Seating in Public?

It must suck to be that scared of life, never able to relax and enjoy the precious time we have here on earth. Its also funny that on other threads the"when its your turn to go" sentiment is expressed when someone else gets it. I could never be that paranoid, or afraid of life, 24/7. There are times and situations to be concerned, and there are times to lay back and enjoy the ride. I guess you can be buried with your guns if it keeps happy, but if you can't look at the one you love because you are assessing the situation, or enjoy a good meal cause you must look out for threats, its very sad.

I wonder if this is generally the mindset of a victim?
Pythonguy-------always relaxed, always enjoy a meal or a good movie. But still agree with the many positive posters here. Was an old boy scout...BE Prepared..Have carried a weapon for 45 years. Was a case here many years ago, BG walked into a place with M1 carbine...16 people shot, many dead, after begging for their lives...if anyone had been armed....end of story.....I carry, I look, I choose not to be a sheep.....
this is one of the reasons i have stopped every day carry.

the constant posturing, evaluating of threats, searching for adequate cover, sizing up possible bad guys, wondering if that bulge is a cell phone or a gun...

some of you will claim thats all 'second nature' to you. good for you.
Its gotta be a full time job spiff, who wants all that hassle. You can worry about human threats and animal threats all day everyday, and get killed in a car accident, or have cancer. If the gun fever reaches the level it takes over one's life, then in MY opinion it’s too much of a price to pay. Why not just lock yourself in a room and never go out, you'll be safer still.

Fastmover, if you think that my mindset is that of a victim, if that makes you feel better and justifies your paranoia, cool. I think if you look at things rationally, most people don't carry or obsess over their safety every minute of everyday, and they live just as long as any of the neurotic's. The difference is they are happy and not scared, nervous, thinking strategy every minute. Those people have created their own hell. Like one carrier on here likes to lecture about carrying and being safe, then hands a kid an uncleared, loaded shotgun which he promptly pulls the trigger on and fires it. THAT scares me, not going out to eat.
As many topics in countless threads will show, there is a line crossed when any belief or practice is taken to extreme. On this one, I tend to be among the "casually alert". That being the case, no matter what the environment, I like the odds in my favor without actively focusing on "finding a threat" at all times. The fact is, people inherently do stupid, sometimes crazy things no matter where you are, or what you're doing. Just keeping that in the back of your mind and following a few small precautions isn't being paranoid, nor is it what I call a full time job. IMHO You're almost asking for trouble to find you by ignoring too many of the little precautions, whether it's sitting with a view of the door in a restaurant or keeping an eye over your shoulder at the ATM, or any other scenerio you can think of. How you carry yourself also has a way of projecting and attracting different attention. Just use a little common sense where it's needed and make the most of the day Ignorant < Aware < Paranoid. I like the middle.
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Fastmover, if you think that my mindset is that of a victim, if that makes you feel better and justifies your paranoia, cool. I think if you look at things rationally, most people don't carry or obsess over their safety every minute of everyday, and they live just as long as any of the neurotic's. The difference is they are happy and not scared, nervous, thinking strategy every minute. Those people have created their own hell. Like one carrier on here likes to lecture about carrying and being safe, then hands a kid an uncleared, loaded shotgun which he promptly pulls the trigger on and fires it. THAT scares me, not going out to eat.

There is a difference of being paranoid and being prepared. I do not need to justify anything. However, I do need to keep into consideration that I decided to have a family and also understand the world is not a safe place and I am the one to protect my family.

I do think about safety all the time. I think about what I do and eat and etc to ensure I healthy for my family. I think about dangers and environmental situations that surround my kids and etc daily.

I also am not worried about what most people decide to do if they want to carry or not. it doesn't matter to me as long as I know I have done everything in my power to ensure my family is protected.

It is not a hell it is reality and I bet the innocent people around this country that became victims in public areas and such can testify that it is reality.

Now I was not going to comment on your original post but you feel it is pretty sad to have this mindset and everybody is entitled to their own opinion just as I feel having your mindset is sad.
also understand the world is not a safe place

Now...... I think that THAT mindset is sad...

I'm on Day 3 of "Oh heck I left the Seecamp in the Glovebox of my truck"..Im still alive...the sun is shining and the world is a beautiful place. Im not in Afghanistan or Gary Indiana. I'm not gonna live my life freaked out about statistical ifcomes and if I buy the farm whether it be by random violence or the Big CV or most likely, by some numbnuts who doesnt know how to drive, o well....

How can I say O well? Simple...I'm not afraid...

Because thats what some mindsets are....fear....fear that yikes hey you may REALLY die sooner or later...trying to stop that is mans way of fighting that fear and ya know what...if you have that fear and spend your life fighting it you are not really living...

I apologize to all I posted on the wrong forum. I guess being preared has nothing to do with guns.....It won't happen again

This is the Tactics and Training forum. Guns need not necessarily be an integral part of the discussion here, AFAIK.
while you're at it, don't forget to wear dark sunglasses to hide who you are scoping out. and the Mallninja's Secret store is running a sale on the police scanner that runs on your bluetooth phone.
Paranoid! Who me?

I always insist upon sitting in the last row of a theater or anywhere so no one can sit behind me and it has nothing to do tactics either. It's a trait of a lot of Vietnam veterans. Now before I start WW 3 and everyone goes off the deep end, I said a lot of vets not all vets. We don't like anyone sitting behind us, it's just one of those things. If I go into a restaurant I MUST sit off to the side where no one can sit behind me. I will not sit in the middle of the place even if it means waiting for another table. If I go to a sporting event or some sort of public gathering I choose a seat that has some sort of a "wall" behind it and it MUST be an isle seat otherwise I won't go. I don't need to "see" the exits but I always know where they are.

My family doesn't think this behavior is "unusual" because I've been doing it for the last 40 years.

Maybe I am paranoid but guess what? I really don't care what anyone thinks! I do what I gotta do to survive both mentally and physically.
Heres a wrench...

Say the BG comes in w/o warning, and starts shooting? Hes probably going to see the person furthest from him in plain sight. That means you! I practice this technique when in bars,cuz I bounced for the last 15 years.. Too many drunks remember me.. The back against the wall is good, but Id rather be around the corner, thank you..:D
I'm on Day 3 of "Oh heck I left the Seecamp in the Glovebox of my truck"..Im still alive...the sun is shining and the world is a beautiful place. Im not in Afghanistan or Gary Indiana. I'm not gonna live my life freaked out about statistical ifcomes and if I buy the farm whether it be by random violence or the Big CV or most likely, by some numbnuts who doesnt know how to drive, o well....

well said- Wa

this is one of the reasons i have stopped every day carry.

the constant posturing, evaluating of threats, searching for adequate cover, sizing up possible bad guys, wondering if that bulge is a cell phone or a gun...
Right there with you...1. it is a big responsibility and 2, I realized I was much more likely to die from the steak on my plate than a BG with an uzi LOL
Since when does a movie theater have windows? Secondly, I would rather have a nice table at a restaurant than worry about being able to make a quick exit. You might as well not ever leave the house if you're going to ruin a dinner with your wife worrying about someone breaking into your car every 30 seconds.
Facing the Entrance

Just an old habit, not paranoia. My stomping grounds are Comanche, Proctor, and Stephenville, Texas and the only way I can imaging any hassle would be from either misbehaving with someone elses wife or overindulging in ogling at same's ample busom or derrier.

As I do not do either, I often leave my pistola in the pickup, out of sight. Were it Dallas or Houston, or other big cities where denizens are known to roam and act ugly, its still facing the entrance, but armed ala Jeff Cooper, cocked and locked.

But its not in the restaurant, its the parking lots at malls and different places one wants to watch with a jaunticed eye, better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 !
Waiting for the kids to finish a test.

One question is do you pick your firearm depending on the restaurant?

If you go to the dread Burger Barn of scenario fame - do you take extra mags and a BUG. I recommend the BUG be in an ankle holster as it is easy to get to when seated.

If you are going to a 3 or great star Michelin restaurant - then will a simple and discreet Seecamp in your sport jacket pocket suffice.

While you might be in a gun fight between supporters of banning the production of fois gras and various gourmets - a 32 ACP probably will stop most psycho foodies.

I'm bored.