Ron Paul, Dr. No-body, beats Rudy and Fred--again

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cool hand luke
Actually, most of the name calling seems to be coming FROM the Ron Paul supporters, not the other way around.

I've yet to hear a Ron Paul supporter make an argument in his favor without using the term "neo-con" to insult any Republican who doesn't support Paul.
two statements, two lies. I'm a supporter and I challenge you to find a single RP-related post by me using this term. As for name calling - you personally should be very, very quiet.

McCain does not have a good NRA rating. He also is horrible on freedom of speech. After he lost in 2000 his real motivation for McCain Feingold was to shut up all of the people who pointed out his true record on conservative issues.

Supreme Court appointments are one of the most important things that I consider in my presidential appointments. McCain will appoint Warren Rudman like liberals in the image of Justice Suter.

McCain = Hillary lite

I dont care about his military service - thanks for your service. Thousands of other men suffered just like McCain and they don't throw it in our faces every day. It has no bearing on his qualifications for president. So he can fly a plane and drop bombs. Doesn't mean he will be a good president. He's an ego maniac.
Musk, you are right in the need to be strong about getting someone other than Rudy or Mit in there. I'm still not sure about McCain after all these years he's tried to be pres.

something to think about though, what will the "Christian Coalition" types do if Rudy or possibly Mitt get the nomination? I think many in the CC will have a hard time voting for Rudy, and would either sit this one out, or seriously consider an independent to make a point. now, if more of the CC types could wrap their heads around the 2A and be as vocal about it as they are issues like abortion and gay marriage, that would be a huge block of 2A supporters.

I'm hoping there's a surprise in this process, because I'm not voting for Rudy. And if the choices are Rudy or Hillbama, I guess we all potentially loose. Potentially because, there is still one possible way to get around the problems of a Hillbama win, and that is if there are quality RP congressional candidates, and if Congress were to swing back. A stalemate may be our best hope this time around.
Speaking of conservatives, let's look at Reagan's SC appointees:

1) O'connor - liberal
2) Kennedy - moderate who sides with libs on high profile issues
3) Scalie - conservative

2/3 Reagan appointees sucked. I'll take W's Roberts and Alito any day!
I wonder who appointed him

Oh wait I remember our current Presidents father.

I don't care who W senior appointed. You and your buddies have been railing against Bush the neo-con. Well, the neo-con has given us two conservative judges.

You, as with most Paul supporters simply dismiss facts as irrelevant when they aren't suitable to you. That speaks more of your position than any response you could give.
Why do you say they are conservative? They are unproven. Souter and Kennedy were considered conservatives early in their careers also

Because of the decisions they have rendered thus far as well as their record as appellate court judges. Souter's record as a federal judge was completely unknown. He served on the 1st circuit for 3 months before being nominated to SCOTUS. Kennedy was simply a poor choice.
So far it appears that Alito and maybe Roberts(will see as time goes along) might be good justices.

So that trumps everything else?

I should throw all my long held political beliefs away and hope John "amnesty" McCain does the right thing?

It is possible that Romney might make some Alito like nominations, but McCain?

Huckabee will never win the Presidency or the nomination.
I should throw all my long held political beliefs away and hope John "amnesty" McCain does the right thing?

It is possible that Romney might make some Alito like nominations, but McCain?

Huckabee will never win the Presidency or the nomination.

You are so hung up on McCain. He hasn't won the nomination yet.

However, even if he does, I'd still submit that whoever he nominates would be better than a liberal nominee. Lukewarm conservatism goes much further than a hardcore liberal when trying to fix things.
Time out for a second: Everybody breathe. Okay,
Can anyone convince me that any non-Paul republican can beat the democratic nominee, even with Paul supporters (remembering that some Paul supporters are not the traditional "Republican" voter)?
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McCain's nominee better than a liberals Hillary's?

Sure, if you get excited over saying Souter is better than Ginsburg.
Can anyone convince me that any non-Paul republican can beat the democratic nominee

You bet they can, when they confront Hillbama about taxes, abortion, cut-and-run/General Betrayus, gun control, and lots of other issues.

It ain't gonna be as easy for the Democrats to win as some of the Democrats here seem to think it's gonna be. ;)
I'd say that if it was not for Iraq Bush's overall record would be perceived much more positively than it is now. His poor management and inability to react to changing cirmcumstances and unfounded accusations leaves him looking incompetent. On the domestic front:

Tax Cuts, Alito, Roberts, and other very solid judicial appointments at the appelate and district court level

Immigration, prescription drug plan, no child left behind.

Those of us who are second ammendment supporters should be very happy with W. However, his poor judgment looks like it is leading to a Hillary or Obama presidency.
miboso said:
Can anyone convince me that any non-Paul republican can beat the democratic nominee, even with Paul supporters (remembering that some Paul supporters are not the traditional "Republican" voter)?
Actually, McCain is the only major Republican candidate who polls well against the major Democratic candidates. Obama is doing better against all the major Republican candidates than Hillary except John McCain (as then you have the independents splitting).

Too much of Paul's support base is young; they're just not reliable voters. And then, you'd be sad to be fully cognizant of just how powerful an effect on voting media exposure has. Though Paul is getting plenty of it (comes off as a pleasant man on Leno, anyway) for free, Rudy is much more mainstream than him and once he actually starts running, he's going to be well ahead of Paul in the polls because he'll be back on the minds of voters.
Actually, McCain is the only major Republican candidate who polls well against the major Democratic candidates. Obama is doing better against all the major Republican candidates than Hillary except John McCain (as then you have the independents splitting).

... Rudy is much more mainstream than him and once he actually starts running, he's going to be well ahead of Paul in the polls because he'll be back on the minds of voters.

And if Rudy runs, Bloomberg will very likely enter the race, thus splitting the fiscal wing of the republican party and drawing in a fair number of dems. And actually, with the ability to easily outspend every other candidate in the race (combined), Bloomberg could very easily win.
And if Rudy runs, Bloomberg will very likely enter the race, thus splitting the fiscal wing of the republican party and drawing in a fair number of dems. And actually, with the ability to easily outspend every other candidate in the race (combined), Bloomberg could very easily win.

Not a chance. Money doesn't win elections. Money allows you to run. theres a huge difference between the two.
Not a chance. Money doesn't win elections. Money allows you to run. theres a huge difference between the two.

True, dollars don't vote, and money can't buy happiness but it certainly improves your bargaining position. Money matters in politics, just ask Rudy, Huck, or Thompson, and Bloomberg is virtually unlimited in his spending capacity. A potential billion dollar war chest (and not having to solicit donations) is nothing to sneeze at, especially when it may be backing what may be the most antigun candidate in the race.

Or is it your contention that money doesn't matter in politics?
And if Rudy runs, Bloomberg will very likely enter the race, thus splitting the fiscal wing of the republican party and drawing in a fair number of dems. And actually, with the ability to easily outspend every other candidate in the race (combined), Bloomberg could very easily win.

Bloomberg would pull from the Dems far more than the Republicans. The vast majority of Reps already hate him, the Dems in NYC like him though...
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