Ron Paul Scales Back, Shifts Focus to Congressional Race


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TURN OUT THE LIGHTS...THE PARTIES OVER. Sorry Ron Paul supporters it appears your candidate is going to use all that money for his congressional re-election bid. I guess Ron Paul has finally come to the conclusion that he doesn't have much of a chance for the Republican nomination. The fat lady has started warming up her voice.

Ron Paul Scales Back, Shifts Focus to Congressional Race
Saturday, February 9, 2008

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Ron Paul says he’s still in the presidential race but is moving to scale back his staff and shift focus to his own re-election campaign for his Texas congressional seat.

The libertarian-leaning, financially well-endowed Republican candidate who was all but overshadowed by the once-titanic fight between Mitt Romney and John McCain, wrote in a message to supporters on his Web site Friday that he has an obligation to his constituents in Texas.

“I cannot and will not let them down,” he wrote. “And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.”

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich cited his congressional race, too, when he dropped out of the Democratic field, but Paul said he’s not giving up the fight.

With Romney out of the race, Paul said the chances of a brokered convention are nil, “but that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get.”

He added that with many contests over, he does not need a big national staff, so he’ll make his “leaner and tighter.”

Paul’s chances for recovery in the presidential race are smaller than Mike Huckabee’s. He has 14 delegates, according to the latest Associated Press tallies, compared with McCain’s 719.

But Paul ruled out a third-party run: “I do not denigrate third parties — just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.”

He said no matter what, “The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will be hearing much from you and me.”

Click here to read Paul’s statement.
No where does he say that he's going to use the money donated for his presidential campaign for his congressional re-election campaign. Scaling back the size of his campaign in the name of efficiency in no way means he's not putting the same amount of effort into what he's doing.

Kinda falls in line with how he believes the government should run, don'tcha think?
What do you think he is going to do with all that money? If you don't think he will be using it on his congressional bid, I think you are sadly mistaken. I don't think there is any law that prohibits him from using it for his congressional re-election.
What do you think he is going to do with all that money? If you don't think he will be using it on his congressional bid, I think you are sadly mistaken. I don't think there is any law that prohibits him from using it for his congressional re-election.
He will use it for his current campaign?

Why am I sadly mistaken? What evidence is there to show he has any intention of using that money for anything of the sort?

There may be no law prohibiting such a thing but since he appears to be one of the most honest politicians in the land there's no reason to assume he'll suddenly be dishonest.
Paul's not out yet; he's going all the way to the convention. (as such, he cannot use his presidential campaign fund for his relection bid.) But he's focusing on his congressional seat.

Wouldn't it be funny if McCain and Huckabee ran out of money and had to drop out, and Paul won by default because of his fiscal responsibility? (yeah, I know it's just a fantasy)
Considering the source of that information (Faux News) I'll have to say. No thanks, and no disinformation tripe for me. It is illegal to use funds from the presidential campaign for a simultaneous congressional one. Yes we are going to make sure he has enough to stay a congressman but the campaign is not scaling back nothing.
Those were accurate but slightly out-of context quotes from an email that went out to Ron Paul supporters (such as myself) yesterday.
I still can't help but wonder if he won't run in a third party with his money.

Most primary states allow only Rep and Dem. a few Indep.
But how can you tell what % of third party votes he would receive?
I'm a Libertarian and would vote for Ron Paul over Hilliary,Obama,or McCain.

The media will call Ron Paul a crackpot.Yet he is a Doctor and Congressmen.
The sheeple really do think the media is always right.:rolleyes:
Anything from FOX news is a joke .

Ron Paul might drop out due to previous bias by media like Fox marginalizing him , but this piece is nothing more than media manipulation.
He cannot move the money from his presidential campaign towards his congressional campaign. He can run for President and Congress at the same time though doing so he cant shift money around.

He is not stopping his presidential bid and he also ruled out 3rd party run.

He added that with many contests over, he does not need a big national staff, so he’ll make his “leaner and tighter.”

Whats wrong with that? What you prefer a candidate with a big liberal amount of staff that blows money out of its pockets into debt like nothing? Hardly a example of conservatism. Conservatives try to conserve well one does.

Definitions of conservative on the Web:
resistant to change
opposed to liberal reforms
cautious: avoiding excess; "a conservative estimate"
button-down: unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-grey world of business"- Newsweek
a person who has conservative ideas or opinions
bourgeois: conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class; "a bourgeois mentality"

1: to keep in a safe or sound state <he conserved his inheritance>; especially : to avoid wasteful or destructive use of <conserve natural resources>
2: to preserve with sugar3: to maintain (a quantity) constant during a process of chemical, physical, or evolutionary change <conserved DNA sequences>
Hey XNavy,

Nothing in Dr Paul's quotes said anything about what he's going to do with the money. It's only your opion that he will use it for his re-election.

Keep it honest or my ex-navy machinist-mate side will come out.:mad:
When Paul drops out of the race he will use those funds for his congresional re-election. It is only a matter of time till he drops out. He has no chance at the nomination and this scaling back of staff is the first step in admitting it.

He will keep his nomination alive a little longer to make it look good, but in the end he will drop out and use those funds for his re-election bid. I just feel sorry for all the people who in the end will have been taken advantage of by Paul. Of courst this is just my Opinion, but that is how I see this playing out.

Huckabee just won Kansas by a 3 to 1 margin with less than a million in the bank.

For those that think Paul isn't scaling his campaign back to work on his congressional re-election maybe this source suits you better.

The below message from Paul is clear, he is basically admitting his chances are slim to none and will focus and expend his energies on his congressional re-election bid.

Message from Ron (2/8/08)
Whoa! What a year this has been. And what achievements we have had. If I may quote Trotsky of all people, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have embarked. Not because of me, but because of you. Millions of Americans -- and friends in many other countries -- have dedicated themselves to the principles of liberty: to free enterprise, limited government, sound money, no income tax, and peace. We will not falter so long as there is one restriction on our persons, our property, our civil liberties. How much I owe you. I can never possibly repay your generous donations, hard work, whole-hearted dedication and love of freedom. How blessed I am to be associated with you. Carol, of course, sends her love as well.

Let me tell you my thoughts. With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered convention are nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get. But with so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.

I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.

In the presidential race and the congressional race, I need your support, as always. And I have plans to continue fighting for our ideas in politics and education that I will share with you when I can, for I will need you at my side. In the meantime, onward and upward! The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will be hearing much from you and me.


What do you think he is going to do with those funds? Send them back to the people? I don't think so. I also stated that it was my opinion, not fact.
Well then I guess my opinion is that I believe he'll use the funds to keep pressing for the nomination or to garner enough support to be written in or that simply to keep spreading the message all around the media so that in four years a better candidate can be chosen than a big government republican or a big government democrat.
He'd better spend it on his congressional race; folks down here are aren't exactly applauding his defeatism concerning Iraq.

Coastal Texas loves Dr. Paul when he's appropriating subsidies for the shrimping industry, but remember...these are blue collar folks who don't really dig a 'blame America first' mentality.