Ron Paul: why he could win.

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Manedwolf, you assert that RP can't and won't win - over, over, and over again. My question is: would you put your money where you mouth is? Would you actually place as little as $100 to back up your assertion, or it's just talk, albeit expressed quite energetically?

Note: this is not an invitation for a bet. Never ever did I say here on TFL that "person such and such won't/will win, guaranteed" I abstain from making strong statements like that because there is always that randomness factor, and therefore won't put as much as a $1 to rule out any of the candidates. You, on the other hand, seem to have it figured out. So, how about that. Send me a $100, and at the end of the elections, if RP is not in the office, I'll send it back to you. I'll even adjust for inflation - with the way things are going it would only be fair, and meanwhile that $100 will be properly invested. The payback won't be in some looney "Liberty" dollars - it will be in old-fashioned, albeit losing respect around the globe, greenbacks.

If you can guarantee it (and you sound like you can), then there must be nothing to lose, and something to gain: you would show to the community here that it's not just babble. I would qualify it as moral victory. How about that? ;)
Ron Paul in 2008

Ron Paul can most certainly count on my vote along with the votes of freedom loving members of my family.
Tomorrow morning (Thanksgiving) there will be 9 million reasons why he can win :D

$8,968,364.11 As of 21:02 EST

Also an update on the Dec. 16th money bomb:

25 days to go and it's already bigger than Nov 5th.
G-Cym said:
It's not Ron Paul that is annoying, it's his followers that try to turn every thread into a RP worship fest. It turns people off to the whole idea. When you have a bunch of arrogant pricks recommending only one certain gun to you, of course you are subconsciously going to be skeptical of that gun based on their actions. And when you have a bunch of fanatics shoving one candidate down your throat constantly, of course you are going to transfer some of that sense onto the candidate himself, and associate the candidate with lunacy.

That's funny, almost all of the RP threads I've seen on THIS FORUM have been full of RP-bashers calling him nut job and every other name in the book. The "arrogant pricks" you describe are mysteriously absent from this forum IMHO. (Maybe that's because of forum rules...? Whatever.) I'm willing to be corrected by links, but I'll bet I can produce more RP bashers than "fanatics shoving" RP "down your throat constantly." At least from THIS FORUM. Or maybe it's how you define "shoving down your throat." Me, I support Ron Paul for President. (Oh, did I shove him down somebody's throat just then?)
8:24am Est
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Even if he gets the money it doesn't mean he'll win the nomination. I'm not saying he would be a bad president or that he doesn't have his followers, he obviously does. If he does get the nomination I'll vote for him, I just don't see it happening.
So why don't you vote for him and help him win the nomination? :confused:

Seems to me that "I'd vote for him but he can't win" is a pretty bizarre form of circular logic.

Yes, money is only a part of it. Organized volunteers on the ground (especially in the early states) is another. You've got to have people out canvassing, waving banners, conducting GOTV efforts, ads running, lawn signs planted, phone banking....
If a candidate has that, is in a position to grab headlines by exceeding expectations, and can ride the wave into Super Tuesday, he or she is in a position to win.
GoSlash, You're blurring the line between voting in the primary, and voting in the election. Hawg Haggen's post was pretty clear if you understand that difference between the 2 different votes. He's gonna vote for who he wants in the primary, hoping they will win. Good for him, that's the way it works. But this is where you get confused. If Haggen's guy doesn't get the nomination in the primary, he's not gonna write him in for the actual election. He'll vote for whoever gets the nomination.

Maybe Haggen supports Tancredo, so maybe he votes for Tancredo in the primary. But if RP wins the GOP primary, Haggen will vote for him, not write Tancredo in as some stubborn "I'm doing the right thing" gesture.

You RP supporters don't seem to get that. Why doesn't Haggen just vote for him an help him get the nomination? Obviously because there is another candidate that he would rather have get the nomination. Haggen also realizes that RP would be better than Hillary, even in RP isn't his first choice.

Hopefully you RP fanatics will make that connection sometime soon as well.
samoand, I support Mike Huckabee. I DO NOT however turn every thread I can find on this forum into a "why Mike Huckabee pwns" love-fest. RP fanatics do exactly that. There's the distinction. Have a nice day.
I'm not saying he would be a bad president or that he doesn't have his followers, he obviously does. If he does get the nomination I'll vote for him, I just don't see it happening.

I must have been confused by this statement.

Perhaps if he'd merely said he prefers another candidate...

Just so we're clear, "i prefer someone else" is a perfectly valid reason for not supporting a candidate. "He can't win" ,OTOH, is not.
/All I'm sayin'.

And G-Cym,
your last couple comments are irrelavant to the discussion in this thread.
samoand, I support Mike Huckabee. I DO NOT however turn every thread I can find on this forum into a "why Mike Huckabee pwns" love-fest. RP fanatics do exactly that. There's the distinction. Have a nice day.
So? I support Ron Paul. To me, he seems like a guy with consistent voting record that meets my expectations of what a president of this country should be like.
Did you see me making every thread on this forum into a "why Ron Paul pwns"? Yet you appear to imply that I, among millions of other quiet supporters, did exactly that. Frankly, I see much more fanatism coming from the anti crowd (examples available upon request)
Nothing personal, and Happy Thanksgiving.
I'm with you GoSlash27 and Ron Paul all the way to the White House... I have not been here much in the past few years and don't post much, but I thought we all loved Ron years ago?
Just so we're clear, "i prefer someone else" is a perfectly valid reason for not supporting a candidate. "He can't win" ,OTOH, is not.
/All I'm sayin'.

I didn't say he couldn't win. Stranger things have happened. I just don't see it happening. It's not that I'm not supporting him because I don't think he can win. I just don't think he's right for the job.
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