San Francisco officials brand NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization’

I’m sure other cities will follow, especially along I5, many won’t want to be outdone. Piles of trash, needles and human waste but don’t fear straws are banned. When are we going to wake up and stop letting the other side accuse us of things in which we are innocent.
I wonder, can the SF Board of Supervisors provide any proof that the NRA has ever, in a history going back to 1871, incited any one to acts of violence??

I don't recall the NRA ever advocating the breaking of any law, and that includes civil disobedience.

Considering the "sanctuary city" status they claim, I don't think the same can be said about the SF city Board of Supervisors.

Aguila, I think what you are remembering is a discussion we had a while ago about the city of LA wanting to know if anyone doing business with the city was also doing business with the NRA.
44 AMP said:
Aguila, I think what you are remembering is a discussion we had a while ago about the city of LA wanting to know if anyone doing business with the city was also doing business with the NRA.
Yes, I looked it up. That's exactly what I was remembering. IIRC it was about a year ago.
I like the new Left’s wholesale return to their Jacobin roots.

Free speech is now the equivalent of violence, which of course justifies your use of actual violence against all those people trying to “violently” share ideas you don’t want to be heard.
The NRA does incite people to acts of violence.

Much of their focus is on personal protection which often times involves an act of violence.
This is how Section 802 of the PATRIOT Act defines the term:

A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act "dangerous to human life" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

Nothing the NRA has ever done meets that. I wonder if they have grounds to sue for slander.

(Several posts making generalized jokes about California have been deleted. Let's stay on topic.)
'intimidate or coerce"

I think those two words are the fly in the ointment.

If they can twist, "the right to keep and bear arms" then
'intimidate or coerce" is a slam dunk because open carry is scary. :eek:

Personally, I hate clowns and spiders but they keep making movies about them.
Maybe I should stop paying to go see them.
You support the Bill of Rights? What are you, some kind of nazi terrorist?

These people have zero self-awareness, and it will come back to bite them in the ass politically.
These people have zero self-awareness, and it will come back to bite them in the ass politically.
It won’t, if you’re talking about leftist politicians. They will gain political points for doing this.
It won’t, if you’re talking about leftist politicians. They will gain political points for doing this.

It won't directly cost them their seats in SF, but this kind of stuff becoming non-stop national news will indeed hurt democrats in vulnerable seats nationwide.

In a sense, it already has. Trump is a reaction to the insane leftward lurch taken by about half the democrat party, which started about ten years ago.
so what

I don't care what SF thinks of me or any organization to which I might belong. I will not be visiting CA or SF ever anyhow, don't know anybody there that I can think of, it just doesn't matter to me. I drew my own conclusions about SF and the extreme left a long time ago. They won't change me, and I will not effect them.

"Sticks and stones..............
I’ll add that because gun owners in safe areas will not stand up for gun owners in the places like SF.
With other rights, folks will stand up for those affected even if on the other side of the country, internationally even. With guns, every sits back because they live in a place with more gun rights. “I won’t go to SF”, “I don’t shop at Walmart”.
Gun control is a creeping disease that you will eventually find at your doorstep like we have.
(i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
This is what all governments DO. This is also what all 'news" organizations do, if they publish/broadcast any kind of editorial opinion.

(ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion;

This is what all political parties DO. It's called "getting out the vote"....

But these are NOT terrorist acts, under the provided definition, unless they include
an act "dangerous to human life" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States

The NRA supports legal self defense. Self defense can be violent, and can be "dangerous to human life", but it is not a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, and therefore NOT domestic terrorism.

(and when individual cases of self defense are found not to be legal, the NRA does not support them)

To me, the word "incite" has connotations of urging people to do something that they would not ordinarily do, and is usually used to imply urging people to do something that they should not do.

The NRA does not do that. The anti-NRA people SAY the NRA does that, but then, they lie about all kinds of other things, too.
I just saw that a MLS team (Major League Soccer) has banned the Betsy Ross flag as a symbol of hate groups.
So eventually, everything that represents a mainstream political viewpoint gets listed as terrorists, or hate and so on and the it’s “no guns for you” because who wants terroristic hate groups having guns.

Every able bodied male and some females served in the military, I have most of their records. I served for 15 years myself. Two of my direct paternal grandfathers have Medals of Honor. My father had a Silver Star for valor and Purple Hearts. My great great grandfather was whipped by confederate soldiers with wounds on almost all of his body and was thrown into a pit of human waste with open wounds by confederate soldiers, he survived the prison camp and finished the war and even became a captain. You cannot read the record without getting choked up.
My own service was fairly uneventful, but I got out of the Army when I found myself to be the sole surviving male in my family.

I used to fly a flag to honor those people in my family, some gave it all. They wanted the promise of American freedom for all humans, even when society didn’t. None of them had an ounce of hate, bigotry or terrorism in them. But now I haven’t flown a flag at my house for a few years because these leftists have perverted all with their rhetoric. It’s shameful, but that’s how our country is going.
This is how Section 802 of the PATRIOT Act defines the term:

They aren't going by that clearly. They are going by the "hurt feelings rule". If an organization scares you and makes you lose control of your bodily functions by their scary beliefs than they are obviously a terrorist group.
Rickyrick, I served as an MP 1970-1972 from Long Binh to Da Nang to Tay Ninh to Saigon to Vinh Long and Ba Xuchen.

Glad your service was uneventful. Mine was not. I collected my life and came home to forget it. I survived. The only heroes I know were all dead. B Company 18th MP 720 MP in Military Region III. I later became 188 MP and then the 504 MP Battalion.

Tell me please who your paternal grandfathers are with the MOH and your dad's Silver Star. These three should not be forgotten.
To quote the resolution:

...WHEREAS, The United States Department of Justice defines terrorist activity, in part,
as, “The use of any…explosive, firearm, or other weapon or dangerous device, with intent to
endanger, directly or indirectly, the safety of one or more individuals or to cause substantial
damage to property;” and
WHEREAS, The United States Department of Justice further includes any individual or
member of an organization commits an act that the actor knows, or reasonably should know,
affords material support, including communications, funds, weapons, or training to any
individual has committed or plans to commit a terrorist act, and

So it not only labels the NRA terrorist but anyone who makes a donation to it, works with or for it, or who advocates the same defense of the 2nd Amendment as does the NRA, as either a terrorist or supporter of terrorism. If I speak in defense of the right to own a semi-automatic rifle I am legally a terrorist in S.F.

It labels folks terrorists not for committing an act of terrorism but for what they do for protecting a democratic right. For what they say.

That's very clear in the resolution that was passed unanimously by the progressive Board of Supervisors.

It can be seen as a joke but it's actually very dangerous. It's an attack on the Bill of Rights. They view the Bill of Rights as outdated. It's an attack on the right to free speech and assembly.

It's the progressives using the power of a county government to pass and enforce a law against their political opponents. It's the use of the law to shut down space for open debate. It's not the only example of this either. This is ratcheting up as the 2020 elections approach.

Also it raises a question: If I'm a terrorist how can I legally own a gun?

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This is the latest exercise in name calling that some think is a substitute for reasoned debate. Since racist, sexist and/or homophobic don't apply, stoop to calling the NRA terrorists.

Defending the Constitution is not terrorism. Disagreement is not terrorism. Attempting to stifle political opposition in this way strikes at the heart of the First Amendment.

It's good to see that this is a bit much even among the normally anti-gun rights press:

Washington Post:

LA Times:
So it not only labels the NRA terrorist but anyone who makes a donation to it, works with or for it, or who advocates the same defense of the 2nd Amendment as does the NRA, as either a terrorist or supporter of terrorism. If I speak in defense of the right to own a semi-automatic rifle I am legally a terrorist in S.F.

Yep, and that's the plan. We're in a grim place when we don't just deride politicians; we deride anyone who supports them as well. It's a blatant attack on both speech and free association.