Ron Paul Scales Back, Shifts Focus to Congressional Race

You wanna know what I privately think, UR? I believe that many of our more recently joined "Paul supporters" are DU folks attempting to divide and conquer.
speaking of conspiracy theories :p
SteelCore said:
It's not "defeatism," it's acknowledging the reality that there were no WMDs there, and we're only spending lives, limbs, and ungodly amounts of money for no good reason.

The US can stay in Iraq if we want to. No one is going to physically drive us out. It's simply a terrible decision to stay, and it's going to bankrupt this country eventually (in more ways than one).

+1 gazillion to SteelCore, I couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm glad Dr. Paul's not running as a third party, all that would do is siphon votes from McCain similar to what Perot did to Dole.
By opposing party dogma, he may have doomed himself politically.

as a conservative....can I ask you WHAT the party dogma/platform IS??

Lately it has become:
  1. Spend and borrow.
  2. Ridicule the Democrats for being "Tax and Spend" liberals (which is actually more fiscally responsible)
  3. Spread democracy around the world, at gunpoint if necessary.
oh and
1. world cop here to save the world from itself..because like liberals...."we know better"
2. Individual liberty...what!!!... thats sooo 1770's
3. "common sense" reform on the bill of rights...there a war on terror goin on
4. Limted Govt....what!!! thats sooo 1980's
5. Like Mitt said...lets talk to a team of lawyers before we go into another country.....the Constituion...what!!!!
[qujote]I'm glad Dr. Paul's not running as a third party, all that would do is siphon votes from McCain similar to what Perot did to Dole.[/quote]That would be a positive service to America. However, I think McCain will lose in November should he actually be nominated and remain in good health.

We do not want a McCain presidency.
Oh sure, the libs (liberals and libertarians) hate McCain. :rolleyes:

How many delegates does McCain have again?

And Ron Paul is 'scaling back', huh?!? I'll bet he is. I would, too. :D
Sorry Ron Paul supporters it appears your candidate is going to use all that money for his congressional re-election bid.
Let's not confuse fact with speculation. He has already stated that he will not be using the PCC funds for his re-election bid.
As busy as I am trying to spread our message of freedom around the nation…and even the
world…I simply cannot afford to ignore my reelection campaign at home. The success we
have seen in fundraising for the presidential campaign has clearly come at the expense of my
not doing ANY fundraising for my congressional campaign. As a result the congressional
campaign account is virtually empty. Federal election laws make it virtually impossible for
me to use any of my presidential funds for my congressional race so long as I remain a
candidate for president. That presents a real problem…because as long as I continue to have
success running for President, I will have a hard time securing funds for my congressional
Well, fortunately, federal election law treats donations to the presidential campaign and the
congressional campaign as two separate items for accounting purposes. That means someone
who gave a large donation to the presidential race…perhaps even the maximum…can also
give to my congressional campaign without any conflict or penalty.

Since this letter was sent, has secured $317,000 toward that end. He doesn't need the pcc funds.
All those funds sure are helping his presidential campaign in Texas, in fact Paul is polling at a scales tilting 11% in his home state. Paul may want to think about staying in Congress. It is evident that Paul's message doesn't even register with his home state crowd.
It is evident that Paul's message doesn't even register with his home state crowd.
You do realize that political movements like this take time. Ending slavery didn't happen overnight. Getting women the right to vote didn't happen overnight, heck none of the people who started the womans suffrage movement lived to see women be granted the right to vote.

Even if Paul doesn't win, he is still getting his message out. He is planting the seed, laying the foundation for other people to garner even greater support. The major parties will have two choices, yield to the demands of this movement or be swept to the wayside.

The problem is that many people only think in terms of (D) and (R). Heck, the Dem's are seriously nominating the next Jimmy Carter (Obama) and the GOP is ignoring the only conservative in the race.
The only conservative in the race doesn't have the means or personality to get his message out without looking like a complete idiot in the process.

I have stated that Ron Paul has some good positions, but he would get severely beaten by either of the Dems in a debate. You have a problem when you can't get the people in your own home state to recognize your message. I live in Texas and Ron Paul is nothing more than a Joke to most Texans. I live in the DFW area and you just don't see much support for him at all.

All the GOP candidates have at least carried their home state, but Paul is way behind in Texas. That fact alone should cause anyone thinking about voting for Paul some concern. I am getting bombarded with Obama and Hillary adds on a daily basis and yet with all the money Ron Paul has, not one Ron Paul for president add, NOT ONE. What is he doing with all that money he has raised? He certainly isn't spending it on TV adds in Texas.
That fact alone should cause anyone thinking about voting for Paul some concern.

You might not have noticed, but ->John McCain<- is going to be the Republican nominee. It doesn't really matter what chance Paul has in Texas, or his lack of ability to lie convincingly.
If you think we need a federal government that obeys the Constitution, you vote Paul.
I don't want to go to work either, but until something better comes along I'm stuck.

Same goes for McCain.

How long will it take for the GOP to figure out this logic does not inspire nor win elections?????
How long will it take for the GOP to figure out this logic does not inspire nor win elections?????

I don't know. I DO know that your logic bought me an AWB when I voted for Perot.

Fool me twice, shame on me.