RP's followers chase Sean Hannity....

No vote for freedom is a wasted vote. Throwing your vote away on a candidate that ou do not believe in for the sake of "viability" is wasting your vote.

That is simply illogical. Same misguided support for Ross Perot is exactly how we got Bill Clinton.
Because he's not Hillary or Obama.

Stage2 you don't have to convince me that Hill and Obama are worthless pieces of doo doo I already know that.

Tell me why Romney a Northeast liberal who supported Paul Tsongas and signed guncontrol measures and agrees with Bush and McCain on immigration. ect, ect, ect is any better than they are.

If thats the best the once great party of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan has to offer then I'm not interested.
Politics isn't about wishful thinking or living in the realm of the fanciful. Its about reality. Sometimes reality presents you with two crappy choices. Thats life.

If we have crappy politicians for president, we have nobody to blame but oursevles. If you vote crap in, you'll get crap results.

Somtimes you get tired of the crap so you look for something better. Thats life.
It is then that many of his supporters will vacate the Republican party back to the Democratic party where Obama seems to at least have some sanity left.

The man thinks only cops and soldiers should have guns! As if that were not enough, I decided to check into some of his other positions...

Reinstate PAYGO Rules: Obama believes that a critical step in restoring fiscal discipline is enforcing pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budgeting rules which require new spending commitments or tax changes to be paid for by cuts to other programs or new revenue.

By "changes" he means "cuts" and by "paid for by...new revenue" he means under the CBO assumption that tax cuts do not affect behavior (the "static" vs "dynamic" argument).
Obama will protect tax cuts for poor and middle class families, but he will reverse most of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers.
Yeah, right. Another class warrior. Funny, the income tax was originally ONLY going to affect a VERY FEW people. Somehow, with generations of Democratic control over Congress, it came to affect poorer and poorer people.

My plan begins by covering every American. If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less. If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law. No one will be turned away because of a preexisting condition or illness.

Does this guy expect me to believe he has some kind of magic health-care-generating machine? I want less government involvement in health care, not more.

Obama is strongly opposed to privatizing Social Security.

I'm strongly in favor of making participation in SS voluntary, which is kind of the opposite of Obama's view.

No, it looks like I won't be vacating the GOP for the Dems. It will probably be back to the Libertarian Party for me.
Yeah, vote for Obama if you believe the problem with our country is that the government does not collect enough taxes.
Publius: Agreed. He isn't sane. In fact, he hasn't given any details about any of his plans. He only promises to do X or Y. It doesn't mean people don't believe he is very sane for getting out of Iraq. That is somewhat motivating for the age group he is attracting.

Oddly enough, monetary policy is becoming an issue with younger people too. I don't want the Republicans to lose them and for them to forget the importance of the value of a dollar. Oddly enough, to continue with the Neocons' plan to stay in Iraq (100 years?), it will not be these kids, but their kids who will still be bleeding in the Middle East.

The job is done in Iraq. Time to come home. The job is done in South Korea, Japan, Germany, Britain, Norway, Italy, Spain, etc... Time to bring them home and maybe even put some on the border.