Ron Paul: why he could win.

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Actually, it's not your right to tell anyone what is or isn't a good enough reason to vote or not to vote for anyone.
"Actually", yes it is; just as it is his right to ignore me. But I didn't say what's "good enough", I said what's "valid".

And "Actually" none of this has anything to do with the thread topic. So what say you we get back to talking about why Ron Paul can or cannot win?

Here's a freebie:
As I sit here and type this there are Ron Paul supporters out working the crowds at the mall, a scene being repeated all across the country (as some of you will no doubt find out).
None of the other campaigns are doing this. None of the other campaigns are capable of doing this. :D
That is an easy question to answer. Most conservatives can see through all the BS that RP spews. They understand that he cannot make the changes that he proposes all by himself. RP acts and talks like the presidency is a dictatorship and he can just go up there to Washington and get rid of all these federal agencies with a snap of his fingers. His talk about withdrawing from Iraq does not sit well with the majority of conservatives who are smart enough to know what would happen if we just packed up and left.

RP appeals to young influential minds that are easily swayed because they don't have the experiance to know when they are being feed a bunch of BS. RP has made promises that he knows he can't keep.

Most of the RP supporters will disappear come election time once they figure out that they actually have to get up and go to the election polls to vote. If they can't text in a vote or vote on the internet they aren't interested in voting. His support will dwindle once people start voting, as the KIDS won't stand in line for something so silly as voting.
Why won't Ron Paul go on conservative talk radio shows. He's been offered several times but refuses.
I'd need a source to back up either claim. I don't know whether he's been on conservative radio talk shows or not as I don't listen to them.
I know if I were him I wouldn't bother with the likes of Limbaugh, Savage, and the rest of 'em. Not my target audience.

the KIDS won't stand in line for something so silly as voting.
1. Paul beats Giuliani 36-23, Huckabee 37-15-4, Hunter 35-12-1, Keyes 5-0, McCain 36-19-2, Tancredo 32-10-2, Thompson 28-26-1
It appears that the "kids" have been standing in line to vote for him all year. And with all their sign waving, canvassing, letter writing, and donating, I think only a fool would assume that they'd go to all that trouble and then not go vote.
The question is who, out of the people who are phoned at home, will get out of their recliners in the middle of winter?
I swear you just make this stuff up as you go :D

RP acts and talks like the presidency is a dictatorship...
You mean like mandatory health screening and a nationwide smoking ban? :rolleyes:
Quite the contrary. He's going to Washington to leave us alone. He's one of the few people in Washington who understands that the presidency is *not* a dictatorship.
I was wondering what your criticisms of Dr. Paul would be.

You devote a lot of time, at least on this forum, arguing the virtues of a Ron Paul Republican Nomination. At least to someone who might not know you, it seems a little fanatical.

This sort of blind identification with a candidate reminds me a lot of the Dean camp a few years back. I mean, I wouldn't even agree with my best friend on ALL issues if he ran.

Most of the RP supporters will disappear come election time once they figure out that they actually have to get up and go to the election polls to vote. If they can't text in a vote or vote on the internet they aren't interested in voting. His support will dwindle once people start voting, as the KIDS won't stand in line for something so silly as voting.

I think you might be suprised by those "kids" and the breadth of support those "kids" can have. In 1998 there was an ex wrestler running for governor of MN, no one in the power structure of the Republican or Democratic parties or media pundits expected him to win or even beat 5%. He won. There was much confusion and gnashing of teeth by the insiders. Another example of those "kids" being pivotal in an election was Paul Wellstone he beat a sitting Republican senator using grassroots support from those damn "kids".
Both Wellstone and Ventura were seriously outspent during their campaign and relied on those "kids" to carry the election. Both were serious underdogs that were given no chance to win. If Ron Paul continues to build support at a grassroots level the way he has been those "kids" may get him the Republican endorsement.
And on the subject of "broad support", check this out.

Ron Paul's base is not only not a few fringe loonies, it's the least homogenous group out there. :cool:
He annoyed the legislature on a fairly regular basis, he did start taking part time jobs (movies, sports announcer) which I wasn't real thrilled with but otherwise did well.
As I sit here and type this there are Ron Paul supporters out working the crowds at the mall, a scene being repeated all across the country (as some of you will no doubt find out).

Well, Ron Paul('s fans) had a booth at the Dallas market Hall Gun Show today. They also had people outside handing out bumper stickers, flyers, buttons, etc.

That said, I saw exactly one person wearing a button, and one or two carrying flyers. So I'd say he has a ways to go....
Heh, I remember Ventura. He seemed to do a reasonably good job of being governor.

The thing about him and Ron Paul is that neither one are afraid to say what's on their mind. This has a tendency to annoy or in some cases flat out tick people off. I have no idea why. Something about the fact that a certain group likes to put puppet strings on elected offices.


I have to ad. There seems to be alot of mockery and "ha ha Ron Paul is funny" type of posts but there seems to be very little substance in the opposition to Ron Paul. It takes a whole 2 minutes (if that) to type "Ron Paul won't win" and then click send. Perhaps this attitude is a sign of a much greater problem and not just about the canidate in question. But another thought occurred to me. How many of those who took 2 seconds to type ROTFL won't even expend the engery required to vote.
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exactly, Reagan won California. Now what's the chance of Ron Paul winning Texas?
In the general or the primary? I'd say he owns Texas, but it doesn't really matter in the primary.
What matters is Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Michigan and Nevada. After that, all the other states will basically participate in one big clump. There will still be other states afterwards who's primary contests will mean nothing because the nominee is statistically certain at that point.
Nevertheless, the breadth of the Paul grassroots means that there's an active campaign organization in every state of the union and every major city
from Nome, Alaska

to Ft Lauderdale, FL

and everywhere in between

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