT have responded with such respect. cudos to you my friend.
Thank you ;-)
I see it like this...Most of the people on the internet are tough guys that talk trash behind a computer because, well..they're behind a computer. Slick comments, attitudes, saying negative derogatory comments about someone weapon..When, I'd bet in person they would never fathom the idea of being so disrespectful? Why? Well it's face to face and they're scared of confrontation. So they come online to talk trash where they can't in the real world.
I act the exact same way I do in person, same attitude, same tone etc. Online with all you guys as if I was in the same room as you guys. If you read a thread here sometimes you'd think.."If everyone was speaking like this in a room to each other, there would be bloodshed" Hostile, unnecessary amounts.
You don't know me, you don't know what hardships I've done, you don't know my age unless I tell you. Even THEN it should be taken lightly because everyone can say anything. I could be talking to someone that's old enough to be my father. You think I'd talk to my old man that way? Not since I was 15 and got smacked. Respect. lol
Have I had to argue or put someone in their place before? "or try" some people just have too much pride. Yes, because they're too excessive in their words and talking reckless where there is no need.
Different people where born thinking differently and with free will. If I go out back now and shoot my Glock and it blows up. I'll probably hate it. And always will. That's MY experience. Don't tell me otherwise. People try to convert other people here and fight to the death about it. Give your advice, your opinion, your experience. They take it or leave and that's it. End of discussion.
okay...I'm sorry...Rant over.