Ron Paul Scales Back, Shifts Focus to Congressional Race

Well then I guess my opinion is that I believe he'll use the funds to keep pressing for the nomination or to garner enough support to be written in or that simply to keep spreading the message all around the media so that in four years a better candidate can be chosen than a big government republican or a big government democrat

What makes you think that is going to happen. He hasn't exactly been lighting it up with the advertising now has he? Paul knows even if you don't that he is basically finished with the nomination.

IMHO, Paul will use those funds that he has been so stingy with in his re-election bid. He will need every dollar in order to get re-elected. The people in his district have seen the real Ron Paul and they don't like what has been revealed.
He'd better spend it on his congressional race; folks down here are aren't exactly applauding his defeatism concerning Iraq.
It's not "defeatism," it's acknowledging the reality that there were no WMDs there, and we're only spending lives, limbs, and ungodly amounts of money for no good reason.

The US can stay in Iraq if we want to. No one is going to physically drive us out. It's simply a terrible decision to stay, and it's going to bankrupt this country eventually (in more ways than one).

Coastal Texas loves Dr. Paul when he's appropriating subsidies for the shrimping industry, but remember...these are blue collar folks who don't really dig a 'blame America first' mentality.
How about a "blame the American government first" mentality? Last time I checked, the American government and America were not the same thing.

Call me crazy, but I happen to think that the US government IS to blame for US foreign policy.

True, there are many citizens who follow the government wherever it leads -- mistaking conformity for "patriotism" -- and they share some responsibility. But they're not as much to blame as those who lie to them, meaning the government and its shills in the media.
5 minutes of research will prove you wrong. There are rules governing what he can use that money for. Almost all of those funds cannot be used on his congregational campaign. He will have to keep the money for his presidential bid and congress campaign completely separate.

Really? Then why was that Hillary was able to use her Senate campaign funds for her presidential run? I think that once he drops out of the presidential race he can use those funds for his congressional re-election.

The key is he must drop out of the presidential race first, which he will do eventually. He has zero chance. One has to wonder why he hasn't been spending all that money he has been raising. Ron Paul is going to focus on his congressional re-election bid, after all it would be such a shame if the Doctor had to get a real job again.
Ron Paul is scaling back his presidential bid in order to focus on his congressional re-election campaign. His focus and number one priority is on his district, he even said so.
I cannot and will not let them down,” he wrote. “And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.”

Sounds like his number 1 priority to me.
Well congratulations on interpreting his statements with your own bias but that does not equate to him saying it's his number on priority.
I was in Surfside this weekend. Saw two large Paul signs. Normally his hometown is buried in those signs.

Don't know what it means, but it's different. I know (anecdotally) that he's lost a lot of local support due to his foreign policy views being aired to a larger audience.
Ron Paul has certainly drawn a lot of attention to himself, and I have no doubt the Republican party establishment will put its full weight and effort behind a candidate who won't upset the apple cart.

By opposing party dogma, he may have doomed himself politically.

Who is running against him in his district?
Ron Paul isn't dropping out of the campaign as far as I know, but if he does do that he can legally use the remaining funds in his congressional race.

I certainly hope he does just that when the time comes.

Ron Paul has certainly drawn a lot of attention to himself, and I have no doubt the Republican party establishment will put its full weight and effort behind a candidate who won't upset the apple cart.
The Bush'ists have tried that for the last two congressional elections in Paul's district. With complete and utter failure.
So why's Mr. Paul scaling back when he has obviously won every state caucus and primary, is raising $8 trillion dollars a second, and has more than 420 million delegates sewn up?
The Bush'ists have tried that for the last two congressional elections in Paul's district. With complete and utter failure.

Another bald faced lie from Pat.

Dr. Paul ran against Democrat Shane Sklar in 2006 and won with overwhelming Republican support.

In 2004, Dr. Paul ran unopposed!

Such BS from Paul's supporters...and you guys wonder why he never made any headway...
Such BS from Paul's supporters...and you guys wonder why he never made any headway...

You really think a small percentage of his supporters making misrepresentations and inaccurate statements is why Paul is doing so poorly???

If that was the case, Bush would have never been elected. He had a ton of disinformation spread prior to his election.

No I think the reason Paul lost was because most voters, for whatever reason, rejected his message.
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You really think a small percentage of his supporters making misrepresentations and inaccurate statements is why Paul is doing so poorly???

My honest answer is yes.

This from someone who supported Dr. Paul's Congressional runs for years.

I believe the 9/11 conspiracists, the John Birchers,the New World Order nutballs, the Rockwell fanatics...they all combined to really piss off those of us who are politically aware and pay attention to goofy antics.

For me personally, it was Paul's untenable foreign policy and the histrionics of his local supporters that convinced me that the guy can't lead.

His online supporters are even worse, relentlessly regurgitating BS they copied from fringe websites...Paul could never get past his supporters.

You wanna know what I privately think, UR? I believe that many of our more recently joined "Paul supporters" are DU folks attempting to divide and conquer.

The usual suspects have attempted to involve themselves in certain gun rights related threads here and their motives are remarkably transparent...hardly libertarian.