Seating in Public?

you joke well

as for me, I'm fairly scrawny so I've always had to be "alert" when even just walking down the street. As I age I find myself getting jitterier and jitterier around people, which can't be a good thing. If somebody is walking behind me on the sidewalk I'll stop and pretend to look in a window or something to let 'em pass.

But as for not liking to sit with your back to a door or a window, that's pretty normal, in fact that's so normal that even Feng Shue says that the "chi energy" is bad when you sit like that. Hell sitting like that was making people nervous 5000 years ago!
I agree with wild and the others. I'm 21 years old, a college student/personal trainer. I have no family out here, no life to protect but my own. And for myself, those things in my life I carry to protect are the same things I'll lose if I start being condition orange or whatever all the time. I carry so tomorrow, I can walk on and see the birds fly. Or so I can enjoy a date with a cute girl. A night out with my best friends. If I must spend all these times watching my back, in high alert, these moments are lost anyways, and my life becomes just little more than strenous labor. And for me, that kind of a life is no longer worth protecting anyways.
It must suck to be that scared of life, never able to relax and enjoy the precious time we have here on earth. Its also funny that on other threads the"when its your turn to go" sentiment is expressed when someone else gets it. I could never be that paranoid, or afraid of life, 24/7. There are times and situations to be concerned, and there are times to lay back and enjoy the ride. I guess you can be buried with your guns if it keeps happy, but if you can't look at the one you love because you are assessing the situation, or enjoy a good meal cause you must look out for threats, its very sad.

Python - Get back to me after you've had an irrational ******* harassing and stalking you for 3 years.
isnt that a sort of compulsion that people from war have? You have to always know the way out incase terrorists burst in with uzi's shooting blindly? Take a xanax...
Middle Ground???

1) We have those who think daily carry is a joke, and poke fun of people who have "the fear." By the way, fear is not when you pay attention, try to be mildly prepared, or keep a casual awareness, fear is when you can't go to the restaurant in the first place.

2) Then we have a very small minority who can't look down at their plate long enough to cut a piece of steak because they might miss the tactical leapfrog maneuver performed by Team Bad Guy.

Can't there be a middle ground?

I go out every day w/out a gun. Hell I don't even carry OC spray. I carry a pocket knife, that's about it. I remain casually aware of my surroundings most of the time - not all - I'm pretty easily distracted. It's a passive response; it's not something that takes thought or scrupulous concentration.

Being aware of what's going on around you is normal. Placing yourself in a position that makes it easiest for you to observe is also normal, and many - probably all - of you do this with out even thinking about it.

I try to sit in a seat that has the best view of the restaurant, if possible. I'm a people watcher and a busy body. I don't do this to be a mall ninja or because it makes me "tactical" - sorry to disappoint you. I hate the word tactical. I just realized this.

Anyway, if WI someday passes a carry law, I won't change my seating arrangement.
In Ohio you can't carry in a restaurant unless you take your wife to Denny's. Depending on what I was wearing I would carry anyway but still, just something to think about.

Of course there are special situations where threats have been made and you'd be more alert. Even the average person at an ATM or other area of potential risk should be alert. I am talking about the average guy being on a 24/7 mindset of protection to the extent they take a gun into the bathroom, or decide where to sit based on a possible commando raid, that's where I draw the line. Others like Trip20 have made good if not obvious points about the level of awareness in everyday life. I do post about the absurdity of paranoia on here with tongue in cheek; I think its bad publicity for normal, responsible gun owners. But I mean seriously, look at some of the threads on the T&T section, its a little crazy really. One thread has a person clearing their house because they left a door they thought locked, unlocked. That's a great way to shoot a neighbor or family member. If you have to walk around your house with a gun to clear it at every little noise, how long till you end up in the nuthouse? And worse still, this same person gives advice on personal safety like they actually know what they are talking about! Guns are for fun too, I think that gets lost all too often on here. More then 99% of this country do not carry guns; somehow they make it through life just fine. Window seat anyone?? Or how about eating outside in the fresh air, how scary!! :D
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Ok, that's better. I do believe you should take into consideration that there could be some people here who have had or are having threatening experiences but would rather not say what they are. So that group looks paranoid. Included would be former soldiers or anyone whose job put them under threat, even if it was long ago. Some things, once learned, become very habitual, like putting on your seat belt.

Another thing is that there's really no standard regarding how people think. Some value safety far more than freedom, as is obvious from the Patriot Act and Prohibition II. Some value freedom (from worry, I suppose) over safety and don't have guns at all. And everything between, and that's only on that one issue.

So it doesn't shock me to see that somebody who has never been under any sort of threat can create a habit of being choosey about restaurant seating and things like that. Remember Luby's?

Nothing I've seen here bothers me, so long as the way the individual is managing his firearm and safety includes obeying the various laws that apply.
I'm carrying my Hi Power today!

And wearing a shirt with a collar! Not even wrinkled!

I wonder if one has anyhting to do with the other :)


I don't see why everyone's is judging everyone else's personal behavior here. If some guy wants to remain in orange his whole life then obviously it's doing something for him. Maybe he enjoys it, or it makes him sleep better at night, or maybe he has to because he's in a dangerous situation. I know people who thrive on drama and nervous energy, they wouldn't want to live life any other way. And then the other people who like to remain in white all the time well maybe they're willing to put up with the risks associated with that. There's no way to be able to understand somebody else's situation and there's no way to accurately judge it either in any meaningful manner.
Beckerich, I wish "compulsions from war," were as easy to cure as you suggest, by taking a Xanax and getting over it. You have missed your calling my friend, with that level of expertise you can quickly become a multi millionaire curing all of the "Compulsions from war," that so many veterans are suffering so terribly from.
Three pages of replies that basicly boil down to 1) It's a habit; 2) You're really paranoid - How do you enjoy Life? 3) I'm not that paranoid - I enjoy life just fine, thankyou; 4) Some combination of 1 & 3 and 5) Being in condition white, occasionally, is not a bad thing.

Me? I fall into category #4. Picked up the habit back in Vietnam. Like most habits, it's an unconscious thing. I just do it. I wasn't even aware I did this until it was pointed out to me by an old friend.

It's on par with being awakened suddenly, ready to fight. Another unconscious habit from that time and place... Even after 38 years. Which is why my night-gun is 1 step away from my bed. Literally.

So yes, it is a form of paranoia, albeit a very mild form. I am aware of it and I don't let it control me. I prefer to sit where I can view the comings and goings of people. But I don't obsess about it, should there not be a table or booth to my unconscious liking.

Recognizing ones own makeup, allows one to characterize ones own behaviors; to correct bad habits or not allowing good/neutral habits from becoming obsessive traits. It allows one to live their life without having to apologize, feel inferior or to feel guilt for how one chooses to live.

Generally speaking, those who have to criticize others for the way they conduct themselves when such conduct does not in any way interfere with your own lifestyle, need to look at yourselves and figure out why you have this compulsion to so judge others.

Just my nickle, for what it's worth.
Generally speaking, those who have to criticize others for the way they conduct themselves when such conduct does not in any way interfere with your own lifestyle, need to look at yourselves and figure out why you have this compulsion to so judge others.

Isnt that a contradiction in terms :)


PS..if somefolks take all the tables with their backs to the wall it interferes with my lifestyle....I like those tables to watch the girls:p
WA said:
Isnt that a contradiction in terms
Life itself is a contradiction in terms. We all know we are going to die. How then can we protect ourselves?
PS..if somefolks take all the tables with their backs to the wall it interferes with my lifestyle....I like those tables to watch the girls.
Um, because I got to the table first?
I like to sit with my back to the wall and my wife between me and danger. I'd use her as a shield if she wasn't so thin.
I agree with you but I said that way back in post #34. That's just the way some of us Nam' vets are. I've been doing it for 40 years!

But as usual those who have never BTDT have to criticize because they just don't understand.

Someone said :
"also understand the world is not a safe place"

and another poster replied :
"Now...... I think that THAT mindset is sad..."

Maybe then that person should take a stroll thru the streets of East LA or the mean streets of Detroit or Chicago after dark and then tell us what a wonderful safe world it is. Yeah right! Some people just choose to go through life with their head up their azz. Sorry but it's the truth.
East LA or the mean streets of Detroit or Chicago after dark and then tell us what a wonderful safe world it is.

East LA or the mean streets is not the world, and my head is far enough out of of my azz thank you that I can see that

Wild, was that you that said that? Maybe you should visit the lower 48 and get in touch with reality and see how the real world lives.
You're skirting the issue, but if you insist why not why not try visiting Beirut or Baghdad or Kabul or even better visit Mogadishu and see how safe you feel then. Yep, I'll bet they'll roll out the red carpet for you especially when they find out you're an American. Be sure to get some video of that.;) You know kinda like the "kind and gentler nation" crap that George W. was selling a few years ago. (I think it was George W.) :rolleyes: Anyway you get my point, or do you? Yes sir, the world is such a safe place that's why the cops in England don't carry firearms anymore and you've seen what a great success that is! :barf:

BTW, if you feel so safe why do you even carry a handgun and please explain why do you feel the need for tactical training? :confused: