RP's followers chase Sean Hannity....

THIS is why leadership matters...........THIS is what happens to your name when you lend it to others without assurance of accountable parties and without setting standards then supervising that they are upheld.

Pat.....others may be surprised, but we both know I've had you pegged for a long time.......the margins have a chair for you, you did it again and this time, I don't know if you can be taken seriously after this. There were a minimum of 20 Paul signs just in that last shot alone. Clear as day, those were either Paul supporters or conspiring neocon globalist bankers out to stop Paul before he fixes America's dollar and lifts the long veiled truth about the Civil War.

Interesting also that the first comments out of Paul's mouth on Leno was against Fox news............
I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and while I would never condone this type of behavior, all I have to say is: well, what the hell did you expect? Take the names Ron Paul, Sean Hannity, or FOX News out of this and just consider what happens when any angry mob gets to confront someone they feel has treated them unfairly. Throughout this whole election Hannity has been constantly encouraging this sort of thing by calling Ron Paul supporters crazy, but now he is upset when he gets confronted by crazy Ron Paul supporters. What kind of logic is that? It seems to me that these people aren't crazy because they support Ron Paul, they are crazy because they believe everything they see on Fox News.

The Ron Paul Revolution will most likely start to die down after Super Tuesday next month, and it won't even matter. The Liberals will go on fighting the Conservatives, cable news will become even more scripted like pro wrestling, and things will just go on getting much worse.
The interview was stunning. He dissembled that he wasn't saying that the U.S. brought the 9/11 attacks on ourselves, then said exactly that, disgusting. I can't believe that is a sitting U.S. Congressman. He's cemented his reputation as a nut out on the margins. He's a Kucinich fan too...what a surprise.
I'm NOT a Ron Paul supporter...

But I'm not about to dis anyone for telling Heil Hannity to his face that he sucks.

Lying hypocritical scumbags suck.

Sean Hannity is a lying hypocritical scumbag.


Sean Hannity sucks. And its perfectly acceptable to tell him so.

And as to this particular incident, I've got about as much sympathy for Hannity as I do for movie stars who complain about the paparazzi. You don't like the attention? Don't take the money. Oh, wait... you took the money? Then shut the *#%& up.

Come on... the guy's using this to promote his own show! I just can't feel bad for him.

Now I consider you sane as opposed to others who are dissembling.
Ah, yes, thanks. However, validation of my sanity was not the purpose of the question; I was mainly picking on your comment:
Of course it goes without saying that I'm NOT at all surprised that none of the Paul supporters here condem this.
This was an inaccuracy, to put it mildly. Unlike many other inaccuracies this one was very easy to spot, to confront, and to debunk - mainly due to the deterministic nature of generalization employed. To be less vulnerable, you could use something vague. For example, "all RP supporters are nuts" would be good - proving that your are not nuts is harder than just putting a "nut" label on a person and repeating it like a mantra.

P.S. I hope you understand - it's not a personal attack. As for the accident w/ Hannity, it was both a condemnable and a very foolish act.
The worst part is that if they would have caught him and cut his tongue out I would have had to condemn their actions while trying not to giggle. :p
Fox does suck for excluding Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter, and I wouldn't blame a group of dozens of Hunter supporters a bit for chasing a network star down the street and telling him so, if a group of dozens of Hunter supporters could be mustered.

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I see this just as tube_ee does:

I've got about as much sympathy for Hannity as I do for movie stars who complain about the paparazzi. You don't like the attention? Don't take the money. Oh, wait... you took the money? Then shut the *#%& up.
Paul should apologize for the actions of his children and every TFL member who supports Ron Paul should condemn this disappointing display.

The Radical Ron supporters on teh intarwebs have done a great job of pushing me toward supporting Huckabee instead of Paul in the primaries.

You are known by the company you keep. And I wouldn't be caught dead in the company of people like that.

Interesting reasoning. Guilt by association. From a moderator, no less. And in this case, the "association" is purposely extended beyond those who are actually on the sidewalk in the video, to include all RP supporters/TFL members who don't kowtow to your opinion? Why not just include a 10-second time limit with your demand for condemnation, so EVERYONE can effectively be tarred?

And this, for the heinous crime of raucous expression of the first amendment?

String 'em up! While you're at it, perhaps a sticky condoning bashing, by selected people, for selected reasons?

Someone needs to take a chill pill (respectfully) ;)
If facism ever comes to this country, it will come wrapped in the Constitution and chasing shadowy zionist neocon rino conspirators.

lets all slow down and stop bashing. there is no reason any of us should resort to the same antics displayed by this group. it should be evident that these folks only wished to display their support (albeit in the worst way). their hearts were in the right place but unfortunately, their heads were not. and i think all should be able to agree that this is not representative of Ron Paul's style, method, or mannerism.

this act obviously had a very negative effect for all who witnessed it and does nothing to add any positive elements to Mr.Paul's campaign. it is a poorly thought out act conducted at the most inopportune time.
Instead of discussing your man vs my man who is racist who is not we all should be concerned at how third world like our elections have become, the influence of media and corporations in the process all much more disconcerting then someone insulting Hannity. Fact is I don't see a true leader who loves America and will support our country first therefore I have very little concern of any, this isn't a football game guys, winners vs losers it is for our country and its future.
Could someone clear up for me who the "we" and "they" Paul was referring to when he said last night that the reason a bunch of Saudis flew planes into the WTC was that "we" occupy "their" lands?
I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and while I would never condone this type of behavior, all I have to say is: well, what the hell did you expect? Take the names Ron Paul, Sean Hannity, or FOX News out of this and just consider what happens when any angry mob gets to confront someone they feel has treated them unfairly.
Hannity has a dedicated "Stop Hillary Express," so if anyone has a legitimate reason to complain of unfair treatment, it's the Hillary camp. But despite the vile and nasty way the Clintons conduct politics, I'm not aware of any similar action among her supporters.

The Ron Paul Revolution? Ron Paul will "mop the floor" with Hillary/Obama/Edwards? If any of that is going to happen, RP had better start soon. In Iowa, he garnered 10% of the vote, in Wyoming he garnered 0% of the vote, and in New Hampshire he's polling at 5% of the vote. Do the math.
In Iowa, he garnered 10% of the vote, in Wyoming he garnered 0% of the vote,
These two states don't have primary elections, they have caucuses. Wyoming, in particular, is tightly controlled by party officers, with the expected results.
These two states don't have primary elections, they have caucuses.
So? "Primary" and "caucus" are nowhere mentioned in my post. I listed the actual results of the voting.
Wyoming, in particular, is tightly controlled by party officers, with the expected results.
Ah, I see. The latest anti-RP conspiracy raises its head. What number of anti-RP conspiracy is this one? I've lost count. But the Wyoming Conspiracy still doesn't explain the New Hampshire poll numbers. Although, I'm sure a New Hampshire conspiracy does.

By the way, the "tightly controlled" Wyoming results show 25% vote for Thompson. I'm not clear whom these conspiracies are supposed to help if they don't help Romney, Guiliani, Huckabee, or McCain.

Pat, can you offer ANY explanation for RP's low numbers that ISN'T due to a conspiracy?