Ron Paul: why he could win.

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Excuse me? Now you're directly insulting me.

I said you were blatantly lying. Now I'll prove it:

As long as you don't edit your poll, that's evident to anyone who cares to look.

Please post where the numbers in that link disagree with what I've quoted or retract the accusation with an apology.

You posted:

Rasmussen 11/26-27/07 839 LV
Giuliani 12(15)
Huckabee 28(16)
McCain 4(6)
Paul 5(4)
Romney 25(29)
Thompson 11(14)

Here's a snippet from the Rasmussen site:


As anyone can see, you are lying. Heheh..your "math isn't wrong." The leaders aren't even the same. How about you quit trying to get the thread shut down and discuss the issue.

BTW, where did Lieberman end up in the 2004 Primary? Oh yeah, he's an independant now. :rolleyes:
What on earth are you talking about?
The "snippet" says exactly what I posted. So where's the lie? Be quick about it; you have deliberately attacked my integrity.

Are you griping about the order my listing is in? It's alphabetical in case you hadn't noticed. That tends to happen when one pulls the numbers off Pollster.Com :rolleyes:

Now a reminder
No spamming, trolling, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor
You have directly attacked my integrity. I demand either supporting evidence or a retraction with an apology.
Yes, I did attack your credibility. You lied.

Can you really not see that not even the LEADERS are the same?

Giuliani is in first in the poll you quoted. Please note that he's third in the snippet.

Also, note that your boy is not ranked where you optimistically said he was.

Wow. in Iowa we teach that 28>12. Romney is leading in my quote too.
The numbers in the screenshot are identical to those I posted. The numbers *not* captured in the screenshot are exactly correct as well. The only difference is that mine are quoted in alphabetical order because that's how Pollster lists 'em.

And if anybody is "lying" about ranking in the poll it's you, who keeps deliberately referring to Paul "in 6th place". Yet I won't accuse you of lying, merely being mistaken.

Man up. Aplogize and retract.
Romney is leading in my quote too.

Huckabee is leading the Rasmussen poll.

Again, wow.

Again, stop trying to manipulate the mods and deal with the issues being discussed.

and what happened to you trying to denigrate the polls a couple of pages back? You sure are talking numbers a lot suddenly.
Apologies. I meant Huckabee.

and what happened to you trying to denigrate the polls a couple of pages back? You sure are talking numbers a lot suddenly.
Only to illustrate how utterly useless they are. Do us all a favor: sit down and work out a rational argument to support your view and present something that stands up to cursory scrutiny. And please stop with the trolling, flaming, personal attacks, drive-bys and thread jacking so the rest of us can have an adult conversation.

Back to the topic: Why Paul can (or cannot) win.
Notice how carefully he phrased his response; "most" national polls? There's a reason for that. Yesterday it was "all" national polls.

The detractors are beating a dead horse. They're outta gas for their assertion that he "can't" win, so they just keep redefining what it takes to win. Every time he crosses the line, they just move it again. And of course, not a single one of 'em knows a blessed thing about primary politics.
They'll stay in denial for as long as they can, but it's becoming increasingly evident who's got their head in the sand.
When a candidate steps into the lead for fundraising, maintains the largest nationwide ground presence, draws the biggest crowds, and establishes complete dominance in everything except the single least historically reliable gauge...and they still deny the possibility that it might mean something, you know they're being intentionally obtuse.
There are some huge plans afoot this month; publicity stunts that will eclipse everything done up to this point. With the increasing media attention will come increasing poll numbers. Then all of a sudden they're not gonna like their random polling so much.

Ok. I admit it. I'm an idiot. I don't know anything about politics, statistics or human nature, and I certianly don't know anything about Ron Paul. I lack any critical thinking skills and really just am as dumb as a post.

With that I implore you join your buddy redworm and take $100 from me. Please please please. That will be $100 extra dollhares for you to spend on ammo, guns, or Pauls general election. All that and you will have the satisfaction of knowing I was utterly wrong and I'm going to vote for Paul in the general election to boot.

Clearly since I'm so stupid the only thing standing between you and $100 is some postage and you sending me your address.

Lets do it slash. Back your candidate and make me look like a total fool. If you truly believe everything you've written and are being 100% honest with us then you can't lose. Lets see some integrity.

I'm willing to back up my assertions. Are you?
In 288 posts, how many times and how many ways can we say the same thing? - Or - In 288 posts, how many times can we bash each others head over this? Over and over and over?

More noise than signal. Closed.
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