Scenario, you are sleeping at night!

but when they knowingly use an improper warrant and raid an innocent family sleeping in their beds, that is a mistake… a HUGE mistake and one that they ought to know better than to make.
I dont think that if they really "knew" it would continue, but the real point is to get it right in the first place.

They hold us to the standard that we have to get things right as far as the rules go, and we follow them, and ignorance is no excuse or defense. All I ask is they are held to the same standards, and that they be held accountable if they make the mistake. The immunity part needs to go. Somebody has to cowboy up if theres a screw up. Either that, or Im pleading "Sorry" next time they snag me doing 95 in a 65 and citing them as a defense.

Ak, they do have a secret knock. It is that big, metal pipe used to break in the door! I know that would open most of my doors!
Good point. It would open mine too. What is it with the police and firemen? If they arent smashing your door down, they want to chop a hole in your roof. Cant they see the smoke and flames coming out of my neighbors house? :)
I have no answer, no plan, and that bothers me.

I don't have a plan for this and it doesn't bother me a bit. At least it doesn't bother me any more than not having a plan for a shark attack in the swimming pool. ;)

I don't conduct any business in my house that might attract a SWAT raid. To the best of my knowledge none of my neighbors do either.

Our time is better spent planning what to do if attacked by Africanized honey bees than the police. It's one of the better things about living in America.

... odds are highly against this stuff happening to any given one of us.

And, hopefully, you actually know your neighbors. (I've moved so often, that I typically don't know most of mine. Prior military, and contract work for the last while.)

However, bad things sometimes happen where you would not expect them.

Years ago, some friends of mine in Florida were an Air Force couple, both pilots. She was an instructor pilot at a joint squadron in Pensacola; he was a pilot at Hurlburt.

They had moved from the San Antonio area. Real estate market was soft, and they didn't get a quick sale, so they had rented out their San Antonio house and had a rental agent handling the day-to-day details.

Nice enough neighborhood; figure two O-3's salaries paid the mortgage.

Anyway, they ended up in Federal court, and out about $25k in legal fees to get their house back. DEA confiscated it, when it turned out the tenants were running a coke distribution ring out of the house. One would imagine their former neighbors were as surprised about this as my friends themselves were.

In my current neck of the woods, some fairly nice rental houses in the 'burbs have turned out to be meth labs. The landlords had no idea; in theory, neither did the neighbors.

So, if you don't actually know the neighbors, you might be surprised at the possibilities that could bring the police to your street.
However, bad things sometimes happen where you would not expect them.

That, and everything else you mentioned above is true.

My concern is that we have people thinging of scenarios like this one and planning their course of action if it happens to them.

Some of these same people probably don't have a fire extinguisher in their kitchen or know where the lug wrench is in their car.

While I believe it is okay to think about stuff like this I think it is better for us to spend time and effort preparing for things more likely to happen.
I would simply look out the bedroom window for police cars in my driveway or parked in the street. What they say is meaningless. With a tactical advantage of high ground and hard cover I can surrender myself but not taken involuntarily, stupid to try.

I agree with you there.

Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, first aid kits... there are a lot of things that should take a much higher priority, that many probably have not addressed.

Too practical and mundane, perhaps...

Lucky for me, I have that stuff, and have an RN in training in the house, so I can distract myself with less practical concerns now and then.
door kicked in

I look at it like this,I am about to be 50, never been arrested in my life. Some one kicks in my door, shoots my dog, I will return fire. theres no reason to kick my door in. I dont care who it is. home invasions are very common here.. FL.. they beat and rob the elderly and sometimes kill...
I'm guilty

I disconnected my CO smoke detector because it would go off whenever I would cook bacon or make tater tots in my oven.

If I was really concerned about survival I'd spend the money to get a better model that trips less false positives.

If the police have to break into my house it will most likely be because I've died from carbon monoxide poisoning and no one has heard from me in a week.
Well thanks for reviving this older thread.
I had not thought of this in a while. A similar situation happened to my cousin about 7-8 years ago. The swat team set up outside his house and then proceeded to bust their way in. They did this during the day when my cousin was at work but his room mate was home. They arrested the room mate, he had no idea what was going on, and they found a bong.

They were supposed to be raiding a drug house two doors down and for some reason got the wrong address. Unluckily for my cousin and his room mate, they had a bong in the house, no drugs. Anyway, no charges were filed.

I like the idea of barricading and calling 911, that is my plan.
I concur with the barricade, call 911 and wait. Just because that would be my plan for bump in the night, regardless of someone shouting "police", "fbi", "captain america" or whatever.

Although I would also hope that if it were LEOs accidentally in my house, they would have cleared my apt so fast that I'd just be sitting up in bed dumbfounded, whereas I'd hope BGs even if smart enough to shout "police" would take much longer without the tactical training to clear a place quickly.

I just hope police don't have a charge for being slobbered on, as my dog would bark about them being outside, but once they came in, YOU'RE MY FRIEND HIHIHI! lol. Although it would worry me that my dog charging up to them to say hello, would be mistaken for angry dog attacking.
"WHAT IF" Scenarios like this one are crazy

No, their scary. If we never what if then many would not have a clue of a course of action to take if..X happens. If you were to go outside your house in your yard and look at your house with the eye of one who would attack it for forced entry...then it becomes obvious things that you can do to slow them down. There is no stopping them with our duct tape building code, but you can slow them down. You can control the environment against anyone.

You do not have to give up and hope that it is real police and not corrupt police.
Resigning yourself to giving up would be enabling the criminal element and giving up personal dignity. Adding layers of security to your home can only help. Mortise locks, foot locks, bars, jams, dogs, alarms, anything to stop them at the door.
If they have light bars their legit? HA! My friend has one.
ID the cops? Love it! Technically speaking one is supposed to be able to do this and inspect a warrant before entry, but that was back when the police were legit and not now.

I think that fortifying ones home and being able to deny entry (to anyone) is a reasonable and prudent course of action for citizens. Even if it was the police at the wrong address and they get miffed at you denying them access, later when it is all sorted out they will probably respect the fact that you were able to do it. Or not.:D
The dog will be shot dead.
True, but it would at very least slow them down, make a lot of noise, and possible immobolize 1 or more of them.
Of course they will shoot the dog. But that still slows them down a little, and it give credibility to my story that I feared for my life when I open up on whoever or whatever comes thru my bedroom door. If they are going to kill me anyway, I want to take as many with me as I can. [ETA: it matters to me not at all whether they really are police at that point, they are illegal home invaders trying to kill me]

If I knew there were warrants out for my arrest or if I was dealing drugs or something, my response might be different.
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What if in your half sleep half adrenaline fueled state you get your piece and SWAT shoots at you. Now that is a scary thought because it probably could happen. :eek:
and that is the scary thing here

usually the innocent one on the bad end of a mistake has absolutely no clue what is going on. the crook already knows the drill when they have the right house!:cool:

ID the cops? Love it! Technically speaking one is supposed to be able to do this and inspect a warrant before entry, but that was back when the police were legit and not now.

During this juncture nothing is going to happen until the house is secure and every individual is contained. This is unfortunate for someone who is innocent but for Officer safety.
A person wakes up and knows without a doubt they are innocent, the options should be the innocent person's and that's that. To a certain extent naturally. For example if an officer is injured initially and the rest of the unit decides to cease fire and talk to the occupant you would not expect the occupant to continue firing, etc.

Removing that risk to the job is a great way to remove the citizens from the police work. Removing the consequence for a fatal mistake (occupant has a heart attack, is shot etc) is another way to alter the police force. In another unrelated way to the topic, reducing the pay and working conditions for officers is another way to undermine the police force.

Ultimately it's hard to blame the officers doing the real work. It's always come down to those in charge and that includes passing legislation. Officers easily get a bad rep but the superiors are the real problem. They know what goes on despite the supposed ignorance.

It all sounds like a problem of accountability with a feigned concern for public opinion used when convenient.

I live in the country. rhere are three houses on our road and none of us mark our places with street numbers. Our house isn't marked for reasons of piece of mind for my wife. Back in 94 here mother was killed in a robbery of their Gun and jewlery shop. My wife was a witness and still has dreams.
We live in a two story house and know may LE local and fed. I was EST(s.w.a.t) in the Air force. I have given this situation thought in the past and feel in my situation the best action is to Step 1-baracade in room if not enough time proceed to Step 2- Rack around in 12 ga(scary sound in dark house even to LE) Step 3- call 911 and anounce same and request assistance.
If it turns out they are LE then I would surrender my weapon to the officers on hand with assistance from 911 dispatch and everyone goes off into the sunrise and later has a story to tell about the time they were sent to the wrong house.
Moral to the story keep your head and always think not what would I do but what should I do?