RP's followers chase Sean Hannity....

responders to this thread are any better than what ron paul grass roots supporters were apparently doing last night?

btw its an election and Ron Paul should get equal time he is a viable candidate got 10% in Iowa and has set record breaking

sure fox news is a private corporation but what do they claim "fair and balanced"? I dont see any balance by
excluding presidential candidates. "you decide"? looks like some people decided to go around chanting you suck
good for them I personally love living in a country where free speech even if you disagree with it is legal. dissent legal.

its an election of the country and fox news should respect the people of the country or face there admonishment
who is fox news to select the presidential candidates or nominee a corporation telling the people how it should be.

you guys are just as bad if not worse
just a bunch of pots calling kettle black
Hannity is a corprate media lapdog

Although it was wrong to chase him and akin to frightening a little girl.

For all his blustering and chest thumping that pasty faced putz couldn't fight his way out of a room full of Log Cabin Republicans(not that he would probably want to)

He only looks good when debating Colmes an even bigger wimp.
Playboypenguin (from another thread) said:
In my opinion, when threads are started to fling mud and not advance any ides it looks bad on the shooting community.

This is more like an attack on her for being a woman and crying or for being phoney and crying than it does anything political. It seems more like an attack on her as a person.

It fosters the idea that we are all right wing nutjobs that like to attack the other side not on principle but just for being on the other side.

And then from THIS thread.....

Playboypenguin said:
The worst part is that if they would have caught him and cut his tongue out I would have had to condemn their actions while trying not to giggle.:p

Point out Hillary is either faking crying or actually crying is evidence of poor fortitude and it sheds a poor light on the gun community. Cutting out someone's tongue and giggling isn't?

The actions those representing Paul took were wrong. PERIOD. The poor reflections on Paul serve neither Dems or Reps.

Also interesting that disagreeing with Hannity seems to warrant this atrocious behavior. It is even become BLAMING Hannity for it. 2A all the way, 1A only if you agree huh. Great reflection on our community.
responders to this thread are any better than what ron paul grass roots supporters were apparently doing last night?
you guys are just as bad if not worse
just a bunch of pots calling kettle black
Please explain how statements of fact such as this:
In Iowa, he garnered 10% of the vote, in Wyoming he garnered 0% of the vote, and in New Hampshire he's polling at 5% of the vote.
are the same as harrassment and profanity?
Again 9mmHP, you are ignoring that RP is simply passing on information that the Head of the CIA's binLaden group has said and written, and also the FBI's similar group. Sorry, I guess as far as the Republicans are concerned, both Ron Paul, the CIA and FBI are all nutjobs. A bunch of crackpots who know nothing about which they speak.

Oh- and the reason your dollar is falling in value is because we don't have enough troops deployed around the globe. The federal deficit is caused by underspending too huh?
most polls I have seen showed Paul gathering more than 5% in New Hampshire in fact they show him mostly in 3-4th place.

its simple Fox news did something wrong and they are facing the repercussions. they new they were getting a storm of negativity from there negative actions if they didnt want it the results they got they shouldnt have started it.

New Hampshire GOP backed out of sponsoring the forum because hunter and paul were excluded.

quit trying to look so highroad and demand highroad activity when your anything but yourselves.
most polls I have seen showed Paul gathering more than 5% in New Hampshire in fact they show him mostly in 3-4th place.
The latest CNN poll I looked at about 5 minutes ago, and which was compiled from different sources than the Fox News poll that shows RP at 5%, listed the top 4 Republican candidates. Rudy was in the #4 spot at 8%; RP wasn't listed. Since RP was not in the top 4, and since Rudy at #4 is at 8%, RP's poll numbers must be less than 8% in that particular poll.

But even if RP is in 3rd or 4th place, it doesn't change the fact that you stated "you guys are just as bad if not worse" than the harrassing mob of RP supporters, in your response to factual statements such as "In Iowa, he garnered 10% of the vote, in Wyoming he garnered 0% of the vote, and in New Hampshire he's polling at 5% of the vote."

So I ask again, please explain how a statement that reports a published result of current poll numbers, even if the numbers are wrong, is the same as or worse than the behavior of a harrassing mob? You made the claim; please support it rather than dodge it.
Ah, I see. The latest anti-RP conspiracy raises its head. What number of anti-RP conspiracy is this one? I've lost count. But the Wyoming Conspiracy still doesn't explain the New Hampshire poll numbers. Although, I'm sure a New Hampshire conspiracy does.
Wyoming has the largest per capita number of donors to the Ron Paul campaign, yet none of them could vote because of the method Wyoming uses to determine who votes for candidates. It's nothing new, and it's all available for anyone to verify.

The fact remains, the Ron Paul voters didn't get to voice their views with a ballot.
Paul was at 14% on Friday and 9% yesterday indicating an extremely volatile electorate, and the polls admit to not being able to track independent voters well if at all. New Hampshire has a huge number of independent voters who can vote in either either party's primary.
your question is a fallacy your not quoting me your making up ridiculous splice of words

what a laugh the call of passafism from this group.
maybe you should get in a circle and sing kumbaya my lord I cant wait to see who has the guitar and bongo drums.
I’m making several assumptions about your original post. Please correct any of the following assumptions that you believe is incorrect:

  1. You read the thread intelligently.
  2. You applied logic to the subject matter.
  3. You concluded in a broad-brush fashion that a correct statement of current, published poll numbers was just as bad or worse than the acts of a harassing mob.
All I’m asking is for you to share the logic you used to conclude that the characteristics of a correct statement of current, published poll numbers - which contained the names of states and several numbers but no words or actions of harassment - was just as bad or worse than the acts of a harassing mob.
Paul was at 14% on Friday and 9% yesterday indicating an extremely volatile electorate, and the polls admit to not being able to track independent voters well if at all. New Hampshire has a huge number of independent voters who can vote in either either party's primary.
Fair enough. Now we're getting somewhere and being civil in the process.

So let's say the vote swings back to 14% for RP. Mathematically, how does that propel him to the Republican nomination?
try doing some real reading if you see none of that on this forum then try opening your eyes
That was never my contention, and I purposely concentrated on my own statements because a) I can't speak for others, and b) your broad-brushed statement included my statements. If you're going to include my statements in your comments, I'm going to ask why.

If you can't tell you difference between a clearly labeled joke and a deliberate attempt to malign a persons character through speculation and conjecture I cannot explain it to you.
Eloquently put. The tone is familiar to the mindset. I guess Hannity's character is fair game. Not picking up a support Hannity position but I noticed that willingness to defame isn't REALLY based on protection of the reputation of the community, it IS actually based on who you share political opinions with.

If you can't see the hypocrisy I can't explain it to you.
Eloquently put. The tone is familiar to the mindset. I guess Hannity's character is fair game. Not picking up a support Hannity position but I noticed that willingness to defame isn't REALLY based on protection of the reputation of the community, it IS actually based on who you share political opinions with.
Show me where I maligned Hannity's character or made baseless speculation regarding the intent of his actions.

I did not take a innocent action of his and try to turn it into something sinister through conjecture.
Paul was at 14% on Friday and 9% yesterday indicating an extremely volatile electorate, and the polls admit to not being able to track independent voters well if at all. New Hampshire has a huge number of independent voters who can vote in either either party's primary.
Fair enough. Now we're getting somewhere and being civil in the process.

So let's say the vote swings back to 14% for RP. Mathematically, how does that propel him to the Republican nomination?

The nominating process is just beginning.

Here's the history of the winner of the presidential election in 1992.

Clinton, a Southerner with experience governing a more conservative state, positioned himself as a centrist New Democrat. He prepared for a run in 1992 amidst a crowded field seeking to beat the incumbent President George H. W. Bush. In the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War, Bush seemed unbeatable but a small economic recession spurred Democrats on. Tom Harkin won his native Iowa without much surprise. Clinton, meanwhile, was still a relatively unknown national candidate before the primary season when a woman named Gennifer Flowers appeared in the press to reveal allegations of an affair. Clinton sought damage control by appearing on 60 Minutes with his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, for an interview with Steve Kroft. Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts won the primary in neighboring New Hampshire but Clinton's second place finish - strengthened by Clinton's speech labeling himself "The Comeback Kid" - re-energized his campaign. Clinton swept nearly all of the Super Tuesday primaries, making him the solid front runner. Jerry Brown, however, began to run a surprising insurgent campaign, particularly through use of a 1-800 number to receive grassroots funding. Brown scored surprising wins in Connecticut and Colorado and seemed poised to overtake Clinton but a series of controversial missteps set Brown back and Clinton effectively won the Democratic Party's nomination after winning the New York Primary in early April.

Further, polling accuracy is declining from the 1992 period to today, not improving. I don't think there's certainty about a winner or loser at all.
Further, polling accuracy is declining from the 1992 period to today, not improving.
Not to swerve the topic, but I do not believe that. I think politicians would like you to believe that but I don't buy it.

If they can get you to not trust what you see and hear you don't ask questions when things don't seem to have turned out the way the should have.

It makes it a whole lot easier to rig election and other political procedures.